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RE: Late Night Ramble: People Come, People Go... a Shout-Out to some "Lost" Steemians

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Well since that last hardfork and yes the bear market has plenty to do with discouragement. That plus the lack of true friendly interaction and as usual troll (s) have the ability to just come by for no reason at all and flag is quite discouraging as well. I have many friends that came here and have left some of whom I still see but in places like Instagram, these friends enjoy the positive interaction, even if they earn nothing at all. Another issue is many people are not into heavy writing and many people in Steemitverse expect not a blog, but a book for a post.

As for me, some or all the above are issues, but also my lack of good health and eyesight problems, which I have stated since the beginning of my Steemit blogs and I have also found snobby kids that think they are gods and have demonstrated a less than admirable attitude (they are pretty popular here on Steemit and many people believe they are pretty ‘helpful’ when the help hypocritically is here just for making not just a few dollars, but many more than the average joes. Hence, their true personalities are revealed in the chat rooms). I think Steemit maybe more for the future novelist, merely my observation during the almost two years I have been here so far. Hope this changes in the near future, but there are so many options where to go other than Steemit.


The trolls here (and they pretty much always seem to be different incarnations of the same people — most likely frustrated Reddit sub-redditors who got banned/shadow banned) bother me mostly because trolling is one of the most myopic and self-involved things you can do online. It's the bully in the school sandbox who smashes everyone's toys and then sits in the middle of it all howling "me, me, me, me, MEEEEEE!" without the slightest cognizance of why they are even doing what they are doing... let alone the annoyance they are bestowing on everyone around them.

I'm still here because I enjoy writing and interacting... and my original objective of "social blogging" is still alive — even if in a small way — here.

Wonderfully said.

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