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RE: Late Night Ramble: People Come, People Go... a Shout-Out to some "Lost" Steemians

in #steem5 years ago

Funny how that happens. There was a guy who even ran two daily photo challenges, created a supporting web site and had an entire community going... and then he just stopped.

I guess a lot of folks thought crypto prices would just keep going up, and up, and up forver, without any bumps in the road.


It is a new economic model that never existed before and many folks came here primarily for the reward without passion for the ecosystem in the first place!

Very true. Just like a lot of the early nerds who built the early web mostly just wanted to play games online and look at Manga porn... the money was cool but they didn't really care about the globe-spanning applications of their creation.

The evolution of the internet has make a tremendous step forward since then.

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