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RE: We Need Advertising Revenue, You Say?

in #steem6 years ago

I saw some of these posts about bringing in advertisements. It drives me crazy watching some of these folks try to figure it out.

All we have to do is EMBRACE the content producer and their content. Why? Because BILLIONS!
Screenshot (507).png

Remove every post using bidbots away from things like THE DREADED TRENDING PAGE, give that back to organic content producers. Place all of those promoted shitty bidbot posts within a market. Have content producers CHOOSE shitty advertisements from this market BEFORE publishing, give everyone TWO SLOTS to fill.

Now, instead of a twenty or so ad slots on the trending page that nobody looks at, we've created thousands upon thousands of ad slots for all these shitty promoted posts that drive content consumers away. Allow the goddamn actual content producer to lure the eyes FIRST to their work, then potentially the ads INSIDE blog posts, videos, whatever!

When these ads are placed inside a market, they can first buy STEEM to get there, then all these passive investors can offer their services and help those wanting to promote jockey for position within this market just like the trending tab here. The more you pay, the higher you shitty advertisement sits within this market. That way, the lazy blogger can choose from the top slots, but everyone else can DECIDE what they want to promote on THEIR blog. Maybe it's an ad for a new token, maybe it's a witness trying to promote themselves, maybe it's coca cola. The one promoting would offer incentives for content producers to choose their ads, such as higher percentage of the ad revenue. When someone clicks an ad, that click serves as a vote for the content producer hosting that ad! LOOK! Another way to create ad revenue for the content producer.

Now, since there's competition within this ad market because they have to jockey for position and people are CHOOSING ads, I've created a way to maintain steady buying pressure on STEEM to the tune of potentially billions of outside money pouring in every year, provided the content producers perform. Giving content producers their stage back plus potential ad revenue on top of votes will certainly be a great incentive to want to do well and many would flock to this place because they have a viewership and potential revenue streams. Hooray! Just like anywhere else on the internet!

People could then sell votes, that wouldn't affect organic content producers, make it fair so those selling votes aren't earning far more than those curating BECAUSE A HEALTHY BALANCE of sellers and curators is needed OR EVERYONE LOSES BILLIONS! Hooray! Now everyone has a role to play, works together instead of against each other, and our token can increase in value due to demand...and that helps pay to keep the lights on, plus we all earn. An incentive to hold the token is there, the incentive to buy is there, the incentive to use the token as a tool is there, the incentive to curate content is there, and even you shitty greasy vote sellers get to make money!

But that's not all!

Something as simple as giving each advertisement ONE TAG to use now creates MULTIPLE MARKETS where everyone must buy STEEM to enter, then pay stakeholders to jockey for position within these markets! The competition part is what makes it genius! I did that!


I'm not even finished. I left out a lot, plenty of holes. It's simple, yet complex, and without everything working together, it simply won't work. For instance, if the vote sellers try to make it so they earn the most, everyone puts their money there, but nobody curates, the content producer can't succeed, and the ads don't get views! So don't be getting greedy now, or you'll lose billions!

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