
Yeah, we need integration, RSS feeds, more and more. Are there no RSS feeds for Steem, yet?

I found a few posts showing how to set it up yet we need a user friendly steem connect login front end to utilize that enables all Steemians to be able to utilize this service.
Post 1
Post 2 & possibly the best way by @simplymike
Post 3

It's a shame that there's no integrated RSS feed url anymore since Streemian closed. The solution I discribe in my post works, but is far from perfect.

it is perfect just alot for people, I am talking to developers about a front end that can do both share steemit posts all over other platforms and vice versa, say we talk a large youtuber into auto posting his youtube videos on steemit when they upload... just need some partners on this one, know anyone interested mike?

I don't think you can do both. I mean, sharing SteemIt post on other platforms can be done from Steemit, if they can provide us with an Rss feed Url. Which is perfectly possible, since Streemian already provided us with one in the past.

Automated sharing on Steemit is a bit more difficult to achieve I think. I don't even know if it would be such a good idea.
I don't exactly know what would be necessary for that.

Masdacs has a feature for cross-posting, so I assume it is possible.
Maybe it would be a step forward if SteemIt could be added to IFTTT? I don't know ... I don't think SteemIt would allow it.
My best advice would be to talk to the guys of DLike, since their dApp features are not so far away from what you are looking for

The idea is to monetise other platforms with Steeemit. By giving the automation of your post shared to steemit is being done already by @steemigram team. They have figured some work around and have the system working and the next news announcement will hopefully have good news about other platforms. I see the potential for example if fb was next and we gave them a way to make money on their posts this could go viral if we had whale support upvoting the users as they p0st, even with some value to give them hope and keep them coming.

I tried @steemigram earlier today. I did some research first, because the site doesn't really look professional and I wasn't sure I should trust them with my keys.

But it is awesome that it is possible, although I regret the fact that with every such new app, SteemIt becomes less of a blogging platform.
I get that all these developments are very good for the power of the Steem blockchain, but I hate having to search for good blog posts.
Maybe in time someone will develop a separate blogging dApp :0)

I hear you there, at least hope we can keep the hot and trending with high quality content and no shit posters boosting crap-o-lini . And dApp's to do everything would be cool, one to just show the content you want no matter who you follow etc... help find new authors etc...

Thanks for giving it a try. The website is in early beta stage. It will go https and look better soon.

Here is my feed. Thanks for the help. I've followed RSS feeds a few times since like 2007. It used to be easier. I used for my feed. The next thing to do is to make an email subscription list. How do I do that?

I think @simplymike may know, myself want a front end on steemit to do it for us.

Yeah, we got to make that happen, a Steem RSS Feed app thing.

Working on it friend, it will not be easy or cheap though... Know of anyone interested in helping I have a witness developing it now and sure could use a "founding sponsor" to help me out here. There will be a detailed post soon but a little idea on your steemit auto share, we will try to keep the post value dynamically updated on your social media platforms to show others how much your article is upvoted.

I don't know anybody who can help, but maybe someday. I would be a sponsor if I could, and maybe someday I'm hoping.

Your an awesome Steemian Mr. Oatmeal and that's enough for me!

@dynamiccrypto @joeyarnoldvn check out

You can use it with a Chrome extension RSS reader.

Let me know if you have feedback. Willing to add features you see as must have.

Thanks. This RSS feed worked in Firefox for my posts at and also my subscription feed at but you can see that it appears messy in Firefox. It may be better in Chrome as you suggested.

Screenshot at 2018-10-19 14:57:25.png

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll test in Firefox and clean it up.

I'll have to look up if I ever made a post about this. If not, I'll let you know which steps to take as soon as I can

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