The realistic story of delivering a baby!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Written by @megaspore
Translated by @zoethehedgehog


2015/09/20 7a.m.

It happened in the middle of the night.
My water broke.

Normally, I am insensitive.
But I felt it happening!

It was two days after the due date of birth,
so it was obvious that the baby was coming now.

I ate breakfast in a hurry then went to the hospital.

2015/09/20 12 p.m.

After the AFT test, I decided to be in the hospital.
I asked the doctor, “When am I leaving here?”

“After you deliver the baby.”

I’m afraid.

I received an enema.
The doctor told me to hold in as long as I can but I suppressed it for like 30 seconds…

I thought they would shave me, but they didn’t.
They didn’t even ask if I want it.

They told me that I would have to give birth by inducing labor because my water broke.
The doctor just gave me a shot after that.

It feels like severe cramps.
It is awful.

I started to do the Lamaze breathing that I practiced with my husband until the day that I gave birth.

It is definitely effective.
But when I stop it, the feeling of severe cramps rushes upon me.

I was irritated and I shouted at my husband to say ‘1,2,3’ for the Lamaze breathing.

At first he showed some effort then he lost his interest.
He recorded his voice on his phone and repeated it. ( It wasn’t very effective since the record didn’t have much spirit.)

The nurse came in for examination.
Because I went through the perineal massage before, it wasn’t terrifying.
It was all about the labor pains.
The nurse told me that I was about 0.5 to 1cm dilated.

I told the nurse I wanted a cesarean already.

After that, the nurse came in and told my husband that he would have to sign for the painless surgical procedure.

He worried about it for some time.
I shouted “If you don’t agree with it, I am going through a cersarean!”

He thought about it again and finally signed the consent form.
(Why would you even think about it..)

The pain was not like slicing my stomach or stabbing it.

I endured it with the help of the Lamaze method. ( It was like having cramps but normally I didn’t have cramps at all, so it was painful.)

2015/09/20 6 p.m.

Though I went to few hours of pain, the dilation of the cervix didn’t progress a lot..
(About 0.5 centimeters.)

The doctor told me to start again from 6 a.m. tomorrow morning.

I ate the pumpkin porridge and abalone rice porridge that my mom and sister bought.
Then I stopped eating from 12 p.m.

I tried sleeping well from 12 p.m. to 6 a.m. because I wanted to have enough strength to deliver the baby, but it was all hopes and dreams (an all night stand that I never wanted..)



My husband slept on the floor while I suffered on the bed. The contractions still felt like cramps.
(But that was still painful.)

My husband woke up to my yelps then slept again repeatedly.

The only thing that was with me in the middle of the night was the sound of another woman who just gave birth going out to breast feed her baby.

My husband woke up and slept then gave me his phone and recommended an app that helped contractions. (Why would you leave it all to your damn phone..)

I breathed through the contractions alone. (It was not as painful like others said but I still suffered.)

2015/09/21 6 a.m.

Ah… I couldn’t sleep, even for a second. I didn’t have any strength for I didn’t eat.

The doctor asked me if I wanted to go through another enema and I said yes. (It was a good decision. I used all my strength because I wasn’t worried.)

Because of the all night contractions, I expected it to be dilated a lot but it was only a centimeter more. sighs

They gave more catalysts for me. It felt like more severe cramps…

I endured it through the Lamaze method and asked for an examination to know how dilated it is.
(Because I went through the perineal massage the examination didn’t hurt a lot.)

I was suffering through it when the doctor came in and said he would give me drugs for painless labor if it dilates more than three centimeters.
But three centimeters wasn’t easy.

The cramp-like pain became more and more extreme……

And the worst one came.

My husband dozed off next to me… Now without the cell phone records.
I started to cry loudly that it hurt so much to show my pain.

He woke up then and started to chant the ‘1,2,3’ Lamaze method again.

I told him that it didn’t work and cried a lot to show him my pain.
(It didn’t hurt that much but I just hated him at the moment.)

The nurse came in and did the examination and said she will give me drugs. 

Even for an insensitive person like me, it was so much pain. I guess they give you drugs when your pain is that extreme.

I received the drugs.

Without the pain it was heaven.

The peacefulness that came…
It was so great that I finally smiled and I felt like dozing off..

But that was for a moment.

Why do I want to take a dump?

I needed to go to the bathroom.

I sent my husband back home ( I had two big labor bags and the nurse kept telling me to put them back home.)

I told my husband I’m okay that I took the drugs and it takes a lot of time to go through labor so take those bags back.

He said “ Can I really go?” And I told him to get out fast.
(I can go to the bathroom peacefully with you gone!!)

I was about to take a shit so I got my husband out of the room quickly.

I called the nurse.
“I will go to the bathroom quick and start again!!”
"You can’t go to the bathroom at this point.”

"If it’s that urgent just defecate on the bed. We will change the sheets for you.”


Oh my God..

I tried to take a shit on the bed, thinking it was a good decision to ask my husband to go home. ( It was so urgent that I was about to do it on the bed.)

I tried it a lot of times but it didn’t happen..

The nurse told me “It’s not about the potty…You are about to deliver a baby.”
........?!! (It felt like a bathroom kind of pain.)

The nurse looked for my husband and I said he went back home to take the bags with him.
She told me why now after all this time?

She told me to call him so I did.

My husband was confused when I called him to come back immediately and asked me why repeatedly.

I shouted “Come fast!!” and he said no more. When he was on a taxi he asked me if I was going through a cesarean.

(This is what I heard from his parents after but he got the call in the bathroom while pooping and he didn’t even have the time to flush it after.)

2015/09/21 1 p.m.

When my husband came I was practicing going through labor.
(He didn’t doze off this time.)

My sister said it’s similar to pooping so I did.
The nurse told me that too.

The nurse came in and told my husband to get out.

I practiced with the nurse again and she told me to push when it hurts.
I told her that I don’t know when it hurts..(I couldn’t feel any pain because of the drugs.)

She kept telling me to push when it hurts but it didn’t. So I pushed when it felt like an urgent shit was about to come. She told me that I did a good job. So this is how it’s done 

It was good to go through labor when the drugs were working. I didn’t feel any pain.

But the feeling of not being able to take a shit was annoying.
Just because I got drugs didn’t mean I couldn’t use my strength. I was able to.

The problem was I had to concentrate below but my face was all red and was about to explode..

The nurse told me to take a breath. “The baby is suffering.”
But at that moment I didn’t care about breathing, I was about to pass out because of using all my energy.

I was trying my best when
The doctor came with a mask on his face. I guessed it was almost over.

They put something on my legs (Probably because of hygienic reasons.) and told me to push a few times more.

I pushed with all my might.
(It felt like my face was going to explode, but I didn’t really care at the moment.)

I pushed hard with all my spirit three or four times more.

When suddenly I heard..


I did as I was told..

2015/09/21 1:32 p.m.

Something came out of me.

I looked down and I saw a pale baby..
(Because I had dark skin, I wondered whether the baby was going to have pale skin or dark skin.)

My husband came in with the sanitary caps and disinfected overgarment.

After cutting the umbilical cord, they gave the baby to me to breast feed.

I was in awe.
( I thought I would cry but I felt like my tears dried up.)

I looked at the baby and it sucked on my breast.. That funny feeling.. How mysterious it was. (But why not the tears?)

I asked my husband to record it on video, took a photo then he went outside and the nurse took the baby.

I was in peace and I talked to the nurse. ( It felt like the world was mine. Finally over!  )

"It was really hard to push at the last moment.”

“You did well! You pushed real hard that you pushed even when you had to relax ”

“Haha! Hehe!” ( Having the most enjoyable conversation of an entire lifetime)

The wheelchair came and I took the wheelchair to go to the patient’s room. On the way I kept chatting with the nurse.

The nurse said, “You had an easy labor!”


“Yup. The ones like you who are tall and have a big build do.”

“Haha, really?”

The woman in the same elevator said
“ Did you go through labor? But how are you so energetic?”

No pain, no gain.

The moment afterwards was so sweet because of the preceding pain. 

Even though I was an introvert, I loved the moment chatting with the nurse.
It was marvelous.

Life was such a mystery.

I did not really want a baby a lot nor did I willingly wait for the day to meet it,
Yet meeting the baby was a miraculous experience.
The Korean version of this post.


Nice article great story of delivering baby
I appreciate your work on steemit thanks for sharing good post

Hi, uzairalone~
Thanks for your reading:)

Your welcome dear friend
Thanks for your spot God bless you followed you.

The birth of a baby is always amazing. It signifies life.

Hi oneaxeone, yes! the experience is so amazing!

Awwwww congratulations!!!! Thank you for sharing these sweet and intimate details. I've had four and all the precious memories came rushing back.....not pleasant by any means....but precious. It was weird how I went through all that pain and agony and just after delivering I thought to myself "hey, I can do that again" What kind of sick mind do we have??? LOL I hope you are getting good rest and enjoying your little sweetheart!

beautiful history! @megaspore

That was a nice and cute touching story. Baby is so cute.

Thanks for your reading~~:) My daughter in the picture is 2years old now:)

Wow i guess she is in your profile picture. What's her name? Did she started walking now?

Yes, She is in my profile. She can run already:) She is 2years old.

Looking at this cute little adorable baby makes me feel happy. I know how that feels like becoming a mother for the first time in your life. You all mothers are the reason we exist on this earth. Thanks for that. <3. God bless you both.

Hi stefen, Being mother is amazing :) She is my miracle that i can see:)

And she is a lucky girl for getting a lovable mother like you. :-). I can see her birthday is coming soon. How can we send gifts to her? I really wanna buy her a chocolate.

Yes, stefen, My miracle's birthday is coming soon~~~:) Thanks for your kind heart:) I've already recieved your heart for her :)

Thanks. But i am sending you $1 SBD for her, buy her a chocolate. It's just my love towards her and I am happy to be your friend. I am enjoying it. :-)

Oh!!! Thanks for your present for her!!!

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