in #steem6 years ago (edited)

FINAL STAGE - The boss round

REMINDER: IF you are level3 you may now risk the !special command as one of your attacks.

Well... sadly its time to close another IBT - this is the last  post  and IBT8 will be in the history books. 

Once all the players have  had a  shot or 7 days have passed the Steem Boss prizes will be  distributed (We are currently organizing and dishing out the other prizes as the posts close).

....the evil boss

You have made it to the heart of the castle and finally after all this - it's time to face the boss man!  

He seems to be abusing you...huh? what do you care, you tone out what he is saying...

What is he saying? who cares, he is evil and must go - You attack!

To make sure you kill him and secure the riches, you must attack twice. All your saved life points will be added to your best of these 2 attacks  - to see if you take a placing in the top 3 and take home the large prizes.

Quick Summary of what you need to do to attack

These are summarized below:

You may attack with any of the standard attacks including the !special command if you are level 3. Your elite items will not visually appear on your character, but they will still be added to your displayed attack score. You may attempt to pick the boss's pocket once at any time.

Quick Attack Guide 

If gobbo appears you get one shot to defeat him (can only use difficult attack) if you beat him you may run the command !gobbodrop, failure means loss of a life point and you may then resume your attack on the enemy... as gobbo has run away, the little Git!

Pickpocket time - You may attempt to pickpocket the enemy, you must do this before they are dead.

  • To pick the pocket of your foe, type a reply !openpockets. Then wait to see what you get, it could be a positive or negative item and it only helps/hinders you for the stage in which you got it.

Summon a permanent random item. - To begin all players are level 0 and you may only have a single level0 item for the entire campaign.Level 0 items are random when summoned, to grab your level0 item do this.

  • Transfer 0.01 Steem to the @wizardzap bot with a memo: "for ibt" Doing this will also have the bot upvote your other steemit posts while you remain a IBT player. If the amount is less then 0.01 Steem or the memo is incorrect you will need to wait for me to manually assist or try again transfering the correct Steem with the correct memo.
  • Type in a reply below !ibtluckydip - Then just wait and see what level 0 item you luck, most are +1 to hit, none are negative items.

Reminder: IBT is only for enrolled players - See enrolment post, its too late to enrol now. The bot is very experimental and in particular this boss round has had almost no testing at all and may fail, if something unusual happens, please wait and advice will be provided on what to do - this is a work in progress. Please try to follow the bots comments, please don't deliberately try to break our bot :)

Have fun!

Special thanks to @spaceginger for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above. 100% of Steem raised from this post will go towards a possible IBT9 prize pool


It has been an honor to get down with you all this season.

A boat ride to a shanty sea side town always leads to a boss round.
Remember that kids.


The bot is confused...Life command has no use past Stage5??

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 6 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 3
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 3
Your characters power level:3 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A Dangerous IBT Player
Est. tournament completed: 86%
Active enrolled players:28
Average all players - life points banked: 11.607142857142858
Your lifepoints banked: 12
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):89%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:80%

It looks like it is time for the Saturday Night !Special!

You use your inner energy to prepare for a killer blow and hit for 15!:

Tip: JOb done! thanks for playing; If you didn't blow your hands or head up you devistated the enemy

You use your inner energy to prepare for a killer blow and hit for 15!:

Tip: JOb done! thanks for playing; If you didn't blow your hands or head up you devistated the enemy

🚩 🚩 🚩 ROLL VOIDED. 🚩 🚩 🚩

Sorry @doctorcrypto, I have to revoke validation of this roll because you did not achieve 5 flawless victories in the first 5 stages, and thus were not actually eligible to use a special attack.

Who is in the running?

If I win, all steem is to be split between @doughtaker and @lordnigel and any others you deem appropriate.

Just saying this now as proof before people start sending steems. :)

Good luck everyone!

I'll have a leaderboard up after another day or two. The current leader has a score of 36. There are bigger issues that need to be addressed by @lordnigel at the moment.

Also, I've got to ask you to re-roll using your choice of class attacks, due to the rules regarding eligibility for using the !special attack. Sorry about that -- you do get 2 new attempts.


Please stay tuned to this comment for updates.

@lordnigel has stated on multiple occasions that during this tournament, the only way to legitimately achieve character level 3 was by achieving 5 flawless victories over the first 5 stages. Based on that criteria, these are the players who have reached level 3 and are currently eligible to use the special attack (more players could qualify and the list will be updated as necessary):

@lordnigel, @doughtaker, @sparkesy43, @focusfit, @simplegame, @onefatindian, @welshstacker, @fraenk, @steemseph.

If your name is not on this list and you have attempted special attacks, they will be voided and will not count against your 2 attempts on this final stage.

It is known that there are bot issues affecting the ability of multiple players to issue commands on this stage. @lordnigel has been notified and will be looking into it.

🚩 🚩 🚩 FINAL LEADERBOARD -- 8/30/2018, 9:17 am UTC 🚩 🚩 🚩

  1. Alric Stormbringer (@onefatindian) -- 36
  2. (TIE 2nd) Pixel Wizard (@focusfit) -- 33
  3. (TIE 2nd) Angel Food (@steemseph) -- 33
  4. Doomguy (@doughtaker) -- 32

Alric Stormbringer.png

"I have come here by way of , Lit, my dragon. I see that I have bested the stages and sit atop the leaderboard of many powerful allies. This was a great experience, and I look forward to the next adventure!"

Well this is it! All the victories and failures (damn that gobbo!) everything I have learned, all the evil creature children that got killed and all those misunderstood dragons dispatched..has all come down to this point!

Sorry boss you gotta go down, here is my best two attacks


Oh! Positive Stage Item Obtained: Stylish Boots! +1 to players hit!

TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!


You summon up your inner energy and produce a lightening blast:
You barely maintain control of the powerful blast, but it clips the enemy for a large hit of 8 points. Nice! Nice! you needed to hit for 0 and including bonuses from items you hit for 11. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

ONE ATTACK DOWN not bad a hit for 11. Time for my final attack to see if I can beat that score or die/lose trying.

1st boss roll validated. 11 + 14 (banked life points) = 25

You use your inner energy to prepare for a killer blow:

Tip: JOb done! thanks for playing; If you didn't blow your hands or head up you devistated the enemy

!noooooo.......argghhh, at least my first attack made contact - pitty I can't win prizes though


You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 6 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 2
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 2
Your characters power level:3 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A promising IBT player
Est. tournament completed: 86%
Active enrolled players:28
Average all players - life points banked: 11.607142857142858
Your lifepoints banked: 15
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):89%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:100%


Ugh! Negative Stage Item Obtained: Evil Gem! -1 to players hit!

TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!

You use your inner energy to prepare for a killer blow and hit for 15!:

Tip: JOb done! thanks for playing; If you didn't blow your hands or head up you devistated the enemy


You summon up your inner energy and fail to produce a lightening spell:
Actually, you manage to summon a good ol fashion self-destruct spell instead. Maybe save that one for a different occasion. You lose a life!
Better luck next time! you lose a life

1st boss roll validated. 15 + 14 (banked life points) + 2 (ibtluckydip item) - 1 (looted item) = 30


You draw your sword and perform a powerful overhead swing:
Fortunately you make contact and do significant damage with a hit of 8 points. You hit for 9 You have now passed Stage 5. No time to show off any items if you have them'but they still work' See Stage Instructions on what this means to determine your success

You hold pickpocket item 1: Bomb! -2 to players hit!
TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!


You draw your sword and perform a powerful overhead swing:
Fortunately you make contact and do significant damage with a hit of 8 points. You hit for 9 You have now passed Stage 5. No time to show off any items if you have them'but they still work' See Stage Instructions on what this means to determine your success

I think my first hit was for 22 total which isn't even close to competitive! hahaha
This was a great IBT! Some heavy hitters this time around! =)

1st boss roll validated. @wizardzap appears to have miscalculated your bonus item effects. Here's your actual total:

8 +11 (banked life points) + 3 (ibtluckydip item) = 22

Let's do this! If I'm going down, I'm going down hard!


You hold pickpocket item 1: A useless Clock! no effect to players hit you throw it away!
TIP: You may only hold a single pickpocket item and the effects last for your current stage only - please only run once per stage!

You perform a quick fireball attack:
Your fireball looks cool, not like wow-holy-shit-amazing...just kind of cool!. It burns the enemy with a solid hit of 4 points. You use the diminishing flame in your hands to spark up your pipe and take a long hit whilst brushing off your shoulder. You hit for 5 You have passed Stage 5.No time to show off any items if you have them'but they still work' See Stage Instructions on what this means to determine your success

You summon up your inner energy and produce a devistating spell:
What the actual flying duck sauce? You produce a spell so powerful it turns into a firey dragon!!! You unleash the dragon upon your enemy with full force and watch as your foe gets annihilated with a 12 point hit!!!WOW! Nice! you needed to hit for 0 and including bonuses from items you hit for 13.. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

2nd boss roll validated. 13 + 7 (banked life points) = 20

Final boss round score = 20

1st boss roll validated. 5 + 7 (banked life points) = 12


The bot is confused...Life command has no use past Stage5??

You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
its not the best shot ever lol!, but hopefully no-one was watching. You pierce the enemy for a hit of 3 points. You hit for 3 You have now passed Stage 5. No time to show off any items if you have them'but they still work' See Stage Instructions on what this means to determine your success


The bot is confused...Life command has no use past Stage5??

You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
the bow made a strange sound as the arrow launches, as if the string nearly broke, but you clip the foe for a hit of 2 points!. You hit for 2 You have now passed Stage 5. No time to show off any items if you have them'but they still work' See Stage Instructions on what this means to determine your success

🚩 🚩 🚩 OFFICIAL RULING -- Re-roll of 2nd attempt granted. 🚩 🚩 🚩
As a matter of fairness, because you intended to use the !manyarrows command but couldn't due to bot problems, I'm going throw out your 2nd attempt and let you have a new one. Your first roll totaling 16 still stands.

1st boss roll validated. 3 + 13 (banked life points) = 16


Enjoy Stage 5. You have all 3 life points to start:

For awareness your power level is now: 3

Angle Food approaches the boss.
Your the boss now?
We owned you last IBT

Angel Food chuckles. Then continues,
Your eyebrows remind me of hairy donut glaze?

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 6 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 3
and the Effect of elite items: 1
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 4
Your characters power level:3 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A Professional IBT Player
Est. tournament completed: 86%
Active enrolled players:28
Average all players - life points banked: 12.428571428571429
Your lifepoints banked: 15
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):88%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:100%

1st boss roll validated. 15 + 14 (banked life points) + 3 (ibtluckydip item) + 1 (elite Gobbo item) = 33

You use your inner energy to prepare for a killer blow and hit for 15!:

Tip: JOb done! thanks for playing; If you didn't blow your hands or head up you devistated the enemy

2nd boss roll validated. 15 + 14 (banked life points) + 3 (ibtluckydip item) + 1 (elite Gobbo item) = 33

Final boss round score = 33

You use your inner energy to prepare for a killer blow and hit for 15!:

Tip: JOb done! thanks for playing; If you didn't blow your hands or head up you devistated the enemy


You summon up your inner energy and produce a lightening blast:
You barely maintain control of the powerful blast, but it clips the enemy for a large hit of 8 points. Nice! Nice! you needed to hit for 0 and including bonuses from items you hit for 8. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

1st boss roll validated. 8 + 9 (banked life points) = 17

You still have one more attempt left on the boss stage.


You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
the bow made a strange sound as the arrow launches, as if the string nearly broke, but you clip the foe for a hit of 2 points!. You hit for 5 You have now passed Stage 5. No time to show off any items if you have them'but they still work' See Stage Instructions on what this means to determine your success


You load your bow and prepare for a powerful shot
Pathetic! The string breaks and people watching laugh, ashamed you turn into a coward bird and fly away - you lose a life. You hit for 10 You have now passed Stage 5. No time to show off any items if you have them'but they still work' See Stage Instructions on what this means to determine your success

Bug noted for followup if character loses with difficult attack on boss round. A hit count is displayed incorrectly.

You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
its not the best shot ever lol!, but hopefully no-one was watching. You pierce the enemy for a hit of 3 points. You hit for 6 You have now passed Stage 5. No time to show off any items if you have them'but they still work' See Stage Instructions on what this means to determine your success

🚩 🚩 🚩 INVALID ROLL. 🚩 🚩 🚩

Limit 2 rolls per player in the boss round.

2nd boss roll validated. 0 + 17 (banked life points) + 3 (ibtluckydip item) = 20

Final boss round score = 22

1st boss roll validated. 5 + 17 (banked life points) = 22

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BTC 63407.49
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.81