What Crypto to Buy, mine analysis on what to look at!

in #steem7 years ago

I wanted to write a post on why you should not just buy bitcoin, but take advantage of buying alt coins that rises with bitcoin. How can this be so. Super super super simple. So poloneix one of the biggest exchanges trades numerous alt coins and actual bitcoin. Here is the trick. ALL COINS ARE TRADED IN BITCOIN.

Lets take a look at a screen shot of the prices on Poloneix.

Screen Shot 2017-06-05 at 6.57.15 PM.png

notice how you see lots of coins being traded under the BTC tab. So lets look at what trades in USD:

Screen Shot 2017-06-05 at 6.58.30 PM.png

notice how there are a lot less coins being trades. This is due to a barrier getting usd on exchange, its much easier to get BTC and in the early days BTC was the only way to trade into other alt coins.

So when BTC rises the alt coin goes up for example, say your alt coin cost 1 btc, and the price of btc when up from 1k to 2k. You just made double and if your alt coin goes up from 1btc to say 1.5 btc then you made more money:

Lets Break it down:

  1. U invest 1k to buy 1 btc.
  2. that 1 btc buys an alt coin, say it cost 1 btc, call it funny alt.
  3. if btc goes up from 1k to 2k then without funny coin moving up u just made 100 percent profit. thats if you sell fund coin and move back into dollars usd.
  4. if funny coin moves up from 1btc to 2btc. then you get 2tc, so now you made 4k, due to the 2k btc price.



Right now there are many decent coins, let me give you a list of the coins I think are promising, here we go:

  1. lol Steem,
  2. Litecoin,

So I am not being bias, but Steem is one of the very newest and highest ranking cryptocurrency in terms of total capital. Steem last time it rose about a year ago went from 20 or so cents to 4.5 dollars usd. What do we know about rises and falls, all coins follow a pattern, look at bitcoin it goes up each rally about 5 to 10 fold increase. So quickly Bitcoin will hit 5k before it bubbles. Ok, so if Steem follows the previous pattern it will go from about 70 cents to about 7 dollars, maybe more.


Also Steem has the most transactions of any block chain and is the most useful. Let me say that again, has more transactions then bitcoin and is the most useful. Also the amazing thing is once you post something it can never ever be taken down. The last thing is, its only 1 year oldish so its super duper new. These are fantastic reasons.

Why is Litecoin going to go up. Well back when Segwit was turned on Litecoin took a beating, this I believe is due to people buying litecoins or moving over to lite coins and then using the 2 to 3 minutes transfer times to move back into other cryptos.. This has crated a slight boom and massive fall, massive fall in Bitcoin price since it was perceived as profit taking. So if you look at the bitcoin price, lite coin is half its price. However the price in usd is 30 dollars, which has been held up by a rising bitcoin. Think of bitcoin as the tide and the alt coins as the waves.


Also litecoin is a good alternative to bitcoin, which will be going up in tandem with bitcoin, so again you double your profits to maybe more and your still holding bitcoin coin, given all alt coins are traded in bitcoin. Litecoins are a little easier to mine and they are a little easier to integrate and have only been on Conbase for a few months. When we go through the next bitcoin fall and people slowly accumulate litecoin we will a bursting of the buyers outweighing sellers. I think its going to be a run of 30 to 150 dollars usd.

So get into LITECOIN and get into STEEM, I hold both and am excited for the further.



I didn't get litecoin when it was at $27. Shame as it seems it's rock solid at ~$42/share and has been stuck in that area for a while. I could be very wrong as this whole game is new to me and extremely volatile, but i don't see LTC going back down too much. I mean, the fork will(and already IS) affecting lots of prices but i think ltc will bounce back.
Do you think the next 4 weeks will bring prices of btc,ether, and ltc down pretty far?
I'm banking on it and holding off on buying even more btc/eth/ltc for the time being.

Good post and thank you!

go for ethereum classic its one of the top coins that has not run... from a cycle perspective its more risky, thats why I did not write about it.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 57515.20
ETH 2438.35
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.34