My Steem Journey #3 - The First Month Part One

in #steem6 years ago

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My Steem Journey #3

Looking into retrospective at that period, my first month, more precisely my first two weeks, that’s when I build my foundation as a Steemian. In that period I met quite a few fantastic people that influenced me positively a lot and thanks to them I was rewarded tremendously in the long run for doing the right thing.

I was blown away by the positive interaction I received on the posts from this series, so I’ll make sure to post about my journey more often especially that I still have many things to share.

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Steem Mentors

As I said in this post, having mentors is critical because this way you can directly learn from the best and model their success. Considering the background I’m coming from, self-developing, one of the first things I did after joining was searching for mentors, models and that’s how I stumbled upon @whatamidoing.

I think it was my second or third day on Steem when I made an account on and started engaging with people. I found @whatamidoing chatting with minnows on the general chat, and I decided that I like his views and style, so I messaged him in private asking for advice and an interview.

I never considered myself a creative person before joining Steem, so I decided to follow Gary Vee’s advice and document the journey of others and sharing value that way instead of creating in the beginning until I learn a few things and develop myself a little bit more since it was a new field for me. Because I wanted to learn and share what I learn at the same time, the interviews seemed like a genius idea. He liked this idea, so we started talking, it didn’t feel like an interview at all but more like a friendly chat even if we didn’t know each other.

That’s when I learned how important the community and being genuine is and at the same time I found out about the people that are kissing ass for votes and decided not to become one.

But besides the useful info I have received, that day, I won a friend, all I remember is that we kept in touch and when @whatamidoing created the Be Awesome community we engaged, even more, one with another. We’re still talking to this day and working on stuff like the @steemchronicles together.

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The second Interview

Soon after that, I started approaching more people for interviews and even if I was a minnow and barely in my first two weeks @papa-pepper accepted it because he’s a great guy. I was blown away when he agreed to do it; I wasn’t expecting it, so it took me by surprise, I remember that I just woke up and I was still slightly confused about what’s going on and had no questions prepared. I had to learn on the move and make questions on the spot, but after we started chatting, it got easier and turned out into an inspiring post.

I must say, his story inspired me a lot because against the fact that he was never that online before Steem and had no knowledge about this field he was still able to succeed. Even if he has a big family and other responsibilities in the real world, he managed to invest as much time as possible into this and win.

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They are the two people that helped me directly with advice and from whom I was able to learn tremendously, and I must say that I don’t know where I would be today without those experiences because they gave me a strong start.

One thing I realized is that as long as you have the right approach, you can talk to anyone on Steem, even the whales and in fact, it’s quite easy to do it. Because I want to do the same thing they did for me back then, here’s my discord address, GuyFawkes4-20#4502, feel free to message me at any time. I urge you to do it if you need some help or have questions about how things work and how you should act because even I’ll try to share my knowledge with you.

I will make sure to answer all the decent messages, and share my address in more posts because I wish more people would do the same since they could help many newbies by doing that as I was helped when I joined.

Don’t feel guilty to text me, good luck.

The pictures are from Pixabay: 1, 2, 3.




Thank you for this sincere and helpful statement. I really try to produce original content and make art. I am very sorry that somebody still has not discovered me. I'll send you a message. thank you so much

What are you talking about komsu ??? I discovered you !! And you will definitely grow - it's just a matter of time, trust me ;))) <3 <3

aww. thank you so much. :)
You're the one, nobody else :)

Your stuff seem great, I suppose it's just a matter of time, you'll get discovered at some point.

Hello @guyfawkes4-20! I can not ask you for advice, because English is not my native language. And most likely you will not understand me. But I enjoyed reading your message and I'm very glad that you found support and good friends here! I'm not very strong here yet, but I still help newcomers, remembering how I started here completely without understanding anything. But I'm grateful @madlenfox, without her I would not be here. I wish you luck and patience, your help for many newcomers will be simply invaluable!

Your English is good enough, I can understand what you're writing. Don't worry about it too much, I'm not a native English speaker either so feel free to to text me.

Good luck.

@whatamidoing is awesome, bro. Like you I've also been having discussions with him on discord and its just amazing how alike our views are in certain areas, and I mean like, even certain things I feel and haven't been able to articulate, he sort of voices it for me and all.

And Be Awesome discord group rocks! That's where I came across @whatamidoing @macchiata @bobaphet @vincentnijman and a host of other cool steemians. I'll defintely advise anybody anybody to join in a heartbeat.

Yes, he's ths man, he's really great. Many amazing Steemians in the Be Awesome, I'll try to be more active there.

Hi @guyfawkes4-20. Thank you for sharing (it may sound generic) but, yes, I guess I have a little idea now from your idea. I always love to approach people for learnings. I will never let this opportunity escape. I'm excited, purely excited. Thank you so much. See you the soonest, once my home internet is back up.

Sounds good, take your time. ;)

Hi @guyfawkes4-20... I'm trying to connect you today on discord, but I am unable to find you.

and I'm not sure why.

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