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RE: The Circle Jerk Of Life, "Quality Content" And 1 account 1 vote??

in #steem6 years ago

Thank you!! I've been thinking the same thing lately. There is a group of people who think there so better then everyone else because they know how to write proper, have a nice computer and time to do a good post. Why should people stay on steem if they think there post need to be perfect? Yes there should be some effort that goes into a post, but not perfect. If i really want to see a great article about some news or something i can find that on a news site. I fell a post should be interesting, and the big thing that keeps me coming back to a steemians blog is interaction! If somebody dosent reply to my comments every now and then i stop paying attention to them all together.


"Why should people stay on steem if they think there post need to be perfect? Yes there should be some effort that goes into a post, but not perfect. If i really want to see a great article about some news or something i can find that on a news site." Exactly this haha I came here to see, chat with, reward and make money with ordinary people in a decentralized way not to reward the next pewdiepie(I like his content so I
probably would give him a vote every so often)or other top youtube'ers, hell they al already complaning famous people and media companies are taking over youtube if thats wat quality content leads then I dont know whats the point anymore, I dont watch TV just to avoid this bullshit, and if I want to see actors(musicians) ill go and watch some netflix.
But to be honest Steemit has quality content in my opinion, I see the Cannabis community around the world comming togheter, thats quality enough for me, I also recently started growing al kind vegetables because I got inspired trough post's here!

Heck yeah man! Ive learned alot on steem about growing cannabis, also some fellow steemians also encouraged me to start growing other stuff as well. Its nice to get an upvote, but when somebody always takes the time to say something meaningful thats what im really after!

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