Time To Be Honest - Do We Want To Kill Steem?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

The title seems like a clickbait, doesn’t it? Or does it angers you to hear me say that? Or do you want to read more because you want to hear me out? Whatever the case, please understand that this post is going to be like a biopsy without a local anesthesia. It will be honest, to the point and more than a little painful.

These past three months I have not been able to post much and haven’t been very active on Steem. After having been immersed in almost nothing but Steem for six months prior to that, this sudden detachment from it was a bit of a shock. Obviously I was high on Steem and detox took its toll. Don’t worry too much - now I am well and back and ready get addicted once more 😊.

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On the other hand, I have made accounts on various other Steemit clones and dapps on EOS. After being there for a few weeks I can only appreciate the freedom that I have here. It amounts to more than just being able to do what you want. It has to be something that is fulfilling and satisfying at the end or that freedom could be an illusion of something temporary like ‘wandering freely but without purpose’.

All the good things (including money) that come to us from Steem are in turn coming at a price. There is somebody out there who is creating value and then putting it back in the Steem ecosystem. This value can be added in form of content, promotion, campaigns, projects or even just telling others about Steem through the word of mouth. We have to wonder about who we are – the value creator or just another value extractor?

When I receive an upvote, I consider it as a gift rather than my due. So I prefer to think that ‘what’s in our wallets is ours’ rather than ‘what’s in my wallet is mine’.

Truthfully speaking, very few people understand how Steem functions. The very simple question about how this ecosystem can pump money out and yet not ‘deflate’ is a mystery to many. This supposed mystery is actually no mystery at all, because the only way an ecosystem function is through an equilibrium of input and output. Simply put, what we extracted out of Steem was basically put in there by the community.

We can treat Steem as an ATM for only so long. This means that we have to start being honest with ourselves. We can start by asking ourselves a simple question – ‘Is my value extraction from this ecosystem even equal to my value addition to it?’

Let me give you an example. There is this chick who posted regularly up until the last year. Then the prices plummeted and she withdrew everything from her account and not only that, she admitted to putting all that money in another project. The fact that she used the money that she earned here is not the problem. The problem is that that money earned was courtesy of her boyfriend sugar daddy who upvoted only himself and her posts. This self upvoting was to the point that this dude used all his ten upvotes on themselves. He upvoted four or five (basically all her content) posts of hers a day but he himself didn’t post much. Rather the rest of his votes were used for upvoting his own comments. Together they extracted several tens of thousands (maybe even more than a hundred thousand, who knows) of dollars within a few months.

Guess what? They disappeared as soon as prices started to crumble. Not only that, this chick took her money to another project. Now she is back and posting again and this time she is making one dollar per post. Back in the day she made hundreds of dollars per post. Now please remember, these people have never upvoted me and I am sure that they have neither read my posts and nor do they follow me. Although the chances are that you might have seen them around on the platform but let’s not dwell on it.

Lads and lassies this is just one small example. All we need is a hundred people like that mind-set and that much SP to severely damage the platform. The good news is that there are not that many bad eggs (not enough to hurt this place permanently).

On the other hand we have great people too and their number might be small but it is through them that this place becomes worthwhile. We have @nathanmars, who is probably the hottest shooting star (to the moon!) that we have these days. I think at this moment he is adding more value to this place than any other person that I know of. We have guys like @roelandp, who is getting us together through steemfest and creating apps that sre allowing real world use of Steem. There is @theycallmedan, who came in like a storm last year and is now creating essential value for this platform. We have @coruscate, who I am proud of – I think she made us understand what good quality videos should look like on the blockchain. She is still one of those few people who are uploading professional quality video content (Lea if you’re reading this, then know that I am aware of somethings that you have done even better than this. But I felt like that this was the point to mention today).

We have @blocktrades, who live down in the heart of this ecosystem and helps make the Steem planet habitable. We have our very own witch - @yidneth whose videos are a work of art. Okay I don't want to mention too many good people or you are not gonna take this rant seriously. Rest assured, all my other boys and girls (you know them!) basically have the best interests of Steem at heart and that is aside from that fact that these dudes and dudesses are adding value in one way or another.

But remember that not even all these guys together can protect Steem. Even they won’t be enough when the competition rises and market forces will hit us full force. It is you and I who would have to make sure that this works, because if it does then we are the ones who would reap the profits.

So are we going to kill the goose the lays the golden egg? Or maybe you can get to work and become one of the #paws (People At Work for Steem).

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Shameless Referrals


Aww thanks for the mentionand for the compliment about the videos, haha curiously enough tomorrow or Monday I share a small witchy video , though I confess I am more Nature whisperer ;) and artist. I myself found myself a bit detached but has had nothing to do with steem price but some personal issues thay needed tending to, still I always find my way here and how could I not if you stumble upon lovely encouragement. Thanks.

I am definitely look forward to your video ..... you got some of the best stuff here!

I too haven't been active in these past months.... had some health issues that I needed to deal with and also had a small surgery in addition to all of that. Just became active in the last couple of weeks and I am hoping to reconnect with you guys again! It is just impossible to stay away from a beautiful bunch of people such as you guys :-)

PS: I am so glad that you echoed back my shoutout :-) Hoping to see more of you here!

Aw healing wishes on your way, hope all went well. I am myself now on a healing journey as welland been a bit off, but I try to post at least once a week and I catch up with my closesr on discord so I am kind of updated. And thanks agaim for making me feel my work left an impression.

Preach dude, go gettem!!

LOL! Thy will be done!

Now she is back and posting again and this time she is making one dollar per post. Back in the day she made hundreds of dollars per post.

This is a telling point. Those that milked it early days (we might still be early now) will likely struggle if and when the numbers ramp up. They might wish that they had stayed and pushed forward here.

Likewise, all of the "new shiny objects" (aka clone blockchain sites) that you mention will have to go through the same teething pains as Steem has been through as they mature. Meanwhile, Steem will always have the first mover advantage. This can count for a lot - look at BTC.

Finally, the names that you reeled off are part of a committed community. This is rare and hard to replicate. Maybe we should just stick here...?

......clone blockchain sites) that you mention will have to go through the same teething pains as Steem has been through as they mature

There is no doubt about that. What matters is though that if they stick to their cause, a few of them will make it through. Although I am not so confident for the steemit clones but I do think that some of the other projects from EOS are in a pretty decent shape.

The good thing is that in the upcoming decade we have plenty of room to grow and I feel that the competition can grow as much as it wants but we would still have room in the larger blockchain ecosystem. This room will become gradually narrower as we move ahead in time so it makes sense to press our advantage..... pedal to the metal, literally!

Agreed, our man Dan has some experience in this field to apply at EOS, so we'll have to wait and see.

Like you say, there will be room for more than one. Will be interesting to watch it play out.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm ready to earn my steem through writ in and photography 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Best of Luck!!!

Got my base steem and space suit ready for the next bull run, Steem to the moon! No powering down for this cat.

Posted using Partiko Android

MEEEEOOOW! Way to go!

Great perspectives to provide from someone whom I know has been in the trenches! Interesting you mention other projects as it had also crossed my mind but I am truly happy and fulfilled here alone. While that may change as the blockchain ecosystem evolves, I think that the community here has built a sustainable path to create value for the long term.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah that is true! The community has done it's homework. That is one of the aspects that I also feel safe about. On the other hand my focus at this point is to encourage the #paws (people at work for Steem) so as to cancel the negative affect from the bad eggs as mush as possible.

Let me give you an example. There is this chick who posted regularly up until the last year. Then the prices plummeted and she withdrew everything from her account and not only that, she admitted to putting all that money in another project. The fact that she used the money that she earned here is not the problem. The problem is that that money earned was courtesy of her boyfriend sugar daddy who upvoted only himself and her posts. This self upvoting was to the point that this dude used all his ten upvotes on themselves. He upvoted four or five (basically all her content) posts of hers a day but he himself didn’t post much. Rather the rest of his votes were used for upvoting his own comments. Together they extracted several tens of thousands (maybe even more than a hundred thousand, who knows) of dollars within a few months.

Hahah. Typical. And because she's a girl, the horny crypto virgins more than likely let her get away with it.

.....because she's a girl, the horny crypto virgins more than likely let her get away with it.

Lol! So true. Hell even I upvoted her a couple of times before I relaized that they were a scam or more appropriatly crooks.... its funny and sad at the same time...

I may even know who you're talking about.

Woooo hoooo! Don't say the name but we both know it ;-)

This was just one example from a list of many. I am pretty sure that if we were to name names then more than few would be known to to both of us.....

Nah!! We are actually three the ones who knows Who They Are!! };)

¿Can I tell who they are? ¿Can I tell? ¿Can I tell? ¿Can I tell?

¿Can I uncover their facade? ¿Can I uncover it? ¿Can I uncover it? ¿Can I uncover it?

¿Can I throw them into the bonfire? ¿Can I? ¿Can I? ¿Can I?

This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

Awesome! That's really cool of you guys :-)
Thank you!

Clickbait titles are functional and we tolerate them when the article has substance. Yours surely does. Appreciated. 😊 I had 8 weeks off steem over New Year to rethink my strategy, & Im here to contribute constructively. Using more dapps. Loved the way you honoured some great steem players.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for reading! I actually wanted to add more names but had to limit the length of the post...

PS: I hope that the sabbatical helped :-)

i don't really get the support for people that regularly power down, and i seen it. i do understand and have no problem with spending "free" steem as some lived (or still live, not sure how in this market) from it, but what i was thought is that you use your SP to support other creators or people that comment on your stuff. so my view on power downs is lack of respect for others (or milking it)

‘Is my value extraction from this ecosystem even equal to my value addition to it?’
well i extracted non and invested some. now does my time spent here has value? do my posts have any value? have no idea.

Man I almost missed these last few great comments on this post. Thanks for taking the time to read and the support too!

I kinda feel that more than powering down, the problem is continual upvoting of crap content. It just shows that eventually these rewards will be 'extracted'. It just pinches more than usual when undeserving players do it...

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