What is the point of a blog post that practically nobody gets to see...

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Let me just put this out there before any more questions/comments head my way! Compiling blog posts takes time and effort (as we all know) - not just the conceptualisation and writing, but the taking of the photos, uploading them, editing and formatting and so the list goes on. I had two posts that went out during the time that Steem was down because one was scheduled and I could not get into steempeak to re-schedule it and the other sadly, was published literally minutes before everything went for a ball of sh!t.

That is a complete waste of my time and effort as well as my content and yes, I edited the posts that went out during this time (so there are not duplicates on my feed - blame the OCD) and have every intention of re-posting the originals, because I actually want people to be able to see and read them. Personally, I do not think this is in anyway an unacceptable or unreasonable thing to do...

Am I the only one who feels this way?



Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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Just adding to the chorus: Perfectly reasonable Jaynie. You give so much in all your writings and as anyone who writes knows, much care and dedication are needed when we share our value/s with others. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

What a lovely compliment, thank you hon xxx Much appreciated!

I feel you @jaynie 💕🙏

Especially given the circumstances ✅💯

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @thereikiforest - appreciate your input. and like I said to @zord189 -

I feel that with the amount of patience we exercise as "users" on this platform - SURELY situations like this would be an exception to the rule. I mean, if the "big nigs" around here are not going to exercise any level of patience or understanding for something like this, then pray tell, why should we exercise any for all their blunders....

I think it is reasonable since unlike other places we are entirely limited to 7 days for the reward pool part of any rewards on a post and some could have lost almost half that time. With that said if someone had a large number of posts maybe they should consider their best one(s). The last thing anyone wants to do is make their followers and auto voters feel like someone is just spamming outposts.

As far as repost go I think it is also only reasonable to disclose that it’s a repost and why it’s being reposted as well at the bottom. Some people might not want support it and it’s just the right thing to do to make sure your audience is informed. Others may wish to only support the original.

I myself personally would not as I’d just see it as the cost of doing business. I also have other considerations to take into account leading to my own personal choice of going that route. I would however re-share the link in places and platforms that I do since possible viewership from before would not have been able to access and see the content during that time.

unlike other places we are entirely limited to 7 days for the reward pool part of any rewards on a post and some could have lost almost half that time.


As far as repost go I think it is also only reasonable to disclose that it’s a repost and why it’s being reposted as well at the bottom. Some people might not want support it and it’s just the right thing to do to make sure your audience is informed. Others may wish to only support the original.

Agreed. I have gone about it slightly differently and edited the originals to state that the original content from them has been edited and the reason why - and then adding that the original content will be posted again soon. I also added encouragement for people to rather not vote on those specific posts and rather use their VP elsewhere.

I myself personally would not as I’d just see it as the cost of doing business. I also have other considerations to take into account leading to my own personal choice of going that route. I would however re-share the link in places and platforms that I do since possible viewership from before would not have been able to access and see the content during that time.

Completely respect your viewpoint, but will stick with my decision to handle it differently. The readership gained via "alt shares" is few and far between - very much a hit and miss game, one which I am acutely familiar with yet continue to do anyway lol :)

we are entirely limited to 7 days for the reward pool

I was away since last Friday so I missed this issue (luckily), but... yes you know there's gonna be a but, as @jaynie said... all the time from conception to hitting the post button can take hours; and in some cases days; and to have no reward? it does play on your why am I even doing this mentality.

I'm completely fine with you reposting that content, I've done the same, I just left the original there with an update at the top saying why I reposted it again later.

In the post, maybe put a note at the bottom stating something about it.

Anyway, what you did works too, but it will not hide it from the chain or search engines, so I think leaving the original is safer in terms of transparency.

I actually did do an edit at the top of the "changed post" explaining that it had been edited and why. So agree with you on that. The only reason I edited them was because as I mentioned in this post (and I really wasn't joking lol) the thought of seeing two of the same posts on my feed irritates my OCD. It comes across unprofessional and messy and with a lifetime of design under my belt, it was very difficult to let that fly lol... It was purely an aesthetics decision. haha - guess I must be a woman!

Don't be sexist. I'm a woman too.

(lol, totally kidding here, except.. It's true)

lol ;)

Thanks for the input sweetie xxx

I think that's perfectly reasonable. 🍺

Thank you! Appreciate the feedback

Sounds reasonable to me. 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

me tooooo :)

Think it's perfectly reasonable to do a repost especially since the hf22 and downtime was unexpected and I know you put in a lot of effort and time into writing your blogs. People would definitely enjoy and benefit from reading it.

Thanks @zord189 - Appreciate the input. Personally I feel that with the amount of patience we exercise as "users" on this platform - SURELY situations like this would be an exception to the rule. I mean, if the "big nigs" around here are not going to exercise any level of patience or understanding for something like this, then pray tell, why should we exercise any for all their blunders....

If you feel this way, how must I feel? I think a lot of people see your blog and know about you

I hear you @anneke, although I think that sometimes perceptions can be skewed. I put a lot of effort into my posts and this platform, not only on my own profile but several others and to be quite blunt - NO, I am not going to squander my content which already mostly has pretty damn low engagement levels considering I have been here for over 2 years. lol Some of my posts ZERO engagement...

However, what you are saying touches on another extremely valid point, shedding light on one of the many short falls of this space.

Thank you for taking the time to come and share your views xxx

Of my last two posts, this is the one that we wanted everyone to see.

So sad that steemit went bang and we feel for you @jaynie

Maybe steemit can offer some consolation here to enable all to repost their last two posts???

I think there are many people that are feeling the same way I am... I will be sure to share your post when I know everything is back to normal @papilloncharity :)

Thank you so much Lady Janie.
I see that steem has taken a knock during the downtime and everyone is going to complain because the voting power is scraping the barrel.
I will also support your two posts for what its worth.
Wish I could give you $10 for each.

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