My first 24hrs of Steem experience

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

The Steem gospel reaches my ears

I would like to say that I was one of the first to realize Steem's full potential when I first heard of it, but that would be a lie. I ignored it as I constantly saw it pop up in my twitter feed and on some miscellaneous posts on Reddit. Days, if not weeks, went by until I saw the light. It was not until someone(@TrevonJB) followed me on Twitter which led me here.

Hour 1 – 7:00 pm Monday, 11th 2016

There was no coercion or persuasion but I decided to check the history of my most recent follower on Twitter(@TrevonJB). As I start to look through the history feed I see some videos about Steem. I decide to click on one of his “Steem vlog” videos – I forget which one exactly – and hear the whole Steem spiel and how easy it is to use and how much money can be made. My heart rate starts to speed up. “Could this really be true?” I ask myself.

Hour 2 – 8:00 pm Monday, 11th 2016

I have now watched more than an hour's worth of Steem videos and I can not calm my excitement. The concept of an incentivized social platform is more than my body can handle so I had to turn off my monitor and disconnect myself from the world. I need time to wrap my head around this and breathe. Ideas and thoughts just kept swirling around my head without ceasing for the next few hours. I wanted to post something to help calm my nerves so I submitted my first “introduceyourself” post, which was hastily done. I am now able to fall asleep so I do.

Hour 11 – 6:00 am Tuesday, 12th 2016

I could barely sleep. I swear I must've dreamt about Steem a few dozen times as I kept tossing and turning in bed just waiting for the day to begin so I can start blogging. I make myself some coffee and inspect how my posts were doing – “Nice, made a few cents.” I said. It wasn't as easy as I thought to make STEEM so I boosted my performance in my second "introduceyourself" video. That one did much better! Only an hour or so after posting I was already earning more than $10 in Steem. “Okay, I'm hooked” was my next thought.

The last 12 hours

By the end of the day I had made 2 vlog videos (#1 , #2) explaining first how I got into the cryptocurrency ecosytem and the second being about my first interaction with Steem. Me explaining Steem and my experience with it got the best feedback. There seems to be a hunger in the community for videos explaining Steem and it's full potential so I will try to provide more blogs that do so. By the end of the day I was doing what I love to do – spreading knowledge and truth – and had earned more than $100 in STEEM while doing so. CAN I GET AN AMEN??!! LOL

God bless the nerds!!!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.15
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 54045.75
ETH 2247.37
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.30