Imagine the possibilities - happy bday bitcoin

in #steem6 years ago

I'm a bit of a dreamer and I'm fully aware of that fact, but this is an aspect of me that I quite appreciate and fully hope never to mature too much.

And because of the way my brain works, I've been imagining different ways that I could implement businesses down in South America, using the steem blockchain.

Why? Because I'm of this idea, at least at the moment, that it might actually be easier to enter a market that needs it, that profoundly needs it.

You see, here in the US cryptocurrency is just a thing some geeky guys do, and somehow make money with the magical internet money. For the most part, people don't need it, they are not fixing or replacing a broken system, because for the majority of people the system is fine. Down in South America the opposite is true.

Today bitcoin turns ten years old, think about that for a second. Yes, it's still that early in the game, and steem is extremely young by comparison. Imagine steem when it turns 10, imagine the possibilities, imagine what could this mean for you, if you had the vision that the early bitcoin adopters had a decade ago, when the idea of crypto was even more lunatic than it is now.

Just imagine the possibilities...

Posted using Partiko Android


Yo no me canso de imaginar, yo soy un soñador, a veces es importante soñar y también creerse "el cuento" de que somos escritores jaja.
Aún no lo digo en mi vida diaria, pero estoy pensando cual es la mejor estrategia para decirle a la gente, cual es mi ingreso real, todos saben que como profesor de música aquí, es imposible sobrevivir, por pocos conocen de steem y debo ser uno de los encargados de llevar esta visión a mas comunidades.
Gracias por ser soñador y hacerme saber que no estoy solo en el mundo jaja.
Saludos mi querido amigo @meno.

Por tu contenido y ser parte de nuestra comunidad...

You maybe a dreamer, but you're not the only one........
Hope you had a great trip and you're feeling a bit more chipper old chap :-)

I am sure with your thinking mind you will find some good use for Steem down there.

I have thought the same about South America as mobile phone availability has improved, the opportunity to create viable businesses has as well. Particularly those that cater to the less attended segment of the traditional financial system. Look forward to what could come out of this!

Yes the man @meno! Thanks for sharing this dream mate, it's nice to wonder what the future looks like for our children. In Thailand Steem could help and do so much, yet the new generation are so hypnotized by imitating the western culture it hurts my heart. Bless up man ✊

The future is bright Meno. I can imagine the possibilities and so many things will change, and it will benefit us all.

This is what I keep thinking to myself. I would love to go to a third world country and pass out $20 Nokia’s with a bitcoin wallet on it. Give people a small tip and show them how to use it. How empowering would that be! What dreams are made of, time to start saving I think 😋

Posted using Partiko iOS

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