Cryptocurrency - Altcoins "TOP 20" to invest in 2017

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

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"BITCOIN" has taken the world by storm, and there are already many Cryptocurrencies hot on it's heels striving to be the top dog of the Crypto World, including Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash and Monero.
But for your average person or your weekend warrior trader these coins are slowing slipping out of reach. I am not saying that these coins are not a good investment, or that you shouldn't go out and buy some. But ask yourself this 1 simple question: what are the chances that these coins that are already expensive and maybe even over inflated, will double in price over the coming months or years? Then ask yourself what are the chances that a Cryptocurrency with a great idea, huge support, a commited group of developers and an active community that is currently sitting at under $1 US Dollar, will double, triple or quadrupled in the next months or coming years?
Then the answer might be clearer than you think.
(As of Fri 7th July 2017, with website links)

Number 20: Synero (AMP)
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Number 19: Storjcoin (SJCX)
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Number 18: Syscoin (SYS)

Number 17: Bytecoin
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Number 16: Stella Lumens
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Number 15: Ardor (ARDR)
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Number 14: Dogecoin (DOGE)
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Number 13: Blackcoin
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Number 12: Wings (WINGS)!/home/discover
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Number 11: DigiByte (DGB)
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Number 10: NXT (NXT)
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Number 9: Bitbay (BAY)
http://bitbay.marketdownload (1).jpg

Number 8: Voxels (VOX)
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Number 7: Reddcoin (RDD)
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Number 6: NEM (XEM)
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Number 5: Maidsafe (MAID)
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Number 4: Ripple (XRP)
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Number 3: Siacoin (SC)
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Number 2: Golem (GNT)
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Number 1: 🥁... Verge (XVG)
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P.S. don't forget to board the "STEEM EXPRESS" to gain more followers and exposure! woo woo!
Check out my posts for instructions on how to board the Express 😉

Also check my posts for my opinion on which cryptocurrencies to invest in 💸

(Never spend more than you can afford to lose as nothing in life is guaranteed)
Peace out crypto-expo 😎

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Thanks @ cryto-expo. i am surprise Antshare/NEO is not in that list

This list is only Cryptos that are under $1 US dollar at the time of writing the post... Antshares is a great crypto also 😎

NXT and Ardor are extremely promising! I would have had NXT higher up on the list but thanks @crypto-expo !

nice one expo ;) thank you! :)

thanks upvoted and followed ..
pls you do too

Thanks mybrp 😎

Interesting list! Here's my Top 10 list.... You have a lot that I haven't looked closely at yet. I'll have to check them out. Thanks!

I will check out your list too cryptoshere , thank you 👍😎

Great news sir.. Thank you for sharing.. Keep it up..

nice list, followed

tnks i have invested in half butt will do my reasertch on every one one your list.

Nice article. I was about to post a similair post. It always surprises me how people still sell when a crypto goes down. I mean just invest in solid coins and skip the shady ones. Crypto is here to stay. I was researching a way to do better investment analysis on the current cryptos. Do you know this interesting site? I'm really enthusiastic about this site, they let you analyze every single coin out there.

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