Are we at the bottom yet?

in #steem6 years ago

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It looks like we've still got a way to go. Welcome back to the possibility of sub-$1 STEEM, I'd hoped these days were long gone. Rewards feel measly, the community feels tired. If the median price falls another twenty cents (and the current feed price is already 10c below the median) we'll stop printing SBD altogether.

OK so it's not as bad as the beginning of 2017 and there's always the hope that the lower the bottom, the bigger the bounce, but seeing charts just go down down down and the only smell in the market is the musky scent of bear will always bring on some deep contemplation of whether it's worth it.

I preferred this game when the charts were reversed and everyone was excited and buying in, can we play that game again, please?


I hope we are at the bottom and good days are coming...

Funny during the high times I beat myself up; "why oh why did I not know about Steem when it was sub $1. I would have put my life savings into it" I told myself. Easier said than done 😭😭

It's still the easiest way to acquire some crypto. I'd much rather write for mine than run a miner :)

So you're not putting your life savings into it now? Or even 20% which might be a little wiser 😎 Or are you waiting for it to drop to .95?

Well, even at 0.95, it's not easy haha. What if. But. But. :)

Well, my mum used to say only to risk what you can afford to lose (she was talking about raffle tickets, though).

Hey, i remember you saying to buy steem🤣😅😁

Hehehe. Well :) Do it!! :)

I'll rather buy bitcoin if i have cash!

But Steem is better than Bitcoin. :) It really is

I got steem but got no btc!

Keep that energy in the game!
Root for that bounce.
Still better than Twitter or Facebook :-)

will always bring on some deep contemplation of whether it's worth it.

I think a lot of people have already decided it isn't @lloyddavis.

But, since you've experienced sub $1 before, what makes this time different for you? I'm just curious since, for me, this is the lowest Steem has ever been.

I notice a number of the bigger players (at least in terms of reputation) who used to comment on my posts are no longer here.

Was there a big withdrawal last time Steem was so low or was it all so new that people were more willing to take it in their stride?

Wishing you have a fun day in the sun whatever the price of Steem. 😊

I think it reminds me that this is a game with some chance of gaining some money, rather than a job that has added fun and community.

People come and go, there are plenty here from the start, but also people leave or drift off for all sorts of reasons.

When I joined it was already quite low and then it got lower :) over Christmas was our first experience of a real bull market. I think it will come back again, just not sure how low we have to go.

and don't forget your sun block! :)

Ha, ha, ha. I have to find it first @llyoddavis. 😁

Are you two off again somewhere? Best time to go off again😁

We will see who persists on Steemit and who drops out if and when it dips below $1. I don't believe we have hit the bottom yet.

It's actually getting quite exciting in a strange, slightly warped sort of way @slobberchops. Will it or won't it dip below $1?

My brain has gotten a little confused and is cheering it downwards. 😂 😂 😂

I wouldn't be surprised if it goes below $1. This may be a big buy trigger though, people always look at these round numbers and then act. $1.06 may be a better trigger, something more unorthodox. You need to disengage from the herd.

Good point @slobberchops. Looks like we're at $1.21 now after a jump to $1.28 while I was at the beach. I could do with deciding on a buy point and then sticking to it but I've been saying that for months. One day . . . soon . . . 😂

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

You may rely on it

Hi! I'm a bot, and this answer was posted automatically. Check this post out for more information.

I guess this is the most positive thing we have heard for a while... 😉
Thank you @magic8ball!
Oh, and another question:
Will I ever earn money in crypto?

I was expecting it to happen. Fluctuations in the crypto world were predicted and Steem should be on a rise in Autumn. Until then one could invest fiat.

Hi Sir, Hope you would be fine.
Sir I invested in STEEM when it bounced to $4. I was thinking that "Crash Period" is over.
Then STEEM suddenly started Falling Down. I am still circulating that amount.
In Current Crash I again invest in STEEM. And I think rather I suggest to everyone who want to invest that this is suitable Time to Invest in STEEM.

Good luck. I hope it works out for you!

Well, we must play with what we have at hands, so right now the better move would be to exchange steem for SBD because SBD will always be worth 1$ in the internal market so if steem drops below 1$ we can buy more steem with SBD and if SBD stops printing it will became a lot more valuable too ;)

perhaps, for now. But the SBD always being worth $1 is predicated on the debt ratio (SBD as % of Market Cap) staying under 10%. That would currently trigger when STEEM dipped below $0.54 - I hope we don't go that far to find out what happens :)

I'm just wondering if it drops low enough whether I can get to be a dolphin on the budget I have available. Some people are going to come and go, I guess there's lots of shinies out there.

if it drops low enough whether I can get to be a dolphin on the budget I have available

Now there's a thought @shanibeer. Wouldn't that be something! 😂

But it's 10,000 SP to be a dolphin isn't it?

P.S. What's a shiny?

5000SP is a dolphin according to the Chrome extension I'm using.

Well that's better @slobberchops. 5000SP is much better than 10,000SP. 100% better if I'm not mistaken (which I often am).

Anyway, after poking around various posts it seems to be the 1 mil vests that is critical but then I read elsewhere that over time it will take more and more vests to become a dolphin which leads me to conclude that either they or I don't have a clue! 😂

And, since I don't understand the relationship between vests and SP and I'm no where near 5000 at this point I will bow out gracefully whilst watching @shanibeer with an eagle eye! 😂

The 1 Million vests is the 500 SP milestone, which I believe you have already got. Dolphin status according to this Chrome Addon that a lot of people seem to use is 5000. I will get there, that's when I can get myself another contract.

Ah. That was a typo @slobberchops I meant to say 10 mil.

What do you mean by "that's when I can get myself another contract." 😊

I'm a contract worker, its a niche skill and well paid but ultimately short term work. My last one was 6 years but it's usually 6 months to a year.

They let me go this week as its cheaper to hire Indian's to do my job. I'll be looking for a new gig in August, after having July off.

Got some nice weather it seems too :)

Ah. I see @slobberchops. It's like a great time to be taking a month of though. Let's hope the weather holds.

The forecast is good here for the next week. 😁

Ah, yes, I think you're where I heard it from.

10M vests, I think? I'm about a third of the way there.

OK. So I'm a bit confused now. Could you have 10M vest without having 10,000 SP @shanibeer or would they always be more or less equivalent?

I don't know 😊. I'll have to have a look later and see if I can find a post that tells us - or maybe you will find one first. I have to go and do some work that definitely provides an income now 😂

Ha, ha, ha. I see @shanibeer. I thought you had such knowledge at your finger tips. 😂

Have a fun day!

Shinies are bright things that look good and attract (or distract) our attention.

Oh I see, as in shiny new things syndrome! 😊

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