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RE: Happy to talk to community

in #steem5 years ago (edited)


  1. I believe your are entitled to you STEEM. The freezing of your stake was done as a protective measure and was a decision made out of uncertainty of your intentions with our blockchain. However you should be allowed access to your STEEM as long as you use it for the good of the chain and do not use it to destroy what we've built over the past 4 year. :)

  2. The only way I see 3 to 7 day powerdowns working is on accounts that have revoked their witness voting rights in order to prevent abuse of this mechanism by bad actors or people wishing to attack the network. Another thought on this is to allow accelerated powerdowns in exchange for burning a percentage of the amount powered down. I'd say somewhere between 20%-30% burnt would be enough of a deterrent to avoid folks powering up to attack and then powering down.

  3. I am against removing downvoting due to the fact it is the only tool we have against plagiarism and people stealing each others intellectual property for their own profit. Downvoting sucks, however it is necessary in order for the blockchain not to get drowned in stolen content.

  4. Smart contracts would make an excellent addition to the STEEM ecosystem!

  5. Exchanges that have acted in the best interest of STEEM should be praised. Those who have acted against our blockchain can be forgiven in time after they prove they are not a threat to the ecosystem here.

  6. I believe in the sanctity of peoples rights on this blockchain, as long as they do not impede on the rights of others.

  7. Steemit Inc, regardless of the history or owner, if shown to be truly working to help the community move forward can be forgiven. We can move forward in mutual support if respect from all parties is shown.

  8. As a STEEM holder and developer on this blockchain I would love to see the token price grow as it would benefit everyone involved with this community.

  9. New investors are entirely welcome! So long as they do not buy stake to cause chaos and uncertainty. The freezing of stake should be avoided at all costs as it doesn't invoke trust from any party involved.

  10. Honesty is always the best policy. Lots of crazy things and misinformation has been flying around lately. It would be far better for all parties involved that we be honest with each other and keep our intentions transparent to avoid ill-will and uncertainty.

  11. From what I have seen of Justin Sun he may have potential to be a good leader and marketing man, although some issues about how statements are made and then retracted causes some doubt in this. Part of me wants to believe this is all a wild misunderstanding by everyone. Part of me fears that moves being made serve only to further Justin Suns intentions. The only thing that will fix the doubts is seeing actions, so far words have been causing more trouble than they are worth. We can move forwards from this initial rough start I believe, as it isn't healthy to hold so much anger and fear in ones soul for long periods.

My witness is currently restarting and should be up in the next few hours. Is the STEEM v22.5 code publicly available on the github now for review? If it is and there are no issues I can see with it I would consider running it on my witness, but only after I have audited the code to ensure it has no strange functions included and that it is well written would it be run on my server.

This whole fiasco has been wild, and even though some wild words have been said and emotions have been running hot it is good to see you posting this. Communication is very important to the STEEM community and this is a very good stop on your part Justin Sun towards redeeming yourself in the eyes of many community members. With all this being said I would like to say I've been very critical and outspoken against your actions but would be willing to see past all of the craziness that has gone down over the past week if you're serious about being a helpful part of this community and not just here to cause us harm. If we're going to move forward, let us move forward, preferably as allies rather than enemies.

I'm KLYE#0320 on discord if you have any questions or would like to communicate in private.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes, as the last while has been hell.


New investors are entirely welcome! So long as they do not buy stake to cause chaos and uncertainty.

This needs to be dealt with, no amount of stake should be able to control things. Even if a freaking jury lottery needs to be implemented to get a consensus. I don't know but large stake acting God is an issue.

A short powerdown period would encourage folks to dump in a few million just to mess with stuff, then they could just power down fast leaving the damages done.. that is why I am against fast powerdowns.

The only way I would accept fast powerdowns is accounts with declined voting rights and a decent percentage of the powered down STEEM burnt.

You just got my witness vote.

Thank you for your support! My witness will be up and running here some time today!

Please make sure you are supporting our original top 20 witnesses as well. We need our community votes more than ever in the right places.

Thanks again. <3

This is a good level headed response and a lot of what I was thinking as well. Thanks for presenting this.

It's certainly better than screeching to destroy things.

On the second question, a power down period less than 7 days can be exploited to double vote. But in normal circumstances, 7 days is way too short for me for multiple reasons I don't want to elaborate on in this post's context.

Agree with all you say here.

I did not see this comming. U trolling? :D

If he's serious about what he said in regards to handing the consensus witness spots back to the community then I'm more than willing to work with him to move past this shit. With that being said from both sides here things are uneasy and if we can make a mends and get moving forward again to stop this nightmare, then lets do that.

ok, i havent voted you for witness, but now you got my vote (not much though).

It looks like you finally understood the whole problem here. Both sides keeping the aggressive stance wont move things along.

If witness wont try do descalate the situation and think there is no negotiation to happen, what are they waiting to fork?

As much as I've been screeching about war the fact that Justin is opening up communications and seemingly looking to move forward with the community leads me to believe we can have peaceful resolution of this. I may be wrong, it is too early to tell. It will be actions taken moving forward that dictate the outcome and if this is remembered as a bad start to a new chapter in STEEM or a horrible destruction of STEEM.

Is this the @kyle witness that was advocating forking and sending Justin's stake to @null? What a difference a day makes. 🤪

The ramifications of burning his stake would make us a leper in the crypto community. After taking a step back from the war room it was realized that emotions over ruled better judgement and that is what was fueling the call to arms and destruction.

Being volatile is a strong point at times and a hindrance at other times. Knowing that you're being an extremist and then being able to step down to a reasonable level is a must.

After taking a step back from the war room it was realized that emotions over ruled better judgement and that is what was fueling the call to arms and destruction.
Being volatile is a strong point at times and a hindrance at other times. Knowing that you're being an extremist and then being able to step down to a reasonable level is a must.

I admire you for this quality. Signs of matured man and hopefully all man should have and learn if not yet.

Thank you for your kind words. I am still learning how to human it seems. <3

It's nice to see cooler heads prevail. My apologies for the sarcasm. 😎

No worries. I don't mind people stating how absolutely pissed off I've been at this whole situation. Moving forward though if the situation calls for it I'll try and remain calm and level headed.

Dude. Respect.

True, good point

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