
It will surely expand the awareness of steem. But I really don't know. They have said will provide more information when they launch it. Let's see what it will become and how will benefit steem. But if the team from steem have allied with them, there has to be some good reason to do that.

True. I think at the worst, it is basically a neutral event, at best it is good news. Nothing bad about it...

I think it's good news, they have already built some networks of users from other business of theirs, so it will bring new people to the cryptocurrency space and also to steem.

All that information you can find in and

I looked through there but projects hype up things so much it is hard to know how much of it is real. In general, these projects will say things like, "with partners such as Microsoft" when in reality they called Microsoft one time and Microsoft said sounds interesting...

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