
They are androids and never need to sleep

I wish it were so. Unfortunately, it sounds like I'm giving up prime time commenting time by sleeping my 6.5 to 7.5 hours a night.

my deal is, I say a lot in one comment. janton says a lot over the course of 20 comments. Actually, he makes you say a lot over the course of 20 comments, too. :)

@glenalbrethsen, I think you just identified the core of @janton's profilic comments: He turns every initial comment into a long "conversation."

I'm a cat. I sleep 16 hours a day... hence I have no chance of ever catching up to you guys!


Hey @curatorcat!

There are others in the league who have been doing similarly. It's just when you essentially double or more the next highest amount of comments, not to mention replies, you're going to generate a bunch of CL. He knows how to keep a conversation going, and he does it on multiple fronts.

I'd say don't sleep so much, but it's in your nature, and I won't ask you to go against nature. It just means the paws and fur have to fly faster when you're awake. :)

lol glen. you're funnier than you look!

hey should appreciate the fact that I'm curious. what
do they say.."curiosity killed the cat?" lol.

I know that feeling, @glenalbrethsen (yay! First time I spelled your name right without peeking, lol)

When I was at the top of my game a couple of months ago, I also felt like sleeping got in the way of commenting, especially because 90% of the other Steemians is awake when I'm asleep and the other way around :0)

I think most of the people I end up commenting with are mostly spread over three different continents—North American, European and Australian. That's a lot of hours to keep track of people. It's 8 hours for England and gets worse from there.

There are some folks in Indonesia or thereabouts, too, and some other parts in between. I can't keep track of it all.

If it weren't for the fact that we like to comment as if we were texting or messaging, to keep things going, rather than picking up the conversation in fits and starts, this 8-10 hour time zone differences would be great. :)

If you managed to spell my name right without any aid whatsoever, that is a major accomplishment. You deserve to celebrate. :)

Keeping conversations going would be a lot easier if we would all live in the same timezone. But we've got to work with what we've got.

When posting, there are upsides and downsides to living in a different time zone. I'm still not sure whether there are more up- or downsides, but I can't do anything about it.

And you can be sure I'm celebrating, lol. It only took me about 4 months, hahaha

but Glen you have so many important things to say that I just gotta get it out of you!

It's probably more like you have important information you want out of me, that I may or may not know. :) And I acknowledge I'm not your only source, which is actually good. It's better to get more than one side or pick more than one person's brain.

plus I just like to hear your thoughts!

And I give them to you. It's nice to have someone want to know what I think, so I just give them up. :) I more often get told what to think rather than asked what I'm thinking. Or, I get told what I'm thinking is wrong. Or, I get told what I'm thinking without me getting a chance to say what i'm thinking. That's usually how it works. :)

hahaha! you're pretty dang funny sometimes Glen!

well I can't speak for Glen but I occasionally take a nap!

I. resemble. that. remark. :)

Actually, I fully and completely agree with the 'not normal' assessment as far as I'm concerned. However, I could only wish for the 24/7, never tired, never needing to refuel characteristics of a bot.

lol! who wants to be normal @cryptoandcoffee ?

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