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RE: Feedback Wanted: 4 Week Power Down

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

I am against this idea as well. The 13 week period did not prevent Steem reaching 6$+ price during the last boom. Locking up your steem is the price you pay for having a strong vote in the forum.

If you want to trade and speculate in Steem then just don't power up, it's that simple. No trader is required to power up their steem.

I agree with @aggroed and @blocktrades comments as well.

I'd also be in favor of burning some steem to power down faster.

Full disclosure: I believe this change would hurt my bank. It would decrease the demand for my loans, and inhibit the usefulness of taking accounts as collateral. (I'd have to employ more strict terms which would make my loans less attractive.)

I would be willing to take a hit on my bank to improve the Steem ecosystem, but I don't believe this change would be an improvement.


I agree with @neoxian why? Investors with big money wouldn't come in to power up anyways. Lol, unless they wanted to come in and power up and get rewards and then powerdown and repeat. Doesn't make sense at all to me... I think locking up for the 13 weeks encourages people to come in and build a community, isn't that what were doing? Or are we trying to make and encourage Dlive type people? My two pennies

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for stepping forward with full disclosure, because this is exactly the point.

One of the things that makes STEEM unique for 'building' is that same thing that allows you to take a steem account as collateral against a loan to a real person! So many are in a rush to be like every other crypto, but every other crypto doesn't have what STEEM has, and we would lose what we do have with willy-nilly changes.

I agree with @neoxian. IMHO, what he is saying makes absoulute sense to me.


I pretty much agree with @neoxian @agrgroed and @blocktrades among the many comments I've seen under this discussion. Athough there are some valid and argueable arguments, The negative ones surpass the positive ones. There are many ways to exploit the system and you're giving users one more. And you must know how merciless are people around when they see an exploit. I can give you one, coincidencially using the bank. Let's say I buy 100000 steem, I power up so I can have voting power, I could use the bank for a full loan at the 6th or 7th day after powering up, taking a little hit in exchange for all that steem while still having 3 full weeks of voting power. I don't know Rick!

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