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RE: An Open Freewrite Letter To The "Doers" Of Steem | From The Token "Kindergarten Teacher"

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I know you care, if you didn’t you would just collect your money and leave.. you, like many here, just let your frustrations get in the way of open communication.

So, I’ll play mediator.. and totally be the kindergarten teacher you need to connect to others who want the same thing.. the success of Steem.

As I told you privately, I get your point, but I think you are completely missing the point of communities. I’ll agree, many leaders here are only worried about making money for themselves as well as a name for themselves.. but hey, don’t blanket us all together!

Speak your mind, call people out, but do it a way that opens up communications rather than shutting the door on it. I know you care.. just.. don’t be a dick and people will hear you more 😄

Come be part of the solution....or you can just keep on trolling...

No hate from me, and I’m stealing your insult and running with it 😝


Haha. Well we live in different worlds of thought and im sure we will never agree. :D. Its not really frustrations as it is giving up on pandering.
I can shitpost for a month and make a post that will grab attention easily. Now, i could write the exact same post, make the exact same arguments in a pandering, "respective" way and get ignored, but i could "yell" and pump the post with silly tricks to get heard what i wanted to say but.... in the end seen as a fringe character. And @nonameslefttouse was pretty much right. haha

Question is: "What will get the points across most effectively?"... No minds will change if they werent going to get changed anyway, they never do, no matter how you frame it or present it. Those called out never take kindly to criticism of any kind.
Present it mildly and you get mildly ignored and maybe score a few points.
Punch hard and they might feel it.

Consider i could have made the same arguments in a different way.

Its pretty simple how it works here. Its only about what your end game is. Do you care about your reputation and influence here or do you care about the success of STEEM?
Unfortunately those two things are often in conflict.

hehe. And id never blanket you with those other guys. As i told you.. Youre me 6 months ago. haha.

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