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RE: Happy to talk to community

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Dear Justin.

Hi there! Welcome to our great community of glorious things and wonderful awesomeness.

My name is @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself!

I am not a witness but I can say, I've see some shit in my day.

But just because I am not a witness, that doesn't make me USELESS. I vote for witnesses. If not for people like me, witnesses simply cannot witness.

I'm looking forward to seeing exactly who sells out this community, so when they get in a position of power, the community can simply say, "Fuck you, sorry, no not happening," and vote someone else in.

Now, Justin. There's something else you need to know. People like me give content consumers a reason to look at Without us, all you'll have are a bunch of shit posts and scammers attempting to leech rewards from the pool with garbage nobody wants to see. Then these assholes take those tokens and dump them on the market. As a businessman, would you like to see people abusing this platform so they can drive the value of YOUR property down? Of course you don't. You want to see hundreds of thousands of content producers creating amazing content that lures millions upon millions of eyes to this platform. Can you see potential in that, Justin? The entertainment industry generates billions of dollars, annually.

You want to remove downvotes? We've been through this before. All that did was open the doors for abusers. They shit posted and leeched thousands and thousands of dollars out of the reward pool. Those assholes chased thousands upon thousands of quality content producers away. Get rid of downvotes and you'll find yourself in the same mess we were in for years.

Before you start making irrational demands, you need to hire some people to look into the history of this platform, since you're far too busy to do it yourself. Why would you purchase this business and want to change things? What was so appealing to you in the first place? Didn't it look like a promising platform that only needed some more development and a good marketing push? That's what we've been working towards for quite a few years.

Why do you seemingly want to go backwards? Is it because you simply aren't aware of MANY MANY problems we've had here in the past and fully unaware of the solutions we've come up with to remedy the situation?

It's certainly imperfect but it sounds like you want to take us back in time so we can relive some of the worst months these people have had to endure.

How in the actual fuck did you ever earn so much goddamn money? I'm impressed but yet, confused. Your decisions seems irrational. You say one thing and do the opposite, constantly.

Roughly one day ago you said you weren't interested in governance. This post shows you are interested in governance. Let me guess. Tomorrow you won't be interested in governance? And then by Monday you will? And then you'll change your mind again on Tuesday? If you go to the liquor store to get beer, why do you keep coming home with wine? How many people live inside that head of yours?

If you wanted to simply purchase crypto and make a quick buck by flipping crypto for profit, why did you choose STEEM? You could have done that with ANY other token. Instead you come here and literally turn this place upside down. Yes I realize there's two sides to this but the fact remains: We were making progress and now everything seems more fucked up than it ever was in the entire nearly four years I've been a part of this. The ONLY thing that changed is: You arrived.

Justin. I would love it if this community could work together. You're welcome, as an individual. But no ONE individual calls the shots around here so check yourself before you wreck yourself. Those millions are clouding your judgement and it seems like you've forgotten how to interact with people who aren't just there to kiss your ass for a paycheck. I've seen this before, too many times.

If I was a witness.

  1. Of course I value private property. Don't you dare paint us all with a broad brush.

  2. Shortening the powerdown is a bad idea. I'd suggest offering incentives to token holders who wish to keep their tokens in the SAVINGS account. That way they can cash out in three days. Investors want options. If they don't want to participate in the benefits of owning STEEM Power, they can be rewarded for holding the token in savings, but those rewards should be less than what a holder of STEEM power would receive for being a contributing member. Creating more OPTIONS rather than fucking up what works is a far better idea, in my opinion.

  3. No. Keep the downvotes. Encourage members to use them responsibly. As a simple tool to stop abuse so these assholes don't run all the way to the bank with our fucking tokens. Instead of removing downvotes, find a way to penalize members who abuse downvotes.

  4. No comment.

  5. Of course I'd want to have good connections. What the fuck kind of stupid question was that? Aren't you the guy who's all over news and social media right now being accused of fucking over exchanges. Is this just a letter to yourself or is this a real post?

  6. Is my form of honesty hurting you in any way shape or form? If so, just know, that is not my intention and if you need a pat on the back and maybe a good job button, that can be arranged. And honestly. Which one of these ass kissers you're looking for would say, "Yes. I'm here to hurt people and fuck them over sideways." People who are out to hurt others and get joy out of it would say, "Of course I don't want to hurt anyone. I'm the nicest guy ever." Asking that question was a waste of your time and mine. In general, most people are good. That's why we can drive on the roads without getting hit. There's always one fucking asshole out there though. Driving slow. On his fucking phone. Drunk. Swerving everywhere. Being a menace. We're not all bad.

  7. Again I'm wondering if your writing this a letter to yourself. Who fucked who again? Some of us have been loyal to helping make this place great for nearly four years!!!!! Look at my goddamn blog. I made thousands of people laugh and produced hundreds if not thousands of works of art for them to enjoy. Like I said, buddy, people like me help keep the eyes here and if you know anything about the attention economy or the entertainment industry then you'll know how important that is.

  8. Do you know how fucking bad things would be here if all I did was tell people to fuck off when they come visit my blog? I want them to come, have a good time, and if they want to support my work, they can buy STEEM, tip me forever with the push of a button. That's a far better deal to the consumer than donating $20 cash every time I do something they enjoy. Now imagine if thousands of quality content producers were attracting millions of consumers willing to spend just enough to give someone a vote worth a penny. They'd have to buy STEEM to be able to do that. And not one quality content producer here would complain if they had 30000 votes worth a penny trickling in every time they do something. Plus as the value of the token rises, so does the value of that vote. I've said enough though and I doubt you're reading this far.

  9. Why would I want to kick out my patrons. Did you not read what I just said? Why would I vote for a witness who does that shit? Where the fuck do you come up with this shit? Did you get drunk before writing this? Is this just you being a keyboard warrior? You, sir, are one of the most intriguing specimens of humanity I've come across so far.

  10. Do I come across as someone who's full of shit? This is a fucking blockchain. If you publish lies here, you'll have a horde of people rubbing that shit in your face until you're so goddamn embarrassed you swear to never lie again. But of course, that would be a lie as well because once a liar, always a liar. One can never get that trust back fully. That's honestly one of the reasons why this community is giving you such a hard time. You've lied. You say one thing and do the opposite. I would really like to be able to trust you but you'd need to prove yourself to me. So far, Justin, you're not doing a good job of that. But that doesn't mean you can't do something awesome and totally redeem yourself. Good luck though. That's something money can't buy.

  11. You know what? I think in a different setting, sitting down, just shooting the shit, having a few drinks, you'd probably be someone I could hang out with. Doing business with you? We're doing business right now, believe it or not, and so far, I'm not impressed, but that doesn't mean this has to be the end of the conversation.

You wanted honesty. Remember that.

Update: Apparently Justin thought it would be a good idea to delete his original post. The original document still exists on the blockchain and we all have access to it without needing any special privileges. The original document cannot be altered. If anyone would like to see the original document, simply look around because I'm sure by now someone has brought it back up to the surface.


i'd just like to say, awesome comment, thank you, and you nailed exactly what we hope steem would/ will become in your response to 8. passion like yours gives me hope.

I wanted to give content producers a voice. You can see by the support levels, the witnesses steal the show and many of them aren't even familiar with the entertainment industry, or the true potential of this platform.

I feel like I've wasted my time, once again. I appreciate your kind words though. Really, I do. And of course to those who voted, I respect and appreciate the gesture.

I have hope things will turn around. I don't want to give up. I'd prefer to see this mess settled so we can get back to work. Hundreds of people aren't even posting now because they know nobody has the time or desire to look at their work, since everyone is so focused on this mess now. We're going to lose a lot of good people because of this, and that bugs me, a lot. At the same time, I'm glad there are people out there standing up for this place and taking care of business. Now is probably the only good time to steal the show and I respect that as well.

i always imagine this place having as good front ends as facebook, youtube, instagram et al, and then having to 'market' the fact that all content producers get paid to share original content - not a hard sell.

of course, that's another utopian dream that flies in the face of what we knwo of man, but a dream nonetheless..

An easier sell is explaining to consumers how they get paid to enjoy the content. Getting paid to produce content is normal and can be done a million different ways. I don't need to be here in order to make money producing content. One of the biggest mistakes made in the past was marketing this place in the way you suggest. What happens is amateurs show up and expect to get paid on their first day instead of working for years and growing organically. That's one big reason why so many leave. They came for the money, but then realized it wasn't a free lunch. On the other hand, getting paid to be entertained, provided one purchases STEEM and earns curation rewards, it doesn't get any easier than that. Anyone can do it, but not everyone can produce content. Wise to promote to the millions of eyes, rather than the thousands of creators.

you're right; people like to do both, but like anything in life, there is no free lunch.
however, there is no lunch at all with big tech.

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