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RE: An Open Freewrite Letter To The "Doers" Of Steem | From The Token "Kindergarten Teacher"

in #steem6 years ago

He had admitted its just to be seen and heard, so I at least respect the honesty... I prefer an honest ass over a lying snake any day of the week 😜

He also can take some criticism pretty well.. cause I’ve been giving it to him pretty good and he hasn’t told me off yet.

It takes all kinds of kinds right? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Thanks for being you ❤️


I didn't mean that as an insult. I knew he'd get a bit of a chuckle out of it. I read that post, I fell for it, if I fall for it, he did a good job of being that way. Him and I have a history of arguing about things, and arguing about things is something I'm trying to avoid here these days, but some people have a fancy way of bringing thoughts out of people. I've used a similar approach to draw attention to things in the past and when one dishes it out, they're usually prepared to take it.

We need to stop bickering over stupid stuff and work towards the common goal.

You said that in your post here and that's something I've said as well, many times, so I can only agree. It does take all kinds though and some versions of honesty sting, but honesty is still a form of being positive due to the fact there's a lot of gray area in between both mindsets, an area that is often ignored, especially when the stay positive party is placing themselves up on pedestals and looking down on the rest or thinking they're above it all. That fake positive mindset always creates problems. Anyway, I'm rambling, I've said too much, and yeah, keep doing you're thing. When is recess? ;)

Dont get me wrong. I stand by every point i made there. Its the way it was written thats the tricky bit. Its all about attention on any social media site if you want to get heard. Some pay bots every day for attention, some play games and are schemers, some are just hard working and look to get attention that way.... I do this.
As i said in the comment below, i could have gone for the easy route and pandered, looked to not hurt anyones feelings but when things get bad like they are now, sometimes its a good thing to punch hard even if you leave yourself open for the counter. (bit of a boxing analogy. hehe)

I have seen some petty reactions and silly moves by some people trying to show me their disapproval with what i wrote, but hey, it was expected. But like i always say (never actually said it haha):

Theres the comment section, grab your keyboard, use your words and disagree with me.

As long as you dont start throwing heavy insults, personal attacks and play games behind the curtain, wer cool. :)

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