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RE: STEEM and SBD rocketing together? It's Impossible.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Actually at this point of time, I find the over valued SBD to be honest is not useful for what I envision; that SBD is more of a stored value and it becomes so high that people only have the interest to convert it to fiat currency only.
For me, I hope that one day STEEM and SBD will grow beyond just something you print and hold (until the price is right to sell), where STEEM and SBD will actually be a substitute of (falling apart) fiat currency in the steemit community to get away the controlled clutches of the fiat manipulation, a totally sovereign "crypto nation" who not only produce their own earnings through quality content, but more-so is an entrepreneur that trades from goods to services with STEEM / SBD on a daily basis.

I might get some boo hoos from many here, but I personally would really like to see these 2 currencies either stabilise or gradually rise in value instead of this fluctuating mooning in the market.

Thanks for giving me a better idea how the SBD and STEEM is calculated during maturity period.



Agreed. It gets easier the higher steem gets. I do think they both will stabilize at some point, and it will take time. I know I'm pretty impatient about it too but the reality is still that this is still a young platform.

Well, it can only stabilise when people start seeing this beyond just an item / share in an exchange to make money .

Then, it will grow and stay strong; and it needs to start with simple people like you and me to see it in a larger vision; just like the first few merchant adopters of bitcoin during its initial stage.

I'm saying that even if we do nothing and people value the platform, it will happen by itself. Which is an interesting property to have.

I'm saying that people that don't think like you and me are going to get burned when steem's platform really takes off.

The more I think and write about it the more convinced of this I am. Better the market understands these properties sooner so we can correct faster though-- about that you are right.

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