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RE: An Example of Serious Discipline - Everitt Mickey

in #steem7 years ago

spare my say the nicest things.
the answer is simple...I have no life.
Well I do...but I'm not a member of the herd. I don't play well with people.
BUT...I like to engage in conversation and discuss stuff.
Hard to do when I don't like to be around people isn't it?
The solution is social media.
Before I found Steemit I was doing the SAME thing on FaceBook.
FaceBook WAS my social life.
You think I've posted a lot on Steemit? It pales in comparison to Facebook..and I was on FaceBook for MUCH longer.
Sadly...engagement isn't real strong on Steemit. Most people don't want to talk.
On FaceBook some of my discussion threads had several THOUSAND replies...I'm lucky to get ten on Steemit. you can see...I don't give up.
I love to hear the snowflakes cry as they I keep baiting them.
BONUS...I get money for doing so.
DOUBLE BONUS...sometimes...rarely...I find some people who want to engage in intelligent conversation.

What else is a retired trucker gonna do?


Hehe, nice explanation.

And at the end when you said what your former job was, i didn't expect that. Why? For sure i don't subestimate people and never judge for their jobs or their passions.

But just because all the people that i know in this area of work, i will never see them writing... ;-)
They will do all other things than writing.

One of my childhood best friends was a truck driver also all his life. When we were in the high school time we made a pretty good team as friends and making people be around us. He also loved tech and cars.
I haven't heard about him for a long time now and i'm missing that times. Now that i spoked here "with" you i remembered of some good moments.

As i was saying in one of @valorforfreedom post, regarding facebook dependents of a fake life, few of them even know to think and write. How could they come here to be consistent to something like that when they don't have "fake" life engagement. Even if they would get money, it is weird for many of them and it may seem as a scam.

I say that because i tried with more than 30 people now from different areas of friends and acquaintances to just let them see some of my posts with my own photos, so they know what was about, and letting them see that i got paid for that and they looked at me with such a stupid face that i could not stop laughing. And then went away to other discussions, forgetting about that at all.

So, if they will see cats flying and some drunk people doing magic tricks with their mind, then having 1 mil likes for a post with a s**t rock and a caterpillar jumping maybe they will get interest ;-)

Some of my saying are just for fun, but some are the ugly truth. And from what i saw you write, you will understand what i'm saying here.

I try to stop telling around about how stupid they are with all this life and i think soon i will can do that in a way. We'll live and see.

Also, i'm glad that i've found steemit and also that i'm here.

Cheers and best wishes.

I don't care about other people anymore.

As @everittdmickey once told me "you just defined the Monkeysphere".

I got my chosen people & my supporters (people who help me to reach my goals, that includes upvoters)

Everyone else does not exist for me anymore, they are all empty vessels.

But I am not angry about that anymore.

Good for you.

Unfortunately i'm full of "anger" and sadness inside because i see only "tired" people around. I know there are a lot of good people not only with good intentions but with good things done already. Also i see many good things happening.

Lot of times well-intentioned people can do bad things because they don't know what they do and unfortunately they do more harm than good. But as we live we learn and that things can be corrected only if we want to and let our mind get out of this illusion.

The world has changed. Too many people now are between this two worlds. I think now is the time when things are at a new beginning and some natural filtering is on the way.

I hope that here, i will find more and more open people to talk and be part in that big community.

Eh... maybe i will find also in my real life some balanced people that will make me believe that i can go on with my beliefs and things that i want to do.

I'm not and never was a solitaire person and is hard to be that way.

But life put us always in strange moments and places. It is what it is and we must go on with what we have i think.

Eh... there is so much to talk... ;-)

Cheers man

Very insightful and transparent comment, just what I wanted to hear Mickey.

I have no social life either because I am as well not a part of the herd. They are not on my wavelength. My life has a purpose and I am not going the 9-5, marriage, dying way.

I was quite active on Twitter and on my blog as well. I know you have tons of fun triggering people and I do as well.

It is especially fun on discord when people talk big words and I ask them some questions about it and then they leave because I just uncovered their lies in front of everyone.

I hate people who talk shit, this is what I don't like, be authentic or shut up, I don't want to waste my time with pretenders.

The double bonus is the actual real bonus...

Good intelligent conversations are something I didn't have for a long time in real life.

Yup... good thoughts, words and thinking.

But unfortunately i'm in the middle of the worlds now. The old and the new one. And that regarding of how to act and go on. About thinking, in a way i have current life expectations, but i can't find a way to monetize my work and business to go on on a good path.

I hope i will find a way soon.

Here, i have some motivation and maybe it helps my mind inside with making decisions... dunno.

All i know until now is that i like to be here. But hope that i will have power to go on.

Cheers bro'

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