Is Steem listed on any US exchanges besides Bittrex? Any future for Steem?

in #steemlast year (edited)

It seems like Bittrex is winding down US operations.


For a long time Steem has been theoretically listed on Bittrex, but deposits and withdrawals were disabled. I believe that you can deposit and withdraw right now, though. But since it doesn't seem like any other US exchanges are in any kind of hurry to list Steem, and I live in the US, I'm considering whether I should power down and sell now, while it's at least somewhat possible. Are there other exchanges that support Steem that are accessible to US residents?

I've been ambivalent about Steem for a while. I still cling to the optimism of the original vision, but I think the ecosystem is stuck in a bad equilibrium where the reward pool is primarily used for de facto passive income rather than the "proof of brain" that's supposed to be the actual value proposition of the chain. When Steemit Inc announced the DIP initiative I thought that might re-energize things, but then long periods of radio silence have me feeling more cynical about that now. And seeing the proposals that were greenlighted came mostly from already-established powerful groups gave off big "meet the new boss, same as the old boss" energy. A few months ago there was some energy around using the DAO funds to buy and burn Steem, but that seemed to dissolve into FUD. Are there good reasons to think anything is going to change here?


I haven't used it, but @jondoe said that MEXC lists STEEM and is accessible to US users. (There is a referral link in his profile.) With the USG's current war on crypto, I'm not sure what to think of the future of any blockchain technology for US residents. I still believe in the technology, but I'm very concerned about regulatory factors.

When I go to MEXC at the top of the page I get a red warning message:

Your IP and nationality indicate that you are located in a country/region where MEXC services are restricted. According to MEXC's terms of service, MEXC does not provide services to users in the country/region where you are located. If you have any questions, kindly contact MEXC Customer Service.

I didn't really see anything obvious that explained which countries/regions they do support.

Hmm... Might be my fault. I just did a quick web search. Maybe they have a separate link for US customers?

Update: Nope. I followed the referral link from @jondoe's profile and then went to the top level domain, and I get the same message. Not sure what's going on there. Sorry.

Update 2: The only other options I know for US users are @ionomy and

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