I Posted On Medium.com For The First Time Today...Here's Why

in #steem6 years ago


Today I posted my first article on Medium...you will understand why if you read the whole article.

For some reason, something changed in me this week. It was a complete transformation of how I see my relationship with the Steem blockchain. And it's all @Steempress-io's fault.

DAppCentral.io Is Born And With It...A New Vision

If you haven't visited dappcentral.io powered by SteemPress, stop by and check it out. For now, it's simply a personal blog where I spend time reviewing DApps(Decentralized Applications) but the vision is to build this into a thriving community of DApps enthusiast.

So What Changed?

I've been blogging on steemit.com for 2 years now...for a grand total of 3675 posts(including comments). Last week, I bought hosting and launched Wordpress, installed Genesis Framework and a few of my favorite plugins.

I realized that with my blog, I now own a piece of property on the internet. I have total control over the design, the infrastructure and the SEO...I can actually build a brand.

The time I spend on each article as quadrupled. Somehow because I now blog on my own domain, I am much more careful about the quality of my output.

Growing An Audience

I really enjoy being an established author on the Steem blockchain. I have 17000 followers and I get a good amount of views and comments everytime I write. I love reading your comments and interacting with you guys. For this reason, I'm really looking forward to the future features of SteemPress for complete 2-way integration.

But to build the community that I want to build, I have to reach beyond the Steem Community and go where the people most likely to like my content are. In the DApp world, I have to go to Medium and Reddit.

So moving forward, I'll have a weekly wrap-up covering the top 3 articles I'm most proud of and see if I can get some traction from Medium.

Conclusion - Something is Brewing...

Now that I'm in the Wordpress world, I realize the potential there for the Steem blockchain is HUGE...I definitely want to launch a business that will offer a killer plugin that will fill a need in the market. I'll stay silent for now but I'm beyond excited about it. As soon as an alpha is ready, I will let you know.


As far as your point that social media can't work when it's built on eth, I'd say that's true, scaling issues are secondary to most team's attempts at tapping into the second most well-known coin's marketshare and following in an effort to lend credibility to their own projects. And it really doesn't matter if your platform can't scale well if you were planning on cashing out when the price goes up just from hype or traders.

Good for you. This is a smart move in my opinion. Yes there is a bigger world outside of STEEM and it makes sense, if you want to build a brand, to branch out.

I followed @steempress for a while, even wrote a couple articles about it. It is a great app since it has the potential to reach 75+ M different websites. That is a market STEEM needs to go after. I havent written about it of late (@actifit is my latest app that I am following/promoting closely).

The more Steemians out there creating quality content in the other social media realms and feeding it back to STEEM can only help. It is a much better approach than the get rich quick promos that some like to post on FB and YT.

I will be following your progress.

There's really a bigger world outside steemit. I started off with regulars blogs but stuck to steemit because I found it easier.

Migrating to WordPress in the future happens to be on my agenda.

I have been here for 1 year and i feel like its building an empire on steemit of which you can even sell later on. With Medium, i never heard of it, gotta check it out.

Technology evolves round innovations...I am so glad you are taking your passion to the next level .I believe soon i will be in your shoes .I wish you Goodluck in your project!

medium.com is an amazing site. It has great influence on Steemit.

i too love how wordpress is layed out. very user friendly way to blog. havent owned a domain in years though was fun.

Nowadays I can see from your posts that you are exploring new things daily. I am not a good blogger nor I know much about this crypto world. I am just following the trusted people like you while exploring new things. Thanks for guiding.
Good luck for your new projects.

Very well!
good luck

Having issues with referrals. Not getting my percentage. Please fix or give more info for referral TOS

Great post @cryptooctopus. I run the adventure lifestyle website adaptnetwork.com (also running on WordPress and the Genesis Framework), so I can relate to the importance of reaching people across multiple platforms.

I see a lot of similarities between the Bitcoin/Crypto dev world and the WordPress dev world, particularly because of the Open-Source nature of both projects.

I love developing on the Genesis Framework - it's so elegantly put together. I also hold a developer account with StudioPress, so if you ever want to try one of their child themes (my.studiopress.com/themes) or need help developing on the framwork, let me know. 👍

Good luck man! There is definately room for steem or a steem type platform to expand with sites like Medium offering very little in terms of rewards for all the traffic authors are brinigng them via organic traffic and then with wordpress there are plenty of bloggers like myself who try to monetize our traffic the best we can and im lucky i understand ad tech but for the normall blogger who is just going to run an adsense plugin its not going to be as rewarding as it should be just for their content efforts

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