Making 11 cents on a blog post? That's it?? After a couple hours of work? Why bother?

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

This is a re-visit to a lesson. If you are not more than 1 year old on steem. MAKE MONEY EASIER!

This is an important read for anyone who has only joined steem less than a year ago.

The post I wrote then, is just as important today... it's timeless and valuable information.

There is nothing worse than working hard at writing good blog posts.. spending hours and days... only to see that your average payout is only 11 cents or less on each one.


I won't re-explain it here... but it is a message that needs to be brought up again.

I've been there.

I use to make 11 cents a post... and I never gave up. It was hard. But I did it.

Read this older post, and you'll find out why...

Those that have spent the time to read it, get it. :)

Let me know in the comments if you've seen it, or if it's new to you, and if it helps.



PLEASE NOTE: @intelliguy has a witness project that I'd like you to support. More info here


Haven't seen till now because joined at the end of last year... thanks @intelliguy !

Slow and steady wins the race.
If you chase money, it runs from you... enjoy your writing as a way of personal therapy and pride and good things will come.

It's pretty well the same in any field where you are self-employed. You HAVE TO build up a clientèle that trusts you and appreciates your work. It can be quite slow at first. It helps greatly to network and help others as you are helping yourself.

The early days of any endeavor weed out those who lack perseverance. And you have to get up when you fall down :-)

You are right, on all points. :)

thanks for the post sir i am a new steem user well few weeks old but still feels like very new and i am dedicated i dedicated myself to post atleast 1 post a day some are long some are short and some are definatly only for fun i am a fun loving guy and when i see something funny i try to share.
but reading this post and the post you recommended remind me these long posts i made and the only way i made money which is beyong 11 cents maybe a $1 or less is because i requested votes from bots and etc.
but i aint giving up this amazing steemit journey i am devoted and will keep posting original work and some fun stuff again thanks for sharing words of wisdom.

I feel re-energized after going through your previous post, I guess I'll have to make some adjustments and hopefully things will turn out the best in my stay on Steemit.

It boils down to engagements with people on the block chain. Creating friendships by leaving meaningful comments on posts we find interesting.

I should have read this like 2 months ago when I started, would have helped a lot.

Great way to get the message across. There are times when you are not getting the payouts you expect but the only way to get through this is to keep on Steemin', keep reaching out to you fellow Steemians, keep postin'. Things will pick up eventually. If I had given up on Steem I would never have become a dolphin (something I never thought possible when I started). But I kept at it even when some of my posts were getting no upvotes at all.

i haven't read your first post intelliguy...i wasn't aware of your existence by that time...i found you later on...
...but it was a very good post ... in order to built a skyscraper you must start from the foundation and ground floor!!!

Never give in to despair. You are right! You need to have a lot of patience and move forward. All that You wrote 10 months ago is true now. Only everyday hard work and interaction with other users will allow each of us to achieve success. Thank You!

Thanks for the encouragement & advice @intelliguy, it's quite disheartening especially now that steem has dropped so badly but I will keep on posting, always a nice surprise to see one of my posts do well and getting great comments, almost like winning the lotto for me as a plankton ;)

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