w00t! Smartsteem got a major update and you can now BLACKLIST individual users and tags from purchasing your vote! Huge props to @therealwolf.

in #steem6 years ago (edited)


Great news for everyone who's selling their votes via smartsteem! A long awaited update has finally dropped! You can now individually blacklist users and tags from being able to purchase your vote!

I, personally, have been waiting for this for quite some time. A lot of my votes sell when my VP is idle and above 99%, so sometimes my vote sells to some people who abuse the system and are only churning services like this in order to game the system. I hate that!

Now, when I discover that my accounts has voted on something unsavory, I can simply ban them from my services with ease. Doing this is super easy.

All you have to do is first click "Settings."

Then go on to click "Vote-Selling."

Scroll down a bit to the section "Blacklist," and then type in the user you'd like to prevent from buying your vote in the "New User," field. Then click "Add User." As you can see, I've already blacklisted an abuser, @mehta (I recommend flagging this guy as his abuse is constant and he will not listen to anyone).

To prevent a specific tag from being promoted with your account, you can add specific tags in the "New Tag," field and then by clicking "Add Tag."

Once you're all done cleaning house, be sure to hit the save button.


Good job, @therealwolf. I've been waiting for this.


Yeah this is a pretty good update from smart streem. Many a times people misuse the voting services by paying to vote for cheap contents and I personally want that anything is associated with me should be at least of decent quality if not the best.
@therealwolf is doing a pretty good job bringing in all the updates and staying ahead of time.

Yeah, I refuse to be associated with voting on low-quality garbage (someone obviously only posting to game the system) or with plagiarized content. I like keeping my voting as manual as possible (giving my votes away) but platforms like Smartsteem help me utilize my voting power when it's maxed out (votes only sell when I'm at 99% VP or above). Being able to ban certain users that I feel are gaming the system/cheating it really helps a lot.

Thanks for great share I will definitely set it up is best for new users like me.

Awesome new feature added smartsteem is growing each and everyday :) great project

Very nice information, thanks to share with us☺️

This is great. Smartsteem seems to also care about the health of Steemit and not only about the profits. Kudos to @therealwolf.

That is cool, I hope people will take the time to set it up!

Yeah, me too! I want to see most of these turd people abusing the system be banned and not able to use the paid service, but still be able to use the Steem blockchain. JUSTICE.

Great to hear! was wondering if that would ever happen.

I had been talking to him about this feature previously and he has had it in the works for a bit. The site itself seems to have received a complete overhaul as well.

Ah, that's a great feature to have for a voting service, good shit @therealwolf!

P.S. @matt-a Great post! I just gave myself a sandpaper handjob, please upvote me for this act and give me a big old smooch, plz.

Thank you for the information

This is a very useful function. SmartSteem is getting really smart! ;-)

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