[Free write] CriptelligentsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem5 years ago

Today was a busy day whole day since morning before sun come up, I'm already out driving all day until now, finally got a chance to sit down 5pm in the evening. Good 12 hours run.

I have been thinking, why would I spend so much time in Steem blockchain creating content and curating others work, instead of finding a second labor job to get some money? Seriously, like every 15 minutes I had to check back and reply messages. Be it in Steem or the support group in WeChat. And than there was one incident, my boss called me for a meeting, I tripped and fall down because I was busy replying message regarding how to grab attention in writing. And then, moment of clarity. Sometimes, it's not about how much content we put in, it's about what people want to see and their motive of upvoting. I'd say after finishing this piece, there's very little comment for me. Let's wait a day and see where this goes.

Here, I'm back to square one, feeling lost. What do my reader want to read? I've been hodling Steem for a year and a half now, set aside the 15 steems I sold for a good meal last year around this time, and some 20SBD to invest into other token(seriously you know where they went) and come back with less than 10steem after a year.

Crypto is an asset. What makes us useful to earn these crypto, is an intangible asset, which is our mind, our personality, our community support. All these can't be seen, just like crypto. There's no coin flying around, only VALUE going around. The flow of information represented by mvest, and it later convert into Steem, and it is up to us to decide what is the value in dollar. If we do not put a dollar sign on it, a crypto is forever an asset without a dollar value.

Have you thought of why is the word cryptocurrency existed? That's because, without putting a currency behind the crypto, it will never have a dollar value. Now that I finally realize, what I'm storing in the blockchain via blogging is simply planting my intelligent into the Steem blockchain. Regardless of content and word count, what is genuinely authored by me, that's my intelligent. Regardless of how much upvote I'm getting from a post, the content is there. A transaction in the blockchain is a tool to engrave my mind into the chain.

When we take away the currency value from the entire blog to earn ordeal, this is simply a cryptelligent platform. I, am still doing what I can to engrave more and more of myself into the chain. If one day these crypto asset become very good value in currency, will I sell it? May be, but I think I'm hodling my cryptelligent for a long time to come. Prove me wrong.

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你那里天气如何?还在发愁自己的好文没人发现,收益惨淡吗?记得加上cn-curation标签,让飞鸽传书 帮你走出困境吧!假如我的留言打扰到你,请回复“取消”。


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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Thanks buddy

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