
Lots of people in positions of power across the world are also as you described. You left out all the people in both categories who are religious and not morons as well as those who are not religious or stupid who do good for the people around the world. Bad argument imo

There is a reason why the Electoral College is chosen by the US lawmakers as a way of arriving a distributed consensus! Remember--we are talking about decentralization here! Take this simple scenario.

If we are going to conduct a worldwide poll on which religion is telling the truth--if would come out Christianity will be the clear winner by virtue of popular votes since it has the biggest number of population.

Dang! Even my dog can tell the result was a popular joke.

Now tell me, how could you justify popular vote in that case?

first of all, you are going off on a totally different tangent than what this entire drama is all about.

we are not talking about religions. you are wanting to pivot the discussion to focus on religions but this is not about how many people in the world are christian or any other type of religion.

id also like to point out that even within religions people do not all believe the same way. to say that people are stupid and incapable of making sound judgements for themselves because they are religious is flat out cognitive dissonance because, again, you are failing to account for the fact that many of the US's Lawmakers are themselves religious. The same goes for around the world. People in general are religious so, again, your argument fails.

Which, by the way, the lawmakers in America, are actively and aggressively working to pass laws directly related to their particular flavor of religion. the founding fathers wanted church and state to be separate for that very reason, yet here we are in 2017 with lawmakers passing laws dictating what women can and cannot do with their bodies, as just one example.

so, please save the bs for someone else who more gullible. youll probably have some kind of retort but im not going to respond anymore because youre projecting your views about religion onto a discussion that is actually focused on economic politics within the steemit platform.

Are u serious? 2 of the last 3 presidents were put in office by the electoral college who went against the results of the popular vote for the other candidate. That system can be corrupted too.

First off let us go back to where this all started! What I am doing is simply the use of analogy in order to understand things clearly as much as possible.

You've disputed the beauty of Electoral College system, and if I'm reading you correctly, you are in favor of popular votes.

Here we go! You are probably a huge Hillary fantard--I suspect. This is going to be fun. I am not a US citizen by the way--I don't have any vested interest with your politics there whatsoever.

I don't care if your next president will be the son of Mr. Bean! What I admire is the beauty of your electoral system as the most viable solution against centralization of power within the same class.

The same thing goes here on Steemit! Since nobody has a grown balls to flag these whales abusing their Steem Power--therefore I am proposing to have a decentralized source of authority to handle abuse of power--which will be elected through an Electoral College of some sort!

This decentralized council will receive a terrifying amount of Steem Power delegation from the @steemit account--and will be in-charged to sanction these abusive whales once a consensus has been established through community voting using the Electoral College system.

Imagine if we follow the popular votes system--please note that haejin has more than 17,000 followers at the moment--do you think it will make sense?

Always remember most folks following this guy is coming from the Trading, Bitcoin, Altcoin, Shitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Technical Garbage culture!

How about the minority voices--those who are interested in Cooking, Gardening, Science, Technology, Nature, Travel, Solar Power, Racing, Space Exploration, Religion, Atheism, Pornography, Photography, Gambling, Cinematography, Boxing, Magic, etc.

Does that mean their voices are not counted during community voting because they represent a small minority here on @steemit?

That's the thing that you should begin to ponder on! Again, there is a reason why the Electoral College system is adapted by the US commission on election!

Your turn!

Thanks for your last reply. Believe it or not, I agree with you on some points in your last statement. because now we can move on to discussing the solution. My main point is that an electoral college type system is itself subject to corruption. If a steemit system mimicking the EC were setup, as you described with them receiving and controlling the SP from steemit account, what's preventing them from abusing it or favoring who the want. There's a reason the USA doesn't really strictly on EC but also uses popular vote. The EC is supposed to follow the will of the popular vote but are not required to. Hencen, two hugely unpopular presidents got in office against the will of the people.

Haejin has so many followers because he has manipulated the system, marketed steemit as get rich by convincing his followers to upvote him, and as I understand it, having multiple of his own accounts upvoting him. In America that'd be some kind of fraud, but I don't specifically which one. Self dealing maybe. Bribery. I dunno. Not a legal expert.

I think you have a thought out idea which has merit, but doesn't account for all the factors at play. It's good to have someone, you, give a suggestion to address the abuse. It needs worked out and that isn't going to happen until more people present proposals for a solution to come to some agreement.

however, I'm not sure how setting up an EC type of thing would still keep steemit's decentalized but honestly I'm so new I don't fully understand all this crypto stuff.

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