CZ of Binance is talking about Steem and he doesn't even know itsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem5 years ago

CEO Changpeng Zhao is talking about steem and steemit and he doesn't even realize it

The YouTube purge of Bitcoin and crypto related content is reaching fever pitch.

As I type, more and more crypto YouTubers are finding their crypto and bitcoin related videos taken down.

What started with a few content creators noticing this has turned into a rather long list and a full on purge.

Check it out:


What is going on?

YouTube hasn't commented publicly on this yet so many are left to wonder what the heck is going on.

It does seem to be crypto centric, but not all crypto videos are being taken down.

Why is that?

According to crypto blogger Omar Bham, he has noticed a trend in videos containing external links being the main targets...

“It seems that a reason why YouTube would have to go after crypto channels is any links to external websites/exchanges in video descriptions.”


Whatever the reason, this is the perfect time for steem to strike.

Steem needs to strike while the iron is hot!

This is perfect opportunity to pull content creators from YouTube and get them to make steem their new home.

Anytime you see any of these frustrated content creators on twitter or anywhere else, be sure to leave them a comment and remind them of steem.

The guy I linked to above posted that he is moving to LBRY, a site with a tenth the market cap of steem and less history.

I am hoping that is just because he doesn't know about steem, which is what we need to help change.

Link me to some comments you have made to frustrated content creators and I will throw you some upvotes.

This is the time when we need to strike!

Stay informed my friends.



sensorship :D

Is that how they spell it there? :)

Crypto community know about steem but reality is that others projects jealous of steem as they never tell people about steem. They are promoting their content on Medium, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook where they can also promote it on steem. Steem needs lot of active users to make a revolution on social blockchain. Most of the youtubers still don't know about steem and lot of steem dapps.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes it is strange to me with how long steem has been around, with how many users it had at one point, and with how much the project was worth that it still gets very little press or recognition for much of anything. It's odd.

It seems people have a "what have you done for me lately" attitude. Steem stopped being a good site almost 3 years ago, and its associated currency has been on a downward slide since the project began almost 4 years ago. We keep saying we're about to revolutionize things, but only put out hard forks that result in 3-day outages, and the rich getting richer. Signup still hasn't been improved and it remains hard to get an account here. Other blockchains have appeared, making Steem just one of many in 2019. It has fallen from #5 of all cryptos, to #90. I'm really not surprised people have given up on it for the most part.

Why haven't you?

Bizarre, now I definitely don't think JS is buying steemit, these two should be on the same page by now?? This just about concludes the rumor! Thanks for breaking this news!

I'm not sure he isn't... if he wasn't why didn't one of them (either him or steemit,inc) publicly comment on the rumors?

My guess, it is contingent on smts being completed before it is made public, or something of that sort.

Because they have not obligation to discredit a rumor? I hope as much as you it's true but I don't believe it! Whatever happens we'll see, STEEM doesn't need JS anyway! Thanks for the comment!!

Of course they don't, but Sun is the kind of guy that loves the spotlight. It was odd for him to neither confirm nor deny it.

If only steemit had video upload it would help!

But LBRY is a better substitute for YouTube, because it allows video uploads and viewing. STEEM isn't really much like YouTube. Bitchute is a much more likely replacement for YouTubers. Anywhere that's free and allows video upload and viewing will benefit most from YouTube's loss. I used to also mention Flote in this category, but now I'm not sure, as I don't think the video uploads last forever (much like DTube).

3Speak (like Steem) costs money to use. Most people leaving YouTube aren't looking for a paid site to join.

How does Steem cost money to use? the 30 steem monthly fee for storing hours and hours of videos is literally nothing.

You may have not tried starting an account from zero for a while. The recent HFs have made doing so impossible. People don't see Steem as free, because they can't get started without paying. It's just how it is.
"Literally nothing" would be 0. 30 is more than 0, and thus you're categorically wrong.
Which puts you at 0 for 2.

Considering there is curation and you can easily earn back the 30 steem + more it can easily become nothing. We have more curation going on now than ever before and we welcome new accounts with open arms. Have you tried creating a new account? You'll probably do better than the garbage you keep spewing on this one.

The question was: is Steem ready to accept the millions of YouTubers being ejected from that website right now?

My answer is no, and my reasoning is that YouTube did so well because it was free and instant. Other video sites tried charging, even just a dollar a month, and never caught on. Free is the price point the masses are looking for. Not 30, not 1, but free. Steem isn't free, because if you start with nothing, you can't even post, comment, or rate anything. If you're willing to give up a little privacy and wait 1-3 weeks, you can get a 15 (I think it is?) delegation to help you get going. Have you ever tried starting from 15 SP and working your way up? I started from several HUNDRED 2 years ago, and I'm still only at 3000ish (about half my current SP belongs to a charity project). I create content full time, and my income here has only JUST surpassed 30 Steem per month. In other words, I'm only now, for the first time in 2 years after starting at several hundred Steem, able to afford to get on 3Speak.

Your answer is yes, because a videographer who just got kicked off YouTube, looking at Steem, will see they have a 2 week wait to get a Steem account, then they'll have to grind (text and image only) to the point where they can afford 30 Steem/month to get upgraded to a 3Speak account, and then be able to post videos... and that they'll choose that over Bitchute (which looks similar to YouTube, doesn't require them to learn to code, doesn't need a second website membership to upload videos, is instant, is free, and won't make them post non-videos to earn their way up to the ability to post videos)?

The proof is in the pudding. Bitchute and other free video sites are doubling in size on a regular basis right now. Is Steem?

What you say is so removed from reality, I'm not sure if you're joking, trolling, or just unaware.

is Steem ready to accept the millions of YouTubers being ejected from that website right now?

There are not millions of crypto youtubers, but to accept them all for free right now, no. 3 Steem is not expensive to create an account if free claimed ones run out.

Youtube ran at a loss for over a decade with google funding it to become what it is today, obviously Steemit does not have that kind of money. The wait time to create an account has been lowered as stated in a steemitblog post.

You can still post 3-4 times and vote 10 times even with 0 SP, the 15 SP delegation is just a bonus and soon we will have resource credit delegation which will make it possible for anyone with no cost to use Steem for free.

3speak has guest accounts, steempeak has guest accounts and both offer account creation, so I really think you're either intentionally overlooking those facts or pumping the numbers because it helps your narrative.

Not even gonna get into everything I think is wrong with Bitchute but they are miles behind something like Steem.

Notice I said steem, and not steemit. There are video content options on steem.

You said Steem, not Steemit.... and so did I. And?
Point is, Steem isn't like YouTube. Bitchute and LBRY are.
People leaving YT don't want to have to learn how to use the Steem blockchain. They want to upload videos, and watch them. Bitchute and LBRY do that. Steem doesn't.
Also, LBRY and Bitchute are free to use, like YouTube. Steem isn't free to use. (Try starting from 0 and see if you get anywhere here.)

There is 3speak as well as dtube.

People leaving YouTube want other free sites where the videos don't disappear after a few weeks.
3Speak isn't free.
DTube's videos disappear after a few weeks.

Is that true about dtube videos disappearing after some time?

If you use them for hosting then yes, your videos are replaced by newer ones uploaded to the network after a year, not weeks. But you can use other centralized service providers like youtube, twitch, dailymotion etc. for hosting as well.

Do they stay on the blockchain?

Try starting from 0 and see if you get anywhere here.

Many do and many get everywhere, open your eyes to what the EIP is doing and stop living in the past.

“Well positioned, Steem is.” — Yoda

A wise one, Yoda is.

I heard CZ and Justin Sun are going to buy WEKU.

Posted using Partiko Android

What a nice joke.

Jokes of the year😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Now that would be funny...

Posting this to my LinkedIn and Twitter

It's time for youtube and other centralized platforms to read about them in history books.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's time for them to be history. Once users start leaving, their revenue goes away very quickly. Mostly all based on ad revenue which goes away quickly as users leave.

Minds is a lot less censored...

How is steem censored?

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