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RE: How i get unpaid free internet traffic to my Social Media Pages (Instagram, Facebokk, Twitter) & then use links to my steem blog to funnel relevant Crypto interested users and traffic to Steem and myself!

in #steem6 years ago

If steem gets to $2000 then the whole world is coming to steemit i tell you. How did you manage to get unpaid traffic buddy?


Do u see all the impressions? I told you , I use Instagram and then use the hashtags like #cryptocurrency #blockchain #bitcoin #makemoneyonline #workathome and find all these ways to attract Bitcoin people with the images I post showing my Bitpay debit card or how I get free Bitcoin by making posts and comments on steem blockchain, and people on instagram LOVE it because they see how there ARE APPS out there that DO let you get PAID for just making social media posts, we actually give peope a reason to breathe easy and accept that yes social media IS good for something its NOYT a waste of time and they CAN make money even WITHOUT advertisements!

See all the stats? The hundreds and combined., thousands of impressions on my posts? On instagram/ all steem related posts! And that translated to traffic fr steem and my blog so two birfds in one stone, when you promote your own steemit Blog you promote urself AND steem atteh same time!

Anyway Instagram offered to give me th3ese 1000 impressions a day as an Ad if I paid like $15 a day but I did it for FREE I'm glad I don't pay for that! I should crank itup, get multiple Crypto related instagram accounts goinga nd REALLY start promoting Steem hardcoire formmulti0pel angles

the top way to do it is on Youtube however with Fivver made Steem Videosi wish I had a fivver like service I could send steem or sbd to and have a Video cr4eated FAST to promote steem,

I need videos as well to epoxlain how steem blockchain works unde rthe hood those animatiosnwill be EPIC and make us a LOT of money on Dtube and tyhen also briung us a Lot of users form Youtube like how @jerrybanfield does ! If just 1000 People did whjat Jerry Banfield does steem would be well over $50 right now!

Jerry doesn't just bring USERS, no no no he brings INVESTORS
Styeem investors are MUCH more important than Users right now.... We NEED the price to go a little higher so that more existing investors see steem as a GOOD investment and don't just power down to buy more EOS!

We need steem to perform like EOS and since steem is still cheap ocmpare dto EOS price to price, we can make people think steem will BE the next EOS by PRICE wise at least and with can have a HUGE riusgh of people buying steem at $3 and then we see steem go to $22!:D tand then back to $12 but then back to $18 :D I can see that :D hahaha

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