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RE: Steemit is great! People are awesome! What's your favorite user and why? Leave a comment and I will give you steem!

in #steem7 years ago

Hello, @the-future like many others I'm not sure how well I can do on favorite, but I can list you some,

  • @fisteganos because he and I kind of started out together and he finds interesting stories as well as many insights on the human conundrum :D
  • @jedau for the awesome stories that read like a comic book novel(@stellabelle maybe throw an eyeball :) )
  • @ballinconscious even if he is not as active, he was a great support and I love the conversations I've had with all three of the above.

Honorary mentions go to @kus-knee for boosting my account out of dust status when I had forgotten to post after I joined for 3 months when I was still learning all the ropes :) @dragosroua for his nicely timed challenge that got me posting, @krnel for the great articles that I have vowed to myself to read through(something I rarely do vow that is) last but of course not least @surfermarly because she is just awesome and we can all agree to that, @creatr also surfs so he passes the cut, :D:D:D lordvader, dan, ned, .. abit :) snowflake (even though I can't watch him right now :| )furion (SteemQ) I'm not going to name everybody most have been tagged already :D most of the people who have posted comments and half of who they have posted :D I'm not one that does well on favorites, I'd probably make bad business, here take my money :D

And that is all, for now :) Cheers to everybody here, outside in their steem bubbles and even further into the dark rooms of the internets(facebooks, youtubes :D) let's have more and more interactions and support and help each other grow and move past out problems, but seriously we need more interactions and less bots, more love and less talks :)


Hello @j3dy! You have made a long and great list with amazing users! @kus-knee is everywhere and he deserves our appreciation for being such a great person!

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