Let's Get STEEM Listed on Netcoins - A Steem Community Effort!

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steem community, we have a chance to get STEEM listed on a brand new blockchain company starting up in Canada (where I live) called Netcoins. If we get to the #1 spot, STEEM will be listed for free, which is worth $30,00 USD. Exchanges charge that much for the privilege of having coins listed. If we all pitch in 30 seconds a day as a community, for the next few days, we might be able to get to the #1 spot!

Is Netcoins an exchange?

Not really, bur it's even better! The blockchain technology they rolled out will propel decentralized cryptocurrency into the mainstream of society. Netcoins has a financial technology that helps regular people buy and sell Bitcoin, as well as Ethereum, XRP, Bitcoin Cash, Pareto and more. Hopefully STEEM will be the next available for people to use! It all depends on us making it #1!

How does Netcoins work?

Anyone can get paid to host Virtual Crypto ATM software, such as retailers and other businesses. Any device, such as a tablet, iPad, phone or computer can become a VIrtual Crpyto ATM for anyone to buy with cash, debit or credit cards. It's easy to set up, costs nothing for retailers selling crypto to customers, and the Netcoins software does all the dirty-work of creating wallets, getting quotes for the coin value, and ordering, which saves everyone the headache.

Check out this 1-minute video to see it in action:

Why does this matter?

This will promote decentralization in society and propel cryptocurrency into the mainstream with the Netcoins ATM software alone, and if STEEM wins it will propel STEEM to greater adoption! If we can get STEEM to #1, Steem will become a greater part of the advancement of a new era of fintech that will change the world of finance forever!

How to join the contest?

  • Login to your email, and confirm the vote you cast by clicking the link provided.

  • Vote again every 24 hours to get STEEM to the top!

Let's make this happen Steem community! We can do it! Make a post about this contest and hopefully more people will join in and increase the votes to the #1 position for STEEM to win! Everyone on Steemit and other Steem sites should join in. This will help STEEM and all crypto!

If you comment with a screenshot of your VOTE for the contest, I will upvote it :) #gonetcoins

Contest Link: http://contest.gonetcoins.com



Gogo gadget steem!

Did this yesterday and voted for a second time today. Was around 3.4K votes when I did it.

@Memo, just posted similar info. I have taken the time to forward the link for voting to the handful of people that follow me. Only one was aware of the contest. They said that they wouyld notify people who follow them. Voting is a peice of cake. This morning when I voted again there were 2968 and Styeem was in third place. Checked again at 1 and Steem now has 3642 votes, only 36 votes behind second place verge. It is going to take some doing to move into 1st as PAC coin is at 4771. Will continue to vote and pass the link along whenever I can.

First now :)

Hey there @krnel, it is awesome to see you participating in this! I have voted daily 4 times, this is my last vote:

fourth day vote

Sweet! Keep it up. I've voted i think near 10 times since last night with diff accounts and browsers:P

Now Voted again sir


Posted using Partiko Android

RIght on!

I like the momentum we’ve got going! Especially when large accounts like yours with lots of visibility spread the word.

Just wanted to update everyone who reads this, we are now listed at NUMBER TWO! We are killing it, I just hope that people aren't entering in spam email addresses and voting from the same IP addresses. They are going to remove spam votes from the final tally so I hope we don't get screwed.

Yeah, I've done that :( I won't anymore.

Now again voted


Posted using Partiko Android

Keep it up!

Voted for a second time already and made this post


Let's make this happen!

Wo0ot, good job :)

Daily vote in and we have made it into 2nd place!!!!

Well done to everybody so far and keep it up!!!


Yup, we can keep it up!

Flying to the moon :P

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