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RE: We Need Your Help to Protect Steem

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Statement Revised:

I don't agree with freezing anyone's coins. But, I find this fucking hilarious and I won't apologize for that.

Those witnesses plotted the first asset freeze, they created the first blacklist, they forked a new blockchain and actively worked to damage the Steem blockchain. These people are zealots, going way beyond what they should do.

Drain your votes so you get all your rewards as you power down and dump STEEM and spend your time chattering on at Hive. Its the bitching and moaning about Steem that pisses us off and caused you to lose our favor. Because honestly, I and others would have been on Hive's side if you guys weren't busy being such dicks here on Steem.


The list isn’t of witnesses, it’s dApp owners (like steempress and eSteem) plus Blocktrades exchange and others... love how downvotes are more important to you though lol. Knew you were a scammer a year ago, glad it’s out in the open now.

I would like to replace Elizabeth. I give you double her paycheck if you come. Nothing to worry about, I am gay.

I'm a scammer? How exactly is that, Justine? Quite an accusation...

People love to throw that word around a lot in crypto, yet here I still am, running contests like a mayor of a ghost town. I have only lost money and time on my efforts. I never did an ICO of any kind and never earned a lump sum of any significance. I still run contests in a centralized way out of a refusal to ditch and give people ample time to participate in contests if they want.

The project is still centralized because not enough participants stuck around to participate in. Every partner project I coordinated with etiher went inactive, added new rules after agreements were made or diluted the supply of their token to the point it made no sense for my project.

My project has failed, that is true. But I tried my best coordinating people to do it, it was an idea attractive to a bunch of people, but everyone ended up wanting a passive role and not an active one. Simply lack of demand that was a matter of trial and error. If I were dishonest in anyway, I would not be here talking to you.

You and I disagree on downvotes, cool, whatever. But you're going too far with what you're saying. My issues with downvotes is simply that they are unprofessional and anti-business. But my objection to the thought leaders and founders of Hive is really not about downvotes. You have a problem with Justin freezing assets? Yet, who came up with that idea first? Dislike blacklists? Justin didn't come up with that first. Everyone has a way to justify their own actions.

What about spam? Everyone would be pretty opposed to that in the past. But now, well, that rule only applies on Hive, right? My issue is with the childish zealots that can't just uplift Hive and do their best with that. I was supportive at first, its the behavior I've seen from them that changed my mind.

One last thing. I don't care about @neoxian's downvotes or anyone else's. Try me. Head over to that downvote control site and do your thing. I'm cool with it. I'll continue speaking out against the Hive community, because you're not the only one with a sassy tongue.

these witnesses just 2 weeks ago wrote on blockchain "We will NEVER involve nor confirm any action or code that could freeze or limit the stake of anybody on the Steem blockchain." so never is a really short time period for this people.
Now i am sure that i will try to move steem out as soon as possible, because you never know who will be affected next.

Yeah, I don't really give a fuck. Who started the blacklists, the freezing of assets and who tried to tear Steem down once they created a new fork?

I shouldn't apply this to everyone on Hive, but a lot of the witnesses and thought leaders of Hive have violated every rule they would expect you or me to follow on Hive. So they can go fuck a goat. If they get their assets frozen so they can't dump or spam, cool.

Honestly, I look forward to Hive people leaving Steem completely. So I really don't mind.

None of this is personal toward you though. I have no desire to be rude to you or disrespect your feelings. I felt for everybody at first, it was the way people went about it that changed my attitude toward them. I just can't stand a lot of the behavior I've seen recently from the Hive "leaders" and wish they'd just fuck off and leave.

i have absolutely nothing against you, but what this man is doing is just, i don't know, my brain can't comprehend it. he was full of it how he just want for funds to be safe, how he is against taking freezing funds, he is only voting on steem so he can make funds safe, and the first code he wrote for steem was to freeze funds? Literally the first code his team wrote on steem was to take funds from steem users.

I will add @neoxian to my list, ok. Anyone else?

The witnesses 'plotted' a temporary freeze on assets that were never to be used for governance anyway as an emergency measure in response to a change in administration combined with conflicting information from Sun. They made a public statement and opened the issue to public debate and witness vote changes. Their goal was to protect the community. Whether it was wise or not is open to discussion, but Sun has done everything he could to prove them right after the fact.

steemit v steem

Their goal was to keep themselves in their positions as witnesses. That's the only part I believe.

wow, that is the worst I've read in a month. Did you break out of a low budget 90s Horror Movie?

No, it was a low budget 90s porn movie, actually. Your mother is surprisingly flexible.

Thanks for proving my point. You're all a bunch of childish assholes. The shit the rest of us have to deal with when women don't breast feed their kids...

No, your 12 admit it. There are serious consequences for companies taking central control over decentralized tokens. That makes it a 'Security' in the sense of an international law case, like the Crypto Class lawsuits in NewYork at the very moment. Go on and defend the TRON Foundation and their sock puppets and you'll get dragged into jail for them. Stupid child, this is real money and real business. Stay out of things you don't fully understand.

just form today, there are tons of more articles... but you don't care right? You will learn after your broken and imprisoned for things a Chinese company did.

Now tell me you name and address? Or shall I report you by the IP of which your transaction was caused by?

Excuse me? You're trying to threaten me? I have no involvement in Justin Sun or Tron Foundations activities. Good luck suing them. Unlikely to work out.

Your name and your address!
I don‘t care about you. The you‘re a puppet of the TRON Foundation involved in illegal market manipulation. If you don‘t want to get searched, better give in already.

I would never give a random dude demanding my name and address my info... That would be incredibly insane for anyone. I'm not going to go, oh, this guy is demanding my information, I guess I just have to let him doxx me...

I'm not an idiot dude. Using IP will only take you to an ISP that will tell you to fuck off if you don't have a court ordered warrant, which you're not going to get because I have no affiliation to the Tron foundation at all. I've never even had a Tron wallet or ever communicated a single sentence with any Tron employee.

Dude, you need to chill out and relax. Calling everyone that disagrees with you a puppet of Justin Sun is ridiculous. The extreme attitude you have is evidence that my complaint is legitimate.

Is it not cool for Justin to freeze people's coins? Yeah, its not cool. I've had a good laugh about it due to the irony, but if it were me, I'd never freeze anyone's coins ever. Still, it was the Hive witnesses that pulled that trigger first and that's why I find this situation amusing.

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