Buying advertising on Steem

in #steem7 years ago

To get to hot and trending

Of course nobody is here for the money, we are all here for the Cryptos!

The upvotebot and SP delegation market

Yes, I also love the Steem blockchain for being a freedom of speech platform. And also it offers a way to be able to pluck ones own Fruit Of Work {FOW}, if there is Proof Of Brain {POB}. Meaning you can earn Cryptos by posting on SteemIt dot com (blog), the eSteem app (blog), Busy dot org (FB alike), SteepShot site or app (Insta alike), Zappl site or app (Twitter alike), D dot Tube (YouTube alike), D sound dot Audio (Soundcloud alike) and many more. Applications build on the Steem blockchain, so you need only one membership to use them all. Where you can get rewarded with Steem Backed Dollar {SBD} and Steem Power {SP}. Just by doing what you like to do most. And with Steem you can even buy some other well known Cryptos using Blocktrades dot US. But there is quite some competition for the content of the Steem reward pool.

Basicly that means getting noticed by the network members and receiving upvotes. It has been stated that when you create some good posts, you surely will get noted and rewarded for what you deliver. Seen from my point of view I would disagree, because I think that is a kind of unrealistic. Sure there are some very good quality content delivering Steem blockchain members that are likely to be seen in the hot and treding lists. Consistency is also key to this and if one has enough Steem Power {SP} it is possible to make a self upvote that makes ones own post move to the top right away. Just like an upvote of a so called Legend level member could help one get to trending. And that reinforces itself after payout, because it can generate more Steem Power. Key is the amount of Steem Power and getting upvotes from those who have a lot of it available. And if ones own account has a lot of SP it helps posting with a self upvote right away. Now, this is all part of how the Steem blockchain system is constructed. Therefore it is legitimate to use it in the manor it was made to function.

It is also possible to decline payout, in some cases this might be a good choice. But my guess is that most members would prefer to use the possibility to earn Cryptos through posting and/ or curating. And maybe by investing in Steem Power, which is also a possibility as it pays a kind of dividend to do so. Even without ever posting or curating, it is a reward for being a SP stockholder on the Steem blockchain. The more SP one has in stock, the more dividend growth. The bigger the better, that is how it works. And getting to the top of the list is quite tough. Some do a lot of networking outside the Steem blockchain to get more upvotes and followers. Things like Discord and SteemIt dot chat are used a lot for that. Not my cup of tea, but it does seem key to get noticed and rewarded. Especially as a new member. But even when you already have become part of the tucked away furniture, like me, it could be part of your strategy to join in the chat. And if that is not your cup of tea either, then there are other means.

Reward pool draining politics irony

Now I'm not that hardcore 'how-to-behave' on Steem, so for the ethical side of things I'm probably one of the worst advisors. There is however a downvote, also known as flag, function that is being used a correction tool. But also there are members abusing it and acting as tools themselves. And Unfortunately some of the utter shait posts, what I consider bad advertising for Steem, get to the top of the hot and trending lists too. But it is all possible because Steem Power talks and well, shait walks. It is a very freedom minded system, but it can be controlled with the right amounts of Steem Power in wallet. And as it is the digital virtual reality we are in, things can be automated. Therefore in come the so called bots. Those can have any purpose, one of them being used for giving upvotes, backed by huge amounts of Steem Power. Either in wallet and/ or delegated.

There are some Steem blockchain members who worry about it being unfair how these bots are being used. Or how buying Steem Power delegation is being used. Because it can be used to make ones own Steem Power grow, besides the invested amount of Steem Backed Dollar {SBD} or Steem getting returned. Therefore the gain is mainly in the Steem Power. And while competition for getting even a tiny part out off the reward pool is getting tougher, services that can help to get to the 500 SP minimum for the voting slider are more than welcome for a lot of members. These members still do invest in Steem, even while already half of the Steem ever to be released was drained out within a year. For the most part due to the high speed in which new Steem was issued every new block. And forming a few huge Legend level accounts as a result of the exponential voting system. Trying to get the exponential drain the reward pool by the Legend levels voting system back in, I think is mainly self-enrichment aimed politics and I do disagree with that. So, I'd state: use the upvote bots and buy that delegation, it you have a use for it and can effort the investments that are needed to be able to do so. It does come with quite a big price tag attached though.

Promoting and advertising

Of course you could invest at least a hundred SBD, better even more, in some of those bidding upvote bot services. Just to get to trending, to put your account in the spotlight, to tell the hot and trending watchers that you are the one to upvote. It helps if you do this with a post that you believe in yourself, deserving to get into a top position in the list. And I have seen posts that really made me ask myself how on earth they made it to the top of the hot and trending lists at all. But it appeared that Cryptos can buy this, if you are willing and able to invest the right amount of SBD in voting bot systems. Or to rent SP for a couple of days and use this to upvote yourself. The gain of using the bidding voting bots are effectively about 20%, mostly being the Steem Power part at the payout after 7 days. Which can help grow ones SP faster and gaining attention of the Steem community in the meantime. How that works with renting SP delegation I do not know yet, but I guess the effect will be about the same. Yet, the more one does invest, the more return can be expected. And more SP in wallet also means more dividend.

But there is also a business side to this all. Steem is an open market too. Therefore entrepeneurs could use it to advertise their company and/ or products. They could buy some Promotion. Which does make SBD, and thus Steem, more scarse in the proces as it gets burned after buying Promotion. And there is the way of short term investing in upvote bot bidding systems. To get to the top of the hot and trending lists this would need a severe investment. And it could mean buying a few hundred of Steem Backed Dollar. But it is a possible way to use the Steem for advertising ones own posts, business or products and services. It creates movement in the _Steemconomy_where it can attract outside investments too. And if there is a market for upvoting bot bidding services, than it will sustain itself, otherwise it will disappear. Same goes for renting SP delegation. That this is possible does it mean that it is bad? Just like self upvoting, it is ones own free choice to do so. It is part of how Steem works. And just like every reply is also considered to be a post, self upvoting can be done there too.

The Steem open market future

The value of Cryptos is a major part of the Steem blockchain Social Media Platform. It can be used for buying and selling, that can be by using other Cryptos too. There is even an internal decentralized market to do so for Steem and SBD. A lot evolves around Steem being a Crypto with value that one can earn by posting, curating and investing. Part of that could be seen as an enterprise, a place for business, where freedom of expression is a big part of the whole deal. Self regulated by the community. And that also offers opportunities to be used for advertising campaigns, for a part thanks to upvote bidding bots. Where business opportunities will even increase with the activation of the Smart Media Tokens. That will give Steem another boost. And this is good for communities within the Steem realm that also have created their own SMT. As the most interesting of them will get traded on the internal decentralized market. Maybe it can even buy SMTs from businesses to pay for their products and their services, or to get a discount and buy a ticket to an Open Air live concert...

Having these upvote betting bot services and delegated SP rental services are part of the possibilities in which the Steem blockchain can be used. And if you think you do have something to share, that deserves the attention, then I think Steem has ways for you to make a statement for yourself. That can be done using self upvoting for instance. And to me it seems unfair to allow well known hot and trending members to do it and flag others for doing so too. But no matter what, the community will find a balance in every aspect of it. Still, trying anything to get a potential payout is part of the incentive to publish on the Steem blockchain and claiming it should not be seems a bit of an unrealistic approach to me. The dynamics of self regulation and freedom of expression are great extras, which makes Steem being quite unique. It seems healthy though to understand that Steem is about earning Cryptos for a big part. And that a lot of the activity is build around that idea. Which looks like the way the Steem blockchain works does have a bright future. Especially when the Smart Media Tokens go live.

And in the meantime, I am going to look what bidding upvote bots I can effort myself to get me some more attention...

May the Cryptos be with us!

The golden age of blockchain is comming to Steem with SMTs
Image cc-by-sa @oaldamster.


Hi @oaldamster,

again a nice piece of proza from you.

I learned a lot from your post, although I must admit that after approx. 2 months here on steemit, a lot of things are still rather difficult to grasp.

For instance: I thought that the amount of Steem that can be generated is endless, but from your article I understand that this is not the case?

Hi @vjbasil,

Glad to know you appreciate my work.

The amount of Steem to be released will be slowing down over the years. Yet it will not drop to absolute zero. Only will it have slowed down so much that after it reaches 500 million it will be a very low relative percentage.

From that point of view we are already past halfway. But it is possible to change that setting and increase it by then, or due to demand.

But with SMTs this is probably not needed and Steem could slowly drop to almost zero percentage creation. And SMTs could for instance serve for witness payout and SP holders dividend.

Phew, long post but you are spot on.
Yes, it is hard to get noticed!
I really dislike the most of the bots.
I do understand that people are upvoting their own posts. Some do put a lot of effort in these, just like you did with this ☝️. I don’t understand that some people even whales are upvoting their comment. That’s just getting rich on other peoples content.
After reading your post the question which comes to my mind is: where is the money coming from which is generated?

Thank you for taking the effort to read it and replying.

The self upvoting of replies is considered a big no-no to some in the Steem community. Sometimes though a reply can be like a seperate blogpost.

And I think every reply counts as a kind of substantive post. The share of rewards from the main post is only shared with the curators (upvoters) not those who reply.

Still self upvoting on replies is getting a share from the reward pool.

The Steem to be issued are released in small amounts with every new block that is added to the blockchain. Most of those newly created Steem are going into the reward pool.

Writing it done was probably thougher than reading it. So no need to thank me! I have to thank you for writing down your opinion!

Concerning the replies: there are also people upvoting their replies without upvoting the original post! I do noticed even that some replies are even getting more upvotes than the original post. And then we are not talking about replies which are better than the post. I reallly don’t know how that is possible but probably it will be bot related!


The market is decentralized on the blockchain. Works like Bitshares. SMTs will go there too. It is possible to make a profit from leverage trading. But it seems very risky to me. To me it is a fast way to sell my SBD for Steem, at current rate. Or the other way round when Steem is more expensive than SBD.

The Crypto token Steem is created every new block, meaning every 3 seconds new Steem is added to a temporary pool. From where it gets spread out through total voting weight.

The amount newly created Steem per block is determined by the blockchain software. It is only about 10% of what is was in the first year.

Thx Markus

Yes that is also happening. Not upvoting the post that is being replied on, but only the reply itself.

Sometimes these replies do reach absurd potential payouts. As if they are being trailed by a train of members. But as a pattern it looks like a bot train.

It does stun me sometimes how this works.

Still funny. 3 dutch speaking people discussing in English!

Inderdaad een lange post, maar gelukkig had ik een koffie:)

Zijn indd andere tijden hier op Steemit nu. Zie lui veel geld in votes investeren. Maakt mij opzich niet zoveel uit maar toch een beetje jammer, dat het nu geen content reputatie meer is, maar meer een zakelijke reputatie.

Fijn weekend sir.

Koffie en lange artikels op Steem zijn een prima team. :-)

Voor een deel is het zakelijke aspect, al dan niet met bots ondersteund, dominant gewoden op Steem inderdaad. Voor een deel wordt er in de verdere ontwikkeling daar ook steeds meer het zwaarepunt op gelegd.

Dat zal derhalve ook steeds meer de inhoud voor hot en trending gaan bepalen. Wat goed verkoopt krijgt dan heel veel stemkracht mee. Want dat wordt weer gekoppeld aan de marktwaarde voor Steem. Groot SP houders willen dat graag, dus gaat steeds meer het zakelijke gewin overwicht krijgen.

Inhoudelijke pareltjes gaan het daar dan keer op keer van verliezen. Hopelijk blijft het ondanks dat toch mogelijk om vrijheid van expressie te garanderen.

SMTs zullen evenwel wel de mogelijkheid openen voor de onderhewaardeerde creatievelingen om gewoon lekker hun eigen ding te blijven doen.

En anders maken we gewoon onze eigen blockchain met Sociale Media Platform! ;-)

Ook een tof weekeinde toegewenst!

invest is most important for advertising, advertising is most powerful all company for your all service, great post,
thank you

Advertising is part of getting a return. It might cost a lot, but if done right it will create a profit.

right @oaldamster, If someone can advertise well, he will get a lot of profit,

You should start using upvote bots, at least for posts like this, it is a great one! Although in my experience by now, you do not always get what you paied for because there is always a 25% of the potential rewards that goes to curators, but at least there are more people who see your post.

You are right that people may start to pay here for getting upvoted and start advertising themselves especially when they have some important things to promote so this is anotger fact that could drive up the economy of Steem.

In the end,I am happy that I succeeded to gain 500 SP before the launch of SMTs!

Yes, I will do so. It is now part of how it works on Steem. In my experiment I got mostly a return in SP, about 20+%. But that is nice for a period of 7 days.

And it is great you made it to 500 SP, congratulations. Let the SMTs come!

Yeap, thank you so much, I hope things will get better and you will receive a better ROI from bots you will use. You can keep the track of them to see which bot is offering a better upvote with steembottracker, if you haven't by now :)

I loat money in one experiment once because the price of Steem reduced and the payout was smaller but since now we tend to be again in a bull market, I guess you have nothing to worry about.

You are welcome and thanks. :-)

There are many ways to be active on Steem to get a part of the wealth it creates. Bots that upvote can be a part of that. But maybe it is even better to build one that does.

The price is doing fine right now and could be getting better. As the market is moving up again.

So what is better? promotion of your post and burning some steem in the process or upvote bots? We have to remember that upvote bots are taking a bigger cut on your possible reward. If no one uses them, their voting power is wasted and people with real support will get a bigger cut. But this turns like a prisoner dilemma so everyone might use them in the end.

Did some burning Steem by Promoting in the past, maybe will try that again also. Though it seems there is no real interest in the Promoted section. But for making Steem a bit more scarse it is a good thing. So would it be just to send SBD to the @null address.

Seems though upvote bots do have a market. And it might well be that after a while the interest in these kind of services will drop.

As the ones to profit most are these services themselves. But is seems the commerce side of things will become the dominant factor.

But SMTs might create a way for different kind of communities to thrive on their own.

middlemen always earn more. Curators are supposed to get only 30 % of the reward but now they get even more. That is a tad annoying.

I think SP lending is not a bad thing though if it was used to support some communities and not just increase one reward. I am working on the service for that.

Btw, being a witness, I am expecting to see some witness pools at some point. Voting for witness is the only activity without reward for the voters and it is not surprising that they are totally uninterested in voting.

Strangely, I am not a fan of the SMT. Sure everyone wants to tokenize and monetize everything. There is a lot of cash too be made. But i don't like how it dilutes the steem brand since we still need growth. It seems I am among the very few sceptic ones.

Looking forward to the service you are going to provide.

To me SMTs are part of the growth. It will make the Steem brandname stronger. It will raise demand for Steem and SBD.

And another part I see as a good thing is how it can be used for communities within the Steem realm. The art community having their own SMT, for example. Apps and Services build on top of the Steem blockchain having their own SMT.

And all of those to be traded on the internal decentralized market for Steem and SBD.

To me that seems like something that will be a boost for Steem as whole.

With Appbase as a release candidate healthy scaling might be possible soon for Steem. As the blockchain technology first needs to be able to handle the growth that comes with its succes.

So I guess SMTs will still take some time to arrive. At least a couple of months. Enough time to make Steem a well known brand. A blockchain that is already powerfull and is ready for the future.

I will let you know when my support-bot is available.

I have to admit. I totally forgot that the SMT will be traded for Steem and SBD. Now I can see how it will give back to the steem blockchain. I just fear there will be so many of them that no one will understand what they are about.

I think Steem has a wonderful story. First we (will) have traditional social media app based on steem. Then we will have other services, like utopian for instance or newspapers, where we reward any type of content creators.

There will be a flood of SMTs, many of them not serving a real purpose. Except trying to get a share of the pie. It does work that way.

But the usefull ones will bubble up, while the dust sinks to the bottom. It worked like that with Cryptos, ICOs and it is that way on platform where assets can be created and traded.

There are going to be a lot who are going to try. A few will really make a usefull SMT. And those will pop up.

This really could give Steem as a whole a boost. The ride was fun so far and more exciting times ahead.

Let's wait and see :-D

very nice

You got a 0.93% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @oaldamster!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

Great post I really enjoyed that keep posting this good stuff I just followed you enjoy your day

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