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RE: Thoughts On 0.17 Proposals

in #steem7 years ago

I haven't chimed in until now on these changes yet either. I do have some opinions.

I do not necessarily think the single 7 day payout will be a good thing. I think it may just result in whatever is trending soaking up 7 days worth of rewards instead of 24 hours. That may not be how it works, but it is a concern.

I was fine with the 24 hour and 30 day, but the 30 day doesn't seem to benefit much simply due to how curation rewards work. There doesn't seem much benefit for curation rewards beyond 24 hours at the moment.

I personally would like to see the 24 hours remain, and maybe change the current 30 day to 7 day. I also wouldn't mind seeing a TIP button that makes it really easy for someone to click TIP and choose to send steem or steem dollars to someone as we read their post regardless of how old the post is. We could do this currently by going to our wallet, clicking on transfer, typing in a bunch of information, and then making it happen. Yet if there were a way anyone could easily do this on IMPULSE as they were reading I bet there are people that would use it. It would extend the potential earnings of ANY post as far back in history as wanted too.

Those are my thoughts at the moment.


I also wouldn't mind seeing a TIP button that makes it really easy for someone to click TIP and choose to send steem or steem dollars to someone as we read their post regardless of how old the post is.

I've brought this up before. I think that would be a fine addition to posts. It makes sense for long-term earnings. If you like something from six months ago, send them a few STEEM. It's probably more than your vote would have given them at the time anyway.

It inspired me enough I just wrote a post on it.

Actually tipping would be a great way of still earning rewards for old posts so something that reduces the friction would be good.

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