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RE: Guardian of the steem universe: A different perspective on the role of whales within steem ecosystem.

in #steem8 years ago

Good one , It's a bit hardcore, since you would force the cleaners out of their job and force the whales off their "tracks" , I would say the idea is good and what is outlined should be reached , Those 1500k posts are what made this platform great :D , so lets make steemit great again :D #MSGA :D

I agree , but also have to agree with @krnel , whales should be able to vote , much like anyone.
I would suggest a soft cap like 80k so 100$ per vote, that would be good enough for a day , PS they would just be able to vote more maybe :| , so much to go around I guess

If you want to support more than that just send steem :) , that would be the case ,

the issue is currently most of the currency is locked in trading and some accounts where it's basically banking and while minnows are starving , getting no exposure , no votes(i for one tend to count the real ones) , basically I've made .60 cents off my 1st post after 2 payouts, and after a heavy night of promotion , plus some extra ones on my other posts and promoting it in my comments and so on , the second payout was mostly from @onceuponatime because he has some power and I guess is a bigger fish and a "dude" , most of the dolphins and such are cool people that would take their time and answer to everyone , clear out any misunderstandings and such even bernie seemed ok to me , have to say

you are justifying the flagging , in your case the separation of flags and downvotes is necessary , flags to report and downvotes , to crush the post :| , you are kind of reversing the "pyramid" whereas now we have the undervalued posts and the curators resteeming and looking at "shit" payout posts , you would have it the other way around maybe , bots will value posts and curators will pretty much do what they should :D , if the whole payouts are reversed it would be interesting.

So far I think the problem can't be solved so easily , at the current stage it would cause flag wars unless all whales are working together and I agree that should be the case , but :| could it in reality, people are bound to have different perspectives and therefore ideas an actions , I for one never would have thought of the Downvote to be a good thing , sure if I was making 100 per post i might go to 10 np , once maybe :D , but it will spark controversies and "abuse" , people like @matrixdweller will cry their eyes out and spam the feed with annoyance , It's understandable , flag whale fagg , w/e bsbsbs :D

so yeah until the daily pool is wort 500k distributed value will be the same and getting everyone to pump up the value would be the only thing , investing in steem would increase the price sure , but unless we can make it so in 2-3 months , there won't be much help. so far unless we all add 8k a piece there is no way , either 250k people add 2000000 of value and double the pool therefore, bring the scales to a bit more balanced state , then your idea is kind of meaningless , since things should work out the way they are invisioned. votes would be worth more and accounts too. It's pretty much a impossibility at this stage tho I don't have 8k lying around and if I did they wouldn't go here , if I make 8k in a month posting 30 posts I would think differently tho so as I said I agree with you , just not with the way you would like it to happen.

If SBD would be worth a Dollar then we need the Steem economy to produce and distribute as much as a normal one , so make a transport chain and trade goods(real p2p food, materials .. , where people can make shops and .. yeah like the site we have , just with uber and steem truckers :) ) , make a services chain and trade that(like 21co answer questions , provide financial security like patreon , or others like the gog for games and the squarespace for web development (:|)wow a ninja , make a social and support the other ones STEEMIT :), so far we have one and the others aren't much utlised.

If we get a wider recognition and adoption of the chain and the underlying utilization of the currency then the value will spike and if we root ourselfs in the real world we will be stable enough and bring in real value and services , then seem would serve its purpose of the #1 cryptocurreny and have a real world value and implementation , of social interaction/information transfers/service token and such , then sadly it would phase out real cash if they can't provide the same "service" so far it's easier to upkeep the crypto and transfer and to look inside of the chain too , so there are benefits , it's also questionable at best and we need a debate on this topic for sure. Hope we are only mature enough to make such a thing.

Actually I'm completely in 2 minds, what I'm proposing would came after if the steemit experiment succeeds so far when I get back to the "now" I would say we need some distribution of power , currently earning is TOUGH to the MAX , unless you get trailed or whaled you can't get even 10$ a post for 200 votes :) , so 50$ payout would be nice , so far we need to teach people to read and even then what about all the photographs :D , I would say we better make people autonomous and free and then we can thank whatever, we would have less problems , more to go around , more creativity, more collaboration.

@solarguy Why? I'm always sad when someone powers down , i do get the idea , Steem is past it's prime and it's went sideways for sure , many of the first adopters have left for greener fields and right now it won't be much of place to earn , but the people here are what is driving the "market" and they are what's worth the time , that and the prospect of a better "tomorrow" .

We have many differing opinions , so I hope we can work together , I'm not sure how a "global" market would work , where financiers, service providers, authors, content curators and promoters and everyone goes in 1 place and works together :D

Anyway I'm ready to jump ship, I've read books and I'm a western fella :D , give me those 150$ per hour projects, I seem to be too undervalued for the commitment I've "invested" in my development. Sure I don't have the real experience to back it up and that is where the problem originates , too much knowledge and too little authority to balance it out :D ,

Anyway we need a debate on many topics pre 0.17 and in Hard Fork situations in general , in the case of the coming out of beta :D , and so on , this year and the following one will define Steemit as either a success or a mediocre/failiure platform.

Seriously let's get a Discord or something group and podcast/chat .. figure out the 0.17 hardfork , there are good ideas but I don;t agree completely with anything around 30% and I'm overally supportive of the ideas , just not the way they are implemented.


double the pool therefore, bring the scales to a bit more balanced state , then your idea is kind of meaningless , since things should work out the way they are invisioned. votes would be worth more and accounts too

If the pool's value double in value it just means that you would need $4000 instead of $8000 to add 1 cents per vote. The value would have to increase a lot more to make the idea meaningless, and the value won't increase if the incentives aren't aligned with 99.8% of the site's users.

you are justifying the flagging , in your case the separation of flags and downvotes is necessary , flags to report and downvotes ,

I hate this term "flagging" because there is no such thing at the blockchain level, this is purely an interface choice which is a really bad one imo. Busy uses upvote and downvote which is a lot better.
Regarding the flag wars you've mentionned. I think it would be easy to hide whales's downvotes from the interface to avoid users misinterpreting it. People can always go look at the blockchain if they want to. Thanks for your input.

yeah economics would work that way if we add 2 millions and pump up the quantity of steem , we would lose some market price probably and steem would cost less , so.. nah I'm to asleep to think right now.

Flagging is downvote , it doesn't matter how you call it , but imagine , "whales" going around and rating posts , downvoting them for 5-10% so forth , based on their arbitrary stats , we would basically have a school system , where there are the principals and the students :| , good in concept , bad in practice , or at least it sounds that way to me , there should be a better way to make this work

When you make a post that doesn't get upvoted by a whale because they thought their vote would be better spent elsewhere it's the same as when a whale downvote content that has already been upvoted. Imagine if there was a button saying "I would have downvoted if the post had a payout". and everytime whales didn't upvote you they would click on that button. Which you would prefer to get the "downvote" or the "I would have downvoted if payout" . The point is that if the downvote action was hidden from the interface and I think it should be no one would would be bragging about it :)

your comment is quite a mouthful.. I was out most of the day I didn't see it till just now.

You can go to my feed and see my steemicide post.

Some guilds use bots and alternate accounts to chase whale bots away from posts and authors so that their other bots direct the vote to the author of their choice. This is just rude and greedy.

yeah gaming a sleeping system :) Yeah I have to say there are too many things to catch up with here , many wonderful people :) , hope we can stomach it all :) , as you said , quite the mouthfuls sometimes :) Have to do a read through of your posts

Yea it sucks.

I would love to tell you the truth of this place but i genuinely care about my family

Be careful.
Nothing is what it seems. Keep you ID secret, my biggest regret.

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