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RE: My Initial Perceptions of Steemit!

in #steem7 years ago

wow - you hit the nail on the head. That's exactly the cycle I find myself going through - but as @whoib suggests - I am sticking at it - because really , I am trying to grow a community more so than earn income - although I cannot deny that I would like to earn something for my post that think are well thought out and full of valuable of interesting information. Still - I fell like if I can spend time building up a full community of not just myself , but everyone interested in real estate and investing in real estate - then the benefits will transcend Steemit and overflow into the real world. I have already had the opportunity to help answer questions and educate others about real estate strategies and it was very rewarding.


After posting this, I had a thought. Perhaps I should post less and comment more. Will it be as viable from a money standpoint? No. However, by adding a little of my own money, which is an investment, and giving some value to my vote, I am doing my, albeit small, part.

I think that may be what is option going forward.

I've seen quality replies to trending posts make over $150. It is very possible to profit and gain quality followers from replies alone. Also, upvotes to those replies by people with high reputations is the best way to raise your reputation.

In that process may be the key to get started. Gathering followers to actually display your work to.

It is one of the reasons I go through intro posts personally and not using automation. I'm doing it for many reasons, but one of them is to find other friends of liberty. Those are the people I want to follow. I of course want them following me too. Anyone can go through intro posts. Yes, it takes time, but I've gained a TON of quality followers because of my efforts. As in the #libertyprofessionals channel description, there are two main ways to get quality followers:

  1. Post quality content, and have your friends resteem it.
  2. Post quality replies to existing trending and popular posts, and have your friends upvote that quality reply to raise it to the top of the list for better visibility.

Those two things get you a lot of followers. I've had a single reply post of mine get me over 25 people in a day. That's a lot in my opinion. Using those two tactics above and engaging people directly in intro posts has gotten me close to 1K followers. That's with only two months of activity too. My account was made last year, but I didn't use it until August of this year. I'm not gaming the system, posting crap, or begging at all either (not saying you or anyone here is).

great strategy - I am trying to implement the same. I look for opportunities to contribute to the conversation - I love that you are looking to connect with "friends of liberty" . I'm a friend of liberty , but sometimes I feel like we're just friends with benefits ... :) I'll have to check out your page - sounds like something that would interest me.

Yeah I think helping to add value to other people's posts seems to help build things a lot more and to be real, it's a lot of fun too haha.

Yeah I know what you mean @jolauski I'm mainly here for the community aspect myself, however I feel that there are lots of people on here who are doing quite well who seem to really want to hold onto their wealth (understandably) and keep it within their own small circles or "cliques" as @jimni17 so eloquently put it before, which seems to almost prevent them from interacting with anybody new and therefore kind of breaks down the "community" aspect. Does what I just said make any sense? Like, because everybody is trying to protect their piece of the pie, nobody else seems to get a look in.... Perhaps I'm too cynical but this was just the impression I got when I initially started out a number of weeks ago and I thought "oh well, time will tell" yet time doesn't really seem to be changing much, if you know what I mean (which perhaps in itself is telling). I'm happy to stick it out for a while longer and I really hope to make some good friends here and make some connections with people, I just hope that the money doesn't get in the way of that.

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