Post 9000 and over 3000 flowers.

in #steem6 years ago

Spotted the error?

Reminds me of a well known car brand.

Bring in the balloons!

Yes it states flowers, as in those who go with the flow, you know? Even forgot to celebrate my second year being active on the Steem blockchain. But things have passed and wend by so quickly. Also I have a short attention span when something starts to become repetitive. For some or the other reason though I can be extremely focussed on one thing for a long time. To such a point where I do not even pay attention to what is happening around me. Even get annoyed when someone or something distracts me.

Anyway, never mind the bollocks, did you know though that the sex-pistols song "Doge made it clean." {Making sure I do not get flagging censored here.} got banned and still sold 200.000 copies in its first week after its release? Weird thing was that it did not make it to number 1 in the charts. Instead it got stuck at 2. Which is a kind of ironic if that bothered people. As punx did not give a shait, or were not supposed too.

There was also the mistake of punk, the fashion for young rebels, being thought to be anarchism. Like it is still being linked to chaos by mainstream media. Yet chaos leads to a new order comming in, supposed to safe us from all the disorder. Malcolm McLaren {Not the car brand I was hinting at, it was Porsche, thanks sponsor for my new car.} made it all up, that punk thing. And the power of mainstream media did the rest.

Party on, punx dead.

Great achievement, sure, almost at 10.000 posts. Did you notice a slightly cynical undertone so far then well spotted. Yes, true, I am way passed the point where I was fully dedicated to posting, curating and replying. Sorry, but you know it is my short attention span that kicked in again after the ultra-focus I had on Steem. That may have lasted for months, it was a blast though, back then.

Chaos can even be created with the intention to establish a new order. Create violence and destruction, divide people and then rule over them. At some point, in the beginning of Steem I thought there was room to explore something else than massmedia and politics was dictating. Writing about why those narcistic phychos believe they are supposed to be our leaders and have a lot of people believe that is true. While history just was repeating itself, only slightly changed.

Time flew by my window.

Wanted to write about the essence of being. A bit more phylosofical approach. Building on things like non-time-space as a factor that has been left out too many times. That would mean we'd have to deal with things like non-lightspeed, or rather, the ZERO reality. That would make up some interesting subject, well I did think so, yet I had a change of heart. And then, before I knew it, I was writing about Cryptos instead.

Cryptos, to me, related to anarchism. Except for utter bull like Cripple and Buttcrap Crash, that was Crapitalism getting its business in, with its banking monetary governance system. And then it is all about making profits. Yeah sure, buy some stock of the weapon industry too, while you are at it, heard you can make a real profit on the war machine, it's a killing business, good for the economical growth right... Sure, I was disappointed when I noticed that kind of thing seemed to take over Steem too. Again, the cynism here is a self proclaimed art, how arrogant bastardly of me. If Malcholm "Two Buffalo Girls" McLaren can create a fashion tupperware called punk, than anybody could create cynism as an artform. Spreading it like a disease.

Still here, by free choice.

Yes, things have changed for Steem too. At one point it was this self rewarding decentralized freedom of speech platform. Now, if you want to know what it became, that is defined by the trending page and the reward pool draining bots. Something I am also supposed to hush about, as some bot owners got angry, because their service does not drain at all, according to them. Sure, if you just claim that aggressively enough people would not dare to oppose it. And hey, do send me free Steem with that resteem advertising crap. It adds nicely to my SP.

"Ow, this is a kind of grumpy, is it not? Should you not be celebrating 3000 followers?", should, must, have to, it is a kind of the opposite of what I just wrote. Heck, I might even abuse the fun tag! Because who is to decide if anybody thought this was any fun at all? Yes, I even agree that everybody is free to be a knob now and then, or even a total one all of the time, me included. As freedom is to be experienced by its limits. While acting as if there are no borders is just creating chaos and that would only lead to a new order being formed.

Thanks anyway.

For still reading this all the way too here. And if you disagree with me, even if for a tiny part, I salute you. Do you like XRP and BCH? Well, many others do, it does not make them right, nor does my opinion about those scam Cryptos. It is my freedom of expression that I did use in this post, to be locked into the Steem blockchain. Even though I can argue why those ones are evil, it is still as it is believed from my paradigm. And that is something I still like about something like Steem. It gives an open and free insight into other fellow humans their paradigm. To some extend some added to mine or made mine shift and even tilt a bit over time.

So to you who: gave me all those different insights, showed me art, teached me some new things, stirred in my emotions, made me laugh, made my eyes a bit watery, proved me either wrong or right or just made me aware of this beautifull thing called life, I say: "Thank you!".

Have a great one!


Totally got the message and agree (to a blind bat, a nod's as good as a wink).
Still, congrats!! Wish you a lot more (serious) "flowers".

You can always change the fun-tag into 'satire' and get away with it if necessary.

Thanks mate, always appreciate your feedback, fun twists and the musical references! Like the saying about the bat. (And suddently it triggered a piece of music in my mind 😎👍)

Thanks for your fun posts and the sometimes serious ones!

Have a great day!


Know Meatloaf had this thing with bats, but am not sure if you ment that.
Anyway, thanks (sofar) for your wise words and pics every now and then and having given me a better insight in crypto's.
Have a great day too.
Cheers and Latex!

Spot on! That was the one I was referring to.

You are welcome and thank you for your support! Cheers en tot latex!

Cryptos, to me, related to anarchism. Except for utter bull like Cripple and Buttcrap Crash, that was Crapitalism getting its business in, with its banking monetary governance system.

This made me laugh so hard!

Congratulations @oaldamster

Thanks @skytrex, I am glad to know it made you laugh! 😊

And thank you for providing laughs and smiles!

Have a great day!

fing resteem monkeys...

And now witnesses sending memo's asking to vote for them...Hmm I thought lets give em a koekje van eigen deeg.. I ask them to vote for me but they dont response :)

Hahaha, smart move, getting back at them like that! And yeah, doubt the will upvote you in support. But you know: never shotten always missed. 😁👍

Thanks for your innercity photos of art and more posts!

Have a splendid day!

haha indeed i dont expect him to vote for me but that okay im already use to that :)

Thanks, I'm glad some can appreciate it.

(edit: i did read the whole post :)

Again thanks with this weather that shouldn;t be a problem.

Have a good day 2!

Keep trying and some day, some day...

Thanks for reading, I do appreciate it!

Bit more fresh here in the north-east, but still nice weather to be on the outside.


Happy 2nd Steemit B-Day grumpy Oaldamst :)

btw, your comments' are counted as posts - thus the 9k
congrats for the milestone and cheers!

yeah .. the damn good old posting days may be over
but who knows what's in store to come
it seems different every year
btw, blow the candle already
and use the bidbots
you'd only find out if you do
me? a bad influence - who cares ..
lol .. cut that cake already !

peace out!

oh wait! maybe you should get back to your old posting style, too
I miss reading your stories ;)

for more blessed years to come!

Thank you Ivy!

Yes, I know about replies counting as posts, they get rewarded like that too, which is a nice bonus. Some of my replies, I think, were even amongst my best and longest posts, hahaha.

Will do my usual, that fits my nature best, there might even be a story again, someday. Or more than one even. Things change, people do too, everything changes, that is the only thing that is certain. But enough with the philosophy already. Let's move on 'cause it's time to groove on. (Never knew what that groove part ment though.)

Thank you for all your entertaining and informative posts. With many teachings too, or inventations to learn something, or to dig deeper. Lots of photos and videos to enjoy. The challenge, way back...

Keep 'm comming miss Beezee! 😉

Nice post. Thanks @oaldamaster

Now that was a really great reply. You cleary read my work. Thank you so much for your time and effort to do so. And your upvote is appreciated by me.

I have nothing to do with you. Even then you have encouraged me.
Thank You Sir.

Its Great Achievement 9000+ Post and 3000 Followers Its really huge.

Congratulation sir for great achievement.

Well thank you, it gives me the right boost to write even more.

9000 post !!!!!!!!!!
Not bad.. Its a great achievement....
I don't ever see that one person posted 9000 post...!!! @oaldamster

There are those who did way more than this, really.

Congratulations, a charming and cheery review of Steem! :)

lol, I read the whole thing, I agreed, disagreed... I laughed, I cried. :) 2 years, I'm right about there also, some days it feels like it went by quickly and sometimes it is measured in something like dog years.

Thank you! Glad I can respond to a fellow human being who actually read it. 😉👍

Guess I was a bit melachonic, in them past days, when one knew what Steem was about, hahaha. Two years do indeed seem like a long time and like a blink of the eye at the same time.

Thanks for your reply and have a nice day!

Congratulations for your milestone...
Its a huge !!!
Glad that i am also your follower @oaldmster

Thanks, I do hope you also can appreciate the content, now and in the days to come.

I can see, you even got some real reading followers in here, and that's very nice.
Congrats!! @oaldamster

Thanks @abbak7, one thing great about Steem is getting in contact with real people in having meaningfull and fun conversations. Even had the pleasure to meet a few in real life, looking forward to more of that.

Have a great day and thanks for your reply.

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