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RE: What is the #1 change needed for Steem - Win $20+ upvote

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Just like Ethereum amassed huge developer pool to develop apps in their ecosystem, we need to gather all the best content producers. This would attract more creators to give it a shot and more consumers.

But currently we're lacking at finding the content creators and rewarding them part. Bid bots account for +20% of actively used voting power and who knows how much is tied up in voting for people who we already know.

The majority of Steem Power is tied up in too few hands, they can't possibly use it in the most efficient way that would make Steem flourish and they rather not do the work. (I don't blame them)

Yet we have people who willingly and with expertise curate certain tags. These are the people we should give power to, to find the hidden gems that are slipping through our hands. Retention is a big problem and it isn't hard to imagine why.

"To save us all" @noisy has developed wise platform to enable whales, orcas and such to give people access to their voting power with specific rulesets.

For example, if you know someone who is great at curating programming tag, you could let him cast vote on your behalf with rules like this:

  • one 20% vote each day
  • must have programming tag
  • can't selfvote

So to answer your question: I'd like to see wise adopted by the whales and orcas. They should actively look for the very best curators and give them power to reward great content. It will create a snowball effect where great content creators will flock to Steem rather than flock away in disgust after looking at trending.

Anyone who wants to learn more should check this video:

and the site:

To prove my point: People will judge Steem based on its trending a lot and currently the most "trending" post is :


got my vote on this. Seems very proactive in regards to fishing out the best content so that a normal average person can easily see and upvote them. Thanks.

For me this looks like one of the best suggession, if not then one of the best ideas being implemented(I have not gotten @noisy's to work yet as of last's still in dev no?)

I shared this with my community last weekend in my Deranged Declaration channel, privately calling out that if this is implemented and promoted correctly, mass usage will surely help increase the price of Steem (heck even the API calls alone for this will be worth heaps to future developers):

Some less than obvious benefits:

  • This will usher in the era of the Master Curator
  • Bid-bots beware, real competition will soon arise
  • This will multiple Curation Communities like COM x 100 and Curie x 100 (think Steem at $100 when we have 10 million accounts)

rats cut & paste screen capture doesn't work, go visit COM Discord to see full writeup:

Thank you and I'm glad to hear you can also see the future where this tech has been adopted.

Yes, it's still in very early stages. The website is lacking and as delegator you'd have to use command line and install some stuff. I hope Noisy fixes this soon.

hey can you point me any examples of the command line and install much work are we talking about here, i hope it's nothing more than doing json entries

I can't manage the video, but from your description and Luke's brief one this looks extremely cool and I will look forward to seeing more from @noisy about it.

It's rather simple system in the end but a huge step forward in my mind. Keep control of the funds, create rulesets that only allow very specific use of your votes and keep curation rewards to yourself + the voter doing the curation gets to vote first to ensure he also gets rewarded. It's a win for everyone, even for the consumers who have gotten the short stick with bid bots lately.

I just got told they have integrated Steemconnect to wise and at current state the voters will have to manually enter the links through their site which is a bit troublesome for the voters right now. With increased adoption the wise team hopes to see wise integrated to every popular Steem frontend though.

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