Precarious positions

in #steem5 years ago

Last night I spent a good deal of time reading posts regarding Steemit Inc's powerdown and I've learnt that the situation was a lot more advanced than I had previously thought of.

Just the fact that there was a new discord channel to have conversations regarding the fork away from Steemit inc's eyes is worrying to me, even though I do understand the reasons as to why.

That being said, this whole thing lacks logical consistency to say the least. Which is to say, no one can expect to demand stopping the powerdown while at the same time being part of the group that had those conversations, even if they were hypothetical.

I may not be a whale, or someone too relevant for that matter. I can't speak for the other witness members of @helpie, so this is my own opinion for what it's worth.

To fork out anyone's stake is theft, and I would never feel comfortable with such a thing. Yes, even if Steemit inc is a total failure, even then, I don't believe that forking their stake out would send the right message to investors and it would certainly make me leave this platform.

What if powerful accounts believe @meno is a bad person, and thus needs to be forked off? What if powerful accounts believe the @helpie initiative needs to go away? The precedent we would be leaving behind, would make it "reasonable" to make such calls and for the life of me, I can't accept it.

Also, I have no intention of telling Ned and by proxy Steemit inc what to do with their stake. In my personal opinion what they are doing is further hurting the already contentious relationship they have with the community, but I suspect they don't mind it or at least believe the price being paid is worth it.

To say that I'm disappointed is to put it lightly if I'm to be honest. Not just with Steemit inc current reaction, but more so with the fact that the conversation regarding the fork was entertained at all.


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And yeah I commented on the actual github issue and my comment was deleted in <60 secs (very very reactive!!)

It's indeed daylight robbery and I don't think I'm gonna store any asset on this blockchain in the future if this shit happens.

It's a total deal breaker for me too..

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What if powerful accounts believe @meno is a bad person, and thus needs to be forked off? What if powerful accounts believe the @helpie initiative needs to go away? The precedent we would be leaving behind, would make it "reasonable" to make such calls and for the life of me, I can't accept it.

Ethereum has already set the precedent. If the community comes to consensus to change the immutability of the blockchain this is allowed (and even heavily supported by definition).

Ethereum Classic is often viewed as a scammers paradise, and they are the ones who vouched for immutability.

With all due respect, you can't compare 15K stake to 50M. When it really comes down to it, one has to ask themselves if the backlash of changing immutability is worth it. In my opinion, for this situation, no, it's not worth it, but I'm certainly not going to fault someone for believing that it is.

Consensus > All

No offense taken, I guess I'm using myself as an example because I rather not involve others in my opinion. But it's not hard to imagine a "bad whale" being forked out, and who would be the judge of that?

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Yes, that would be much worse... like if everyone got together and forked @haejin's stake to @null or something. That would be pretty terrible.

However, again, I would make the argument that the backlash from that action would be much worse than the backlash from nullifying Steemit, and again, 1M is a lot less than 50M, so the backlash would be far worse than the benefits.

Also, DPOS needs to be a lot more careful than a chain like Ethereum. DPOS is a republic. If our elected officials start running around doing whatever they want because they own the majority of the platform it's all over. We'd be left with a broken system no better than central banking. A 51% attack can happen anywhere.

I have never imagined that this situation would ever arrive...
It is surrealism in pure manifestation.
The only thing we can do is to give our opinion about... unfortunately, seems that STINC does not care about...they only care about their own profit...
Personally, I’m doing my best in order to mitigate the impact of decisions made by others which affect the whole Blockchain in , what I think is risky situation.
For instance, voting for witnesses which publicly declare the non-use of any hard fork which would compromise Steem Accounts is one of my little measures

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I agree that the precedent the move would set would destroy the reputation of the ecosystem despite Steemit’s lack of action in the past. Most entered, developed and engaged here knowing about the stake so it is kind of surprising that this would come up now. Either way, the path to prosperity will be towards more decentralization so whether they power down, sell or hold; those remaining need to focus on the future.

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I guess if this element is a possibility of the ecosytem, then is the ecosystem inherently flawed? If they are forked out, do they have to cash out their stake immediately, or how the hell does that work?

A forked out account, in theory, would simply cease to exist.

Posted using Partiko Android

... well that's a sour pickle, ain't it 😲

I fully agree with you. Forking is not the solution in 99% of the times. However lets not forget that Ned and his friends ninjamined millions of Steem tokens before the launch of Unlike all of us who invested real money they made them up out of thin air. I'm not 100% convinced they deserve their "fair share", considering the shady way Steemit inc. is operating.

There's a discord ? Could you link it?

I joined this discord server but I'm not sure this is the one where these things were discussed, from cryptodrive's post, it seems there is a semi secret one somewhere and he says if anyone wants in, to dm him.

Posted using Partiko Android

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Thank you so much for participating the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!

Good morning @meno

Sorry for this comment, which is a little bit off-topic. But Ive noticed that you supported dstors with delegation and you may not know it, but it seem that dstors shut down their project lately.

Those guys didn't even bother to contact people who supported them. Such a shame. This project looked very promissing.

I was wondering if you would consider supporting my efforts in building a crypto community here on Steemit..

Since HF20 took place, myself, along with a few other active "Steemians" decided to put in extra effort into making our little community stronger. And community build mostly on mutual engagement and support instead of financial rewards.

I recently delegated over 3500 SP to a group of 80 active steemians who struggled with low RC levels (resource credit). And the results has been great so far. One of my latest posts reached over 800 comments, which I found insane

Those results are only proving that our efforts are worth something. The only thing is that I can only do "that much" with my current resources.

Perhaps you could consider supporting our efforts with some delegation? I would seriously appreciate your help.

Please let me know what do you think. I will appreciate every feedback, regardless of your decision.


I appreciate your efforts Piotr, that being said, please don't talk poorly about dstors, it happens to be a project started by a dear friend and he did contact me about it being shutdown.

Could you please give me a post to read about your project and all its efforts?

Dear @meno

Thank you for your kind comment and perhaps you right. I should keep my opionion about dstors keep to myself. But seeing how they handled closing down their project is really making me feel uneasy. That should not be common practice, that even such a promising projects can just simply shut down, just like that.

it happens to be a project started by a dear friend and he did contact me about it being shutdown.

I personally know few people who also delegated SP to dstors and were not informed at all about shutdown. So I'm seeing things through different experience.

Anyway thanks for your being mature and polite

Could you please give me a post to read about your project and all its efforts?

I will reply in separate comment (later day) if you don't mind.


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