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RE: Delegated Operations and Transparency

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I feel like Ned blindly delegates SP to the apps around STEEM to show them support without questioning how they will use the delegated stake.

There should be some kind of code of conduct for the usage of the delegations. If the related apps, doesn't follow these rules again and again, their incoming delegations should be revoked.

This way, app developers and founders would be much more careful.

They could prioritize to prevent abuse but they don't. It's just a thought in my mind that they may consider small abuses some kind of "growth hacking" to gain more users and attention, more importantly, numbers due to "no rule, just use it" kind of delegations.


Oh I totally agree the things you pointed out , these people just create the app without thinking the budget or their roadmap and when they get the delegated sp their reign starts , however there are certain organizations working in quite legit ways in order to prevent abuse and only dynamic organizations which works actively can catch up the development speed inside and around the blockchain

Oh yes, the fact that DLive still has ned's full delegation is a joke.

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