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RE: There is a better way to refer to this community than to call it "Steemit"

in #steem7 years ago

HeHe! I would not beg to differ! Steem Block chain is more acurate than the other terms.

From my own speciality I was digging on the psychological meaning as well. As "steem" is included in the term "self-esteem" and the effects of blogging are to gain more of it, because being seen and voted and reacted on for ones content can lead to gain more self-esteem. Of course that is not guaranteed and depends on how my mind is constructed.

I sometimes also called it "the matrix" - referring to the movie. But as this term is now occupied, I guess it doesn't fit. What do you think?

The very fact that the blockchain cannot be changed once the time window passend, is though kind of frightening. But what it does to me is to be more careful in my articles in which way I expose myself. I am chained to what I have said in the past.

So to use "block" and "chain" shows more of the function as only using "steemit" which actually doesn't reveal much. Maybe even some people do not know that their publishings are chained to the block.


I think the self-esteem connection is an interesting one and the people that created the eSteem app surely noticed that, but I don't think the creators had that in mind (though I really don't know). I think they just wanted Steam misspelled in a cool way and that was what they were thinking about.

The matrix is a fun idea, but I wouldn't say it's too descriptive about what this really is.

And there are certainly many people who have no clue about the permanence of the blockchain.

Thats a very interesting observation. Self esteem...seeking validation for the self, valuing oneself. Comes from both an outer manifestation as well as an inner value of one's unique gifts. All part and parcel of the steemit journey for sure and for me, they reflect both the importance of each individual in the block chain as well as the platform it represents. i doubt that this can be used as a community name but overall both you and @rocking-dave make significant points in the discussion.

Thanks, I thought it is very obvious but interesting how people perceive things differently, no?

Since @rocking-dave s article I stopped using only "steemit" but add also block chain to my naming. Sounds and feel more coherent.

Seeking validation it sure is :)

Perception...yes, you're right, is a fascinating subject which I plan to write a post about soon...


Love the Alan Watts quote you use in your description...what a guy!

Hope we can keep in touch, so to speak, on here as I am sure this issue of Block Chain Steeming and naming will no dount need resolution soon.

Best wishes
Lily ⭐️

Excellent! I like the visualization a lot!! That is what I am often looking for to illustrate the writing! Where did you get it from?

All the best for you, too:)

Happy to share...I used it to illustrate a (dare I mention it?) facebook post from the mind sciences group I belong to, the meme was created by a friend. I will be using it in my upcoming perception article on here. ⭐️

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