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RE: Late Night Ramble: People Come, People Go... a Shout-Out to some "Lost" Steemians

in #steem5 years ago

I was a follower of @cecicastor, and I know she was also dealing with actual dangers to life and limb, because of where she and her family was living.

As far as I know, @clio is still around, but only reading/curating.

The bear market definitely did take some enthusiasm out of a few people's sails.


yeah exactly I am aware of cecis hardships from here stories, that is why I am even more interested on how she and the family and the country is doing... no jokes on what is going on there!

yeah every now and then I see some signals of clio popping by, but I really liked her stories as well, paths will surely cross again!

yeah the bear market wiped out a lot of the youngsters that were not motivated to go on I guess..A pity because the system is evolving so much!

I think a lot of them had "lambo dreams" and when they didn't make millions in a few weeks, they abandoned ship.

Too bad, because we're just on the leading edge of getting established now.

its work in the making...and a marathon, not a sprint...I have no worries at all :D

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