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RE: [Changelog] python-steem 0.2.1

in #steem8 years ago

I am peering intently at the piston code and I don't quite get how to supply it parameters, but I will go look at the piston.web code, which I expect makes calls that I can learn the correct way to form the parameters.

I am unclear on one thing though, if I am running piston.web, or such as what I am developing, a python/gtk interface app, what else needs to be on my machine, do I need to be running something else to query/post to the block chain?

Since I am in development at this phase, I suppose the rpc will be fine since I will be one of the few using it, but where can I find the information about how to set up or where else you can point a client for an RPC interface?


I am unclear on one thing though, if I am running piston.web, or such
as what I am developing, a python/gtk interface app, what else needs
to be on my machine, do I need to be running something else to
query/post to the block chain?

Nothing else needed. Piston connects to which offers
an API to talk to the blockchain. All data is queried from that API and
signed transactions are sent to that API. If you want, you can run your
own API by running the official steemd daemon but that's not required.

Since I am in development at this phase, I suppose the
rpc will be fine since I will be one of the few using it, but where
can I find the information about how to set up or where else you can
point a client for an RPC interface?

  1. You are not among 'few', there are actually so many that the machine
    produces >15GB of traffic every day.
  2. The API is a websocket API and listens on wss://
    Quite some documentation can be found on

I recall seeing something on the documentation about there being an "official" RPC endpoint also.

I am just not able to run a witness at this point. I have an idea about making an application that distributes this load for others, something like a DHT that allows anyone running a witness to provide access also.

I will look into that later but for the time being, thanks for your excellent work. I hope I can help it become even more used. A lot of people have no idea how much better Python is for this kind of application, especially on lesser hardware.

I recall seeing something on the documentation about there being an "official" RPC endpoint also.

Erm, well, there is an endpoint offered by but they don't
really like to see alot of traffic hitting their node that is not from
the web app. Since this is all blockchain, you can easily
setup your own "official" endpoint by running steemd.

It's kind of "weird" because in decentralized networks/ecosystems, there
is nothing really "official" because that would be centralized again :)

I am just not able to run a witness at this point. I have an idea
about making an application that distributes this load for others,
something like a DHT that allows anyone running a witness to provide
access also.

You may want to look into which is a load balanced
network of steemd endpoints.

Small heads-up: this comment was just shown as a post (TLP) on steemstats.

YAY! thanks for that. that's exactly the kind of thing I am looking for. I don't want to put an app out there that depends on only one solitary developer (albeit, being paid pretty good to do this) running one RPC endpoint with a witness node on it.

I have just been contending with a horrible disaster from trying to install a better driver for my fitlet a10's AMD APU. 24 hours of frustrating waiting for things, reconfiguring, blah blah blah. I am glad I will soon be able to get back to focusing on my project.

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