The Great Steemit Debate: Tone Vays vs. Jeff Berwick "The Defining Moment"

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

If you watched the The Great Steemit Debate between Tone Vays and Jeff Berwick to the end, here is the defining moment where Tone Vays actually showed signs he is willing to convert.

Did he really burn down all the bridges, I certainly do not think so. I think the Steemit community is willing to forget and forgive. It is actually nice to have someone who is so outspoken about his doubts of the Steemit platform express himself freely on Steemit. Tone does not even have to Blog about Steemit at all, he can blog about his bitcoin charts and forecasts. Steemit by design values content, and that is content.

I think if Tone tries Steemit and get familiar with the ins and out of how it works, he will be able to either have a stronger standing in his next debate because he experienced it first hand, or maybe change his mind. Like he said he is willing to admit his wrong, but does it really need 10 years for him to do so?

I think for someone who thinks so strongly about a subject, he should talk directly with the people he is so worried about. Let them know what he thinks and why he thinks that way, let them debate him and ask him questions, and maybe answer some questions he might have.

I watched the last few debates in which Tone voiced his concerns about Steemit in, and it seems to me each time he learns something new. Is that what is softening him up now? maybe direct contact with the people who experienced Steemit first hand and already know a lot about the platform, might change his view.

What should Tone worry about? like Jeff said, he might actually make some money. I know nobody on Steemit will torture him, that part we reserve for @dan . Tone I assure you @ned "Pinky" and @dan "The Brains" will not use their "powers" to harm you in any way, you will find out for yourself they are some of the nicest people you will get to meet in crypto. So have no worries about your personal safety on or off Steemit. In fact having your debate videos featured on Steemit multiple times should be your clue to this.



Only a close-minded community would be vindictive. I would not wish to belong to such a community, no matter what the rewards. Steemit is not that, but watch the flags!!! They should only be used for the grossest of misconduct, like racism or inappropriate sexual content, etc. Not for idealogical disagreements. Let's be the community we want.

I did not watch Tone Vays vs Bervick debate, but I watched @blakemiles84 vs Vays show. Since then Vays' opinion isn't of any interest for me. I he'll come to Steemit, i"ll read his posts if interesting and upvote. However I would like to see his debates with @fyrstikken. It would be great show!

Sure, will have a development a social economy including Steemit, matter to think about it critic of Steemit Tone Vays.

If Tone joins Steemit I would have no problems with it, he should only watch his tone.

as @ntomaino said I wanna say ---
I don't know why anyone listens to this guy.

He's overly emotional and his rants are pretty close to incoherent. Guys like him give Bitcoin a bad name and I'm glad he's not interested in Steem."

Once the Steemit community has pulled over just even a few percent of Zuckerbergs gazillions I'm sure we can all pitch in so that Tone does not have to starve if all he has is some bitcoins. Satoshi might even help him out to build a few new bridges for those that have been burnt to the ground already ;-)

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