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RE: Operation Clean Trending

in #steem6 years ago

I'm just going to go through each of your points and deconstruct this argument because it's barely manageable.

  • 1) We have never used bid bots to send a post to the trending page before this post, but we did here because it is the most important post we have ever made.

The trending section is for to find the best content on the blockchain. The absolute best content at the time and by buying the bids, you effectively kill more and more reason for people to look at trending because it's not the best content. Whilst it's good content, good content doesn't win rewards, doesn't garner real views and essentially rips the opportunity for real content to make it. You might be using it for exposure but this isn't a very good reason because it's not trending worthy and if it was, you'd have put the bids strong enough to get to hot and let the community determine it from there. You didn't. Who am I to call it not great content, well to be honest you've stated it's important but for who and what, let the community decide. You again didn't allow for that.

  • 2) Our important post announces the sale of our property which is a huge step towards the next phase of our humanitarian project, and we are offering the property for cryptocurrency. This is significant, and ideally the transaction will be completed in Steem! Obviously, the first real estate for Steem exchange could add great value to the network.

If it's that great value to the network, let the community decide. Do your outreach, contact people, let people decide it. You rob the community the chance to decide upon it. Next time I have to sell a car I'll just say people can buy it with Steem and start selling everything with it and then switch to Fiat right? No you want people to know about what you're doing but that's all it is. Wrong means to do so as you are killing value for people to depend on Trending as a good means of finding the best content.

  • 3) As disclosed in every one of our posts, and more importantly as demonstrated by our actions over the last 2 years here, we are highly dedicated to the success of Steem and creating value in the network. We are extremely devoted to building a better world for ALL - and have been for close to a decade - and have appreciated and embraced Steem's revolutionary potential for furthering that cause since the day we heard about it.

Great, that is absolutely fantastic that you are looking to help and benefit the network. I think it's fair to say that we all want this as it helps the blockchain and progresses Steam in the future. I can only hope you continue to do this as I have to gain from your actions. Don't really need to repeat my issue of using the Trending as a mechanic to incorrectly advertise via buying votes.

  • 4) After reaching out to you in because we feel your downvote per these justifications does not apply to our post, you did not consider these facts we respectfully brought to your attention. In fact, you told us you had not even read the post! You responded absolutely and held fast to your conclusion that the use of bid bots is abuse per se. While it might be true that many posts on trending are of poor quality and are out for profit only, to lump ALL posts together under that judgment is illogical, unreasonable, and tyrannical.

His reasons don't apply to your post but you still benefit from the ROI or actually ROV. However my issue with your actions is that you are being immoral and not fair to other content creators who might have spent the same amount of time as you but not have the funds to buy the votes.

To conclude, I have absolutely no idea who you guys are or what you guys stand for and you won't know that of me also so that's out of the way. I however do not need to know who you are because what you are trying to defend is wrong. Your intentions might be great but because the trending operates in such a way, you are robbing everyone else the chance of deciding what the actual blockchain wants. If you feel that a whale might not see you, pay enough to get to hot and go from there but that is still unfair. How about network with people, contact whales and get to know them and find out what they feel. I mean if the cause is that great, people will upvote such content. I never seen @heimindanger having to ask people to upvote his content or buy votes for his Steem Dapp "DTube" never was needed because it was that good. People WANTED it and supported it. It was that fantastic that people just wanted to do anything. Your actions prove otherwise and it's absolutely why you had to use Trending to get leverage when something else should have been there.

If this bot is to work, ALL CONTENT must honour what is real curation and therefore we can all decide what is the best content. Does that mean Steem has to change how voting works again. I think it will but don't you dare try to say what you done is morally good for Steem because it adds to the problem. It forces more and more people to pay for exposure rather than finding the best content which is why PEOPLE USE STEEM. To find the BEST of the internet within the Steem blockchain and you robbed the community a part of that chance.

If you want to speak to me, I'll be on the DTube Discord as Coldbolt but this isn't right. I absolutely understand your good intention but ignoring how trending works, taints it badly.

Goodluck to the future.


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