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RE: More Great Things to Come

in #steem4 years ago

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.


Until STEEM proves to be unprofitable, I will be posting to both chains, because it is in my personal best interest to maximize my payout by doing so.

However, (as you can see by checking my STEEM vs HIVE accounts), I've sold 80% of my STEEM and traded it for ETH and HIVE. My HIVE is being powered up, while STEEM powered down. I don't intend on selling any more of my STEEM, I just want to keep 20% of my stake on the off chance Tron pumps it to the moon.

I will be posting to both, and 80% of my STEEM payouts will be converted to HIVE and ETH, while 20% of my HIVE payouts will be converted to ETH and the rest powered up. I'll be powering up HIVE because I have genuinely faith that 3 months from now, I'll be happy to keep the HIVE. I'm keeping the STEEM liquid because I want to be able to pivot on a dime. I see it was extremely unstable.

Most of my genuine curation will be on HIVE as well. My upvotes are worth $0.03 to $0.08, and I am putting effort into curating good content on HIVE. On Steemit, I won't be putting effort into curating, but I will be upvoting comments I agree with with my $0.01 when I see them.

Overall, I know HIVE will thrive, the question is whether STEEM dies, or whether it becomes a Tron social media platform. In both cases, having HIVE is a good call. In the second case, having STEEM is worth keeping, even if I myself have no interest in Tron and have personally avoided using it.

Just my $0.02 ;)


Steem is not a blockchain anymore. A blockchain is a decentralized ledger, steem is not. It's a centralized communistic freak show now, run by one guy who decides which post are on trending. He is censoring, he is lying, he is making promises which he then does not keep, he is making it look like his pinned posts got there with organic voting (which they did not), he is downvoting community member for 300$ per downvote...
His direction for the future of steem is vague at best and might change within a day because he is that unstable.

I'll be reading here for some time and watch the sinking ship before I switch to hive completely.
HIVE is in the perfect situation. Anything that is bad for STEEM is good for HIVE. And if he unexpectedly codes something good, we can just copy it because it is open source. So most good things for STEEM are also good for HIVE.
And the publicity and Hype we have now for standing our ground against the villain, will carry this project. What has been developed within a week on HIVE is more than what happened in the last year on steem (maybe not more code, but certainly more projects and new websites)...

My question is - if so - what the hell are you still here?

Because I am really enjoying it :-)
Squeezing out as much STEEM as possible to sell it for HIVE and watching the dictator fail with the subsequent epic shitstorm on twitter... driven by the guys like you that believed his BS... will be epic.

Steemit is grand. Well, you’re just a hater and drown, choked with hatred and powerlessness =)

:D says the guy with ZERO Steem and ZERO reputation, why do you even care?
Please don't answer that.

I do what I want and when I want.
When you can buy a reputation, it means nothing, like you=)
I absolutely don't care about the reputation. You see - I am free =)

Big Thx for your reply. I think i will stick around on both chains for time being.

I also figured that you may find this post interesting and worth your time:

It's post published by good friend of mine and I'm helping him to promote their curation trail.

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