An Open Freewrite Letter To The "Doers" Of Steem | From The Token "Kindergarten Teacher"

in #steem6 years ago (edited)


Well, it seems this is the thing to do lately right? Make a post saying what we think Steemit Inc. should be doing? Point fingers and state what we think they should have done better, say they should have listened to us? Well, I get that.. I get the frustration.. but quite frankly, pointing fingers is a waste of time.

I feel no need to chase Ned around responding to all his comments hoping for his attention, I feel no need to make an immature post that does nothing but piss people off... I say it like it is and don't give two shits about votes..(notice the payout)...

So, I am going to do it a bit differently...

For those who are showing up here (probably because you were tagged.. yeah, sorry about that), and are wondering who the heck this girl is making a post about Steem, well I will help you out... I am no one. I am not a developer, I am not a high stake account holder.. hell I had never even looked into crypto before joining here and I can barely use my phone.. let alone build an app that the world would come here to use.

I represent the normal people in a way... I am communities, curation... you know.. those people we built this platform for in the first place?

While it was very nicely pointed out by @lordbutterfly in his recent post.. apparently us community leaders are not holding up our end of the bargain.. we are just playing kindergarten games. But, as he pointed out to me as well, I'm not really a community leader. It's actually a good point, I am not the face of a community.. out sweet talking whales to try to get support... nah, I don't do that.

What I am is a Community Builder, working daily behind the scenes to try to make this place and its core users as strong as we can be.. to be ready for the masses. To take new users under our wings and make sure they stay here, not just disappear as soon as they arrive. Not everyone is here to do big things.. some just come here to hangout, and use those apps that individuals are working so hard on. You know, be the customers to all the cool stuff we are trying to develop. We need content consumers and customers after all.

Communities are the core, and when we are ready to show the world what Steem is.. we have an army of passionate and committed customers to show them the way.

The people, the ones that when they come together are unstoppable.. the ones that will jump into action when needed to help Steem achieve big things. Just like was seen when we needed to rally to be listed on Netcoins.

Communities Are Only One Piece Of The Puzzle Though

The truth is, community leaders are doing what they are suppose to be doing.. they are building the communities.

We each have a place here, a job, a skill.. something we are good at. We all cant be good at everything right? Community builders shouldn't be making apps.. just as app builders shouldn't be curating.. they just aren't good at it. *(I would give examples, but I am trying to keep this positive :)

What we need to do is use everyone and their skills to make this place what it truly can be

We need to stop bickering over stupid stuff and work towards the common goal. We need to gather the best of the best and discuss how we work together to make this platform great. While @Ned and Steemit Inc have been carrying most of the weight since the beginning... It's not really their job, its ours.

We have all the talent we need...

Some of the best developers; @roadscape, @stoodkev, @jesta, @Therealwolf, @abit, @timcliff, @inertia, @hightouch among others

Curation groups that know where the talent is; @Curie, @c-squared, @ocd etc

Amazing front ends; @steempress, @steempeak, @steeve among many others

@oracle-d and @starkerz have the big ideas and investors ready to work with our communities to make this place profitable.

We have real businesses like @steemmonsters by @aggroed and @yabapmatt pulling the community together to actually make something profitable, that will bring in customers.

We have the passionate high stake users here who just want to see this place be successful, and show this in their daily actions... even though sometimes they lack a certain finesse ;D @Berniesanders, @Themarkymark, @fulltimegeek, etc

We already have everything we need

Now, @ned.. I don't expect you to do everything... but we have been reliant on you too long for you to just walk away completely... you are still the CEO of this company and I need you to help lead us.. help these individuals among many, many others come together to build a platform that is truly decentralized... one that we can show to the world and make ready for the masses.

I don't know Ned, never even spoken with him... but I know he's a human so he cant be perfect, not quite sure why you all expect him to be. I did however get to speak with @birdinc and @andrarchy a decent amount while at Steemfest and if he has half the love and passion for this place as they do.. then we will be just fine.

So What Do I Suggest?

Well one thing I am good at is connecting people. It's what I do, I didn't realize it is what I am good at until recently.. but its true, I can see things from the outside, see the potential and connect those that need to be connected. I also have this ability to speak my mind in an intelligent and respectful way.. oh yeah.. and recently I have been pretty good at conflict resolution on this platform. So maybe we just need a kindergarten teacher to bring us together?? I would be happy to!

We need a round table... a meeting.. of the best of each area of Steem to sit down and brainstorm. We need to stop bitching at each other over the internet and actually do something. We need to stop working in our own corners to complete this puzzle because quite frankly we don't have all the pieces we need... we each have a part of the puzzle. So, lets bring all our puzzle pieces together.. our skills, the best of the best and get the damn job done.

Steemfest was wonderful.. but the best part of it was the conversations that happened, the roundtables, the late night talks in bars, the people who are actually doing stuff around here sitting down to talk about how to work together to improve it. We don't need the glitz and glam.. we need to have a serious talk.

Let's Brainstorm

@crowdmind is working to bring the people together, to work together to achieve many goals here. What many might not know is behind crowdmind is a company that sees the value in Steem... and they want to be apart of it, but they also see that we have some things we need to work on first.

They have offered to host a Conference in Novi Sad, Serbia at their location.

I went and visited with them there after Steemfest and heard some of their ideas, they want to be apart of this and want bring quite the resume with them. They already work with many companies that are investing in social media and see the potential of a crypto based, decentralized platform. They want to not only give us a place to discuss, build and do big things.. but when we are ready, they want to help us reach the masses. Did I mention they specialize in marketing?

They have also offered local outreach in the area.. onboarding or introducing new users to steem or a certain dApp or user interface, then running focus groups where they would give a detailed analysis that will help us improve as a whole.

Now, all this was discussed before the recent events and I had agreed to help them plan a conference. But I think right now is the perfect time to focus on coming together, as a community to pull our skills together and make Steem what we know it can be.

Why Serbia?

well, it really doesn't have to be there, but its a centralized location in Europe.. where many developers are. It's extremely inexpensive and is actually more cost effective for someone like myself (from the United States) to travel to then actually another location in the US... which is insane, but its true. And.. they want us there.

Maybe it's not the right time for a conference in Serbia... maybe someone else has another idea? The point is that this is an opportunity to do something big, to work together. Because we all bring something special to the table, we all have a piece of the puzzle.. but it doesn't help us reach our goals to keep them to ourselves.

We all want the same thing, to see Steem be successful. It's about time we started working together to make it happen.

So, I'm asking for a meeting... let's talk.. lets grow.. lets build this place. Let me help connect you all, just meet me there and I will do the rest.

Who's In?

Much Love and Steem On,

Your token Kindergarten Teacher and connector of the people


nice picture 😊 most don't know that - like me at the beginning...

Yeah I read the post you’re referring to, and had a bad taste in my mouth.

Like you, I’m not a developer, an app builder, a coder or programmer, I’m not even an entrepreneur. I guess I’m an investor by virtue of continuing to buy Steem and power up as necessary.

But I consider myself a user, a consumer, someone who happily engages with many of the products/dApps you mentioned.

I have an idea about a product I’d love to see happen, a project I’d love to work on, but I lack the technical skills, and capital backing to get it off the ground. And clearly I don’t live in the circles where those folk inhabit.

Reading that post really felt like an us/them accusation. There is nothing I’d like more than to be more involved with helping this blockchain turn into something even greater than it is.

I have a ton of creative ideas but literally no idea on how to make it happen. I’m sure there are heaps of people with those skills and no creativity too.

Where do we go to link up minds and actually live/work in a decentralised manner?

If we want to utilise the Steem blockchain as a model for a better way to live/work/operate, that model needs to work in the real world, and will be modelled off human interactions and natural-world interactivity.

Because nature is decentralised. Ask any physicists, astronomer, biologist, etc.

I’ve read plenty of good suggestions and ideas on where to from here — what appears to be missing is the people coming together and taking action instead of shouting into the wilderness from their lonely corner.


Posted using Partiko iOS

Yep. I understand completely. That post was written in the way it was to irk you and make people uncomfortable. People that are placed on the piedestal and never questioned because "community leaders".
Jerry was everything we said he was and we picketed to run him off the platform but those with power and influence that ran him off, that can do something, never picked up the positive things he was doing in any regard.

Its time to take the mirror and look at ourselves and ask why that is.

Justine is the best kindergarden teacher, she taught me how to do this:

And now , jokes aside... agree 100% , communities are the core .. and as a fellow community builder I spend a lot of time also behind the scenes to help this place move to a place where I would want it to be .. I'm not a developer nor a big stakeholder .. in fact if you look at my blog , I'm a musician .. But I believe in the potential of this place and therefore I'm very work invested here , I am really betting in this as a place to build a career and a home for other artists ( which is my line of work ) but of course it can be a launching place for many other projects and initiatives. Time to stop pointing fingers and blaming the one who is beside and take a bit more action . Just my two cents ;)

I think that was our best craft to date.. cutting all those circles became tiresome though I have to say.. adulting is hard 😜

Agree completely and thanks for the support.. we all have something special to offer!

The thing about leaders is they don’t typically come with a Harvard MBA, 30 years of experience and are willing to work for cents an hour if that. They tend to be the people who try and do something beyond themselves and they tend to take responsibility. When things don’t go their way they know it's first and foremost their own fault.

I’m not a leader and I’ve hated being in decision making roles my entire life. Yet that is where I am today. Not because I have great soft skills, can acquire angle investors, or am smart. It’s because I just do things when others were unwilling. I see part of the bigger picture and l realize if someone did not step up and start doing what little they can with what abilities they have. That there would be even fewer opportunities for those coming up or are still active.

Where ever you go you tend to see the same small group of people. They are all spread out far too much in what I can only assume are in dozens or hundreds of projects. Some try and do everything they can and others I swear do the bare minimum to still claim credit. It really is not that hard to get spread out like that. You can’t blame them either for ending up like that. You want to help one place that requires you to be in another and another and another. You are off trying help such and such an opportunity to help them opens up but requires being active someplace else, making a new connection, trying help back for the kindness shown. This has been how Archdruid has been for me to the point I almost don’t type in there these days. Which means I need to remove a few discords!

Franky Steem needs so many doers you can’t fit them at a roundtable. I would have though Steem Feast would be the key place to work things out for those that can afford to attend and invest that kind of time. I don’t think adding another expensive trip is going have the impact everyone wants to it. Like Steemit needing to reduce staff. Cheaper and more inviting options are the ways to go forward.

I like my tiny corner of Steemit. I’m not expected to show up to a dozen meetings every week and listen to people drone on for hours on end (no offense to anyone). I have one live show a week I make time to attend in a community outside of Archdruid. I get to just watch and post a couple of memes/gifs/emoji’s in chat if I feel like it. No one expects anything from me and that is nice.

I’m simply in a state of “does someone want to do X,” “NO?,” Ok then “I just did X if I could.” I did not spend 10 times the effort looking for someone to do X and then next week find out they could not be around so X did not get done again. Which I do understand it makes me a bad team player as I prefer things to just get done sooner than later. This also means people will always be unhappy about X but they were unwilling to do it so little I has the energy to care much.

If you guys really think having an in-person meeting in some country is going “fix” anything then make a date and see who goes. This platform has and will just keep talking for years on end and not be doing much of anything. With the expectation of the same small group of people who just do instead of talking about it to death. The masses are good at patting themselves on the back when someone else picks up the workload.

I have no desire to do more than what little I am doing. I’m already not sleeping much to make what time I can. I just can’t afford the short to mid-term opportunity cost. Steem is a very long-term thing and I’m barely in the position to be doing what I am doing. I’m mostly here on this platform for a good time. If one day of what I was able to hold on becomes worth something to put towards a retirement account then great I finally have one of those. If not I had some good times, shared some laughs and meet some interesting people. I’m not going make my cost of living which for just about everyone on this platform takes priority as they are not either. Heck, 19 months worth of effort and it won’t even cover what I expect my Utility bills will be in December at the present price. Granted that is my own fault for the enjoyment of holiday baking and colorful lighting for the insane electric bill I always get; but, I would not have it any other way. It brings me what little joy I have left in this world. Which to me is far worth more than price tag to acquire it.

Tldr: less chatting more doing. We need cheaper alternatives (time invested, financially) so the doers of this platform are at least breaking even on opportunity cost in the short term to keep going. Whatever that is would enable more to do more. Shame can’t repo some of the bidbots VP that least help. I could have been doing what I needed to for tonight. Instead, I wrote a comment first. Enough hot air out of me time to go do what I do.

I agree, but I also think that when you have so many different people attempting towards the same goal.. open communication needs to happen. Otherswise the doing becomes a bit of a mess.

Fancy trips aren’t needed.. but I just think when people get into a room together with the mindset to get shit done, a lot can be accomplished.

Steemfest was wonderful.. but it was a social event, and Ned wasn’t even there for most of it. So, I just mean.. no social event, no fancy dinners, a meeting.. to get some business done. It doesn’t have to happen halfway across the world.. but the communication needs to be open or we are all just fighting against each other.

And I agree.. everywhere you go around here you see the same people doing the things that need to be done.. most of the time with no pay... to me, those are the people we should be listening to and working with, those are the passionate ones who are working their asses off to make this place successful. They can’t do it alone though.

And I get it.. as someone who has been here 11mths, working in many corners.. I’ve never even bought a cup of coffee with my Steem earnings. But I see big things coming and those of us who are working in our corners will get to buy some dang coffee (or pay an electric bill) eventually.


I think that character just acts like a hater for attention. That is all.

He had admitted its just to be seen and heard, so I at least respect the honesty... I prefer an honest ass over a lying snake any day of the week 😜

He also can take some criticism pretty well.. cause I’ve been giving it to him pretty good and he hasn’t told me off yet.

It takes all kinds of kinds right? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Thanks for being you ❤️

I didn't mean that as an insult. I knew he'd get a bit of a chuckle out of it. I read that post, I fell for it, if I fall for it, he did a good job of being that way. Him and I have a history of arguing about things, and arguing about things is something I'm trying to avoid here these days, but some people have a fancy way of bringing thoughts out of people. I've used a similar approach to draw attention to things in the past and when one dishes it out, they're usually prepared to take it.

We need to stop bickering over stupid stuff and work towards the common goal.

You said that in your post here and that's something I've said as well, many times, so I can only agree. It does take all kinds though and some versions of honesty sting, but honesty is still a form of being positive due to the fact there's a lot of gray area in between both mindsets, an area that is often ignored, especially when the stay positive party is placing themselves up on pedestals and looking down on the rest or thinking they're above it all. That fake positive mindset always creates problems. Anyway, I'm rambling, I've said too much, and yeah, keep doing you're thing. When is recess? ;)

Dont get me wrong. I stand by every point i made there. Its the way it was written thats the tricky bit. Its all about attention on any social media site if you want to get heard. Some pay bots every day for attention, some play games and are schemers, some are just hard working and look to get attention that way.... I do this.
As i said in the comment below, i could have gone for the easy route and pandered, looked to not hurt anyones feelings but when things get bad like they are now, sometimes its a good thing to punch hard even if you leave yourself open for the counter. (bit of a boxing analogy. hehe)

I have seen some petty reactions and silly moves by some people trying to show me their disapproval with what i wrote, but hey, it was expected. But like i always say (never actually said it haha):

Theres the comment section, grab your keyboard, use your words and disagree with me.

As long as you dont start throwing heavy insults, personal attacks and play games behind the curtain, wer cool. :)

As a business owner/tech entrepreneur and someone who built their own startup I can say their will always be oversight on your part you will make mistakes that others think are so basic, you will hold back on things that others say should have been there from the start because you’re putting out fires or fixing what should be working it’s a never ending circle and you just keep running it and it keeps getting bigger but when you’re not losing your mind you’re having fun!

So I’m not too harsh on what steemit inc should or shouldn’t do, your biggest fuck ups that don’t shut you down are usually your best lessons

I agree we need more customers, I value all the smart people I meet in here and the ideas they have to make the place better but just because you built a BMW doesn’t mean everyone wants to drive one, most of us just want a car that drives and we don’t think too much about it, like you said we just want to hang out and have fun!

Communities will be the backbone of recruitment as dapps use them as guinea pigs and once it’s ready for mass consumption it’s all about word of mouth and reach one teach one! That will be the make or break in my opinion

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes exactly! Having someone else’s eyes on a business or project is kind of an amazing opportunity to figure out what you are missing, but then on the other hand what is missing to one may not be missing to someone else.

What I see lately is a lot of talented people waiting for someone to lead the way.. but as a decentralized group.. there can’t be one leader. We all need to come together to push this place to where it needs to be.

And yes some people just want to come here and do cool stuff! They are important and we can’t forget about them.

Thanks for your comment and I hope to see some teamwork happening soon 🤗

As a complete newbie here just trying to find my way around, I have to say so much of this resonates with me.

I came here, to Steemit, not with the expectation of either making a quick buck or big bucks, but rather to be part of a successful growing community of outstanding thinkers and doers, who have so much to offer. Within that, yes, I hope for my own success.

You are indeed one of those people and have so eloquently expressed yourself and have put yourself out there with a view towards not only helping us, the little guys, but to ensuring the success of Steemit long term, I both admire and thank you for that.

Well, firstly.. welcome! I have been seeing you around and I have to say you are steeming exactly as a newbie should be.. getting out there and interacting, that is how you find your home and your following.

Thank you for the kind words.. I’m passionate about this place and it makes me a bit mad sometimes haha.. but I really do just want to help.

I know you are on discord, feel free to message me if you have any questions or need help finding your community. ❤️

Awwwww.... thank you so much, and I will admit, I am a bit lost on Discord right now, and especially seeing where I fit in since I have too many interests, lol.

Nothing wrong about being passionate in what we believe i, without fighters, we would all lose.

Thanks for responding back 🤗

I'd be all smiles if we could even put together a zoom call

How has this not been done already?!? I get it.. and honestly a trip to Serbia isn’t necessarily needed, but there is something about sitting around a table together that makes things happen so much better. Phone calls are nice.. conversations around a table are best.

If people would stand behind you id back that.. I dont know anyone here that has done so much for Steem, with so little....
But we talked about this plenty... The STEEM social dynamics are in the way.

We all have limited time per day to deal with crypto and Steem so the question placed in front of people is: what is the best way to spend your time?

  1. Do i go out and apostolize for STEEM or
  2. Do i spend time analyzing behavior on Steem and use that knowledge (in any way possible) to propel myself forward.

What is "best for me?".. Clearly its no2. And if youre good at it, you can get far.

On other blockchains people arent so closed off from the rest of the crypto world like we are here because it doesnt pay to become a "social media master" in the way it does here.
Being good at that aspect, supporting another blockchain, you will eventually attract more people...

Being good at that aspect on STEEM and focusing only on internal social dynamics and how to attract attention leads to nothing but your own personal benefit...

Thats why i called out community leaders. Not because i think communities are useless (i think absolutely the polar opposite) but because community leaders, or "faces" (as you call them) have completely disregarded the potential they have in front of them and/or misuse it.
Instead of pushing towards external action, they simply.... use that potential to solidify their own positions and boost their own influence and authority on the blockchain.

That is why i call some of these communities kindergartens.. Community leaders treating their members like children and playing childrens games when those folks could move mountains...

But great post. hehe
Sneaky, but great. :D

Oh and, i "yell" because i care. Still. haha

I know you care, if you didn’t you would just collect your money and leave.. you, like many here, just let your frustrations get in the way of open communication.

So, I’ll play mediator.. and totally be the kindergarten teacher you need to connect to others who want the same thing.. the success of Steem.

As I told you privately, I get your point, but I think you are completely missing the point of communities. I’ll agree, many leaders here are only worried about making money for themselves as well as a name for themselves.. but hey, don’t blanket us all together!

Speak your mind, call people out, but do it a way that opens up communications rather than shutting the door on it. I know you care.. just.. don’t be a dick and people will hear you more 😄

Come be part of the solution....or you can just keep on trolling...

No hate from me, and I’m stealing your insult and running with it 😝

Haha. Well we live in different worlds of thought and im sure we will never agree. :D. Its not really frustrations as it is giving up on pandering.
I can shitpost for a month and make a post that will grab attention easily. Now, i could write the exact same post, make the exact same arguments in a pandering, "respective" way and get ignored, but i could "yell" and pump the post with silly tricks to get heard what i wanted to say but.... in the end seen as a fringe character. And @nonameslefttouse was pretty much right. haha

Question is: "What will get the points across most effectively?"... No minds will change if they werent going to get changed anyway, they never do, no matter how you frame it or present it. Those called out never take kindly to criticism of any kind.
Present it mildly and you get mildly ignored and maybe score a few points.
Punch hard and they might feel it.

Consider i could have made the same arguments in a different way.

Its pretty simple how it works here. Its only about what your end game is. Do you care about your reputation and influence here or do you care about the success of STEEM?
Unfortunately those two things are often in conflict.

hehe. And id never blanket you with those other guys. As i told you.. Youre me 6 months ago. haha.

I wonder though that Steem (the blockchain) doesn’t have the added ( and I would argue, very typically human) complexity of being social in its purpose.

I — and many others like me — would really like to know what can we do and how can we do it?

How do we link the Users with the Techies? How do we link the creatives to the people who can build the structures? How do we link the entrepreneurs, investors, and people who believe in the vision and are willing to push it?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Communication is definitely something I think we are lacking in heavily.. and yes I think there is a disconnect between the two groups. I’m hoping in this time that we all need to pull together to be successful maybe we can break through that barrier. I hope

Hi there,
I've just upvoted this post
A small contribution from me, to help the steem community to thrive ;)

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